Sunday, February 20, 2011

Poptropica Unlockables

E 'stronger' s hatred ol 'love?

Spesso mi ritrovo a leggere e a fare ricerche sul Web riguardanti l' amore, l' odio... i misteri della vita e della scienza, la filosofia. Sembra strano ma per me è molto rilassante ed essendo io una persona molto curiosa per l' ignoto o per ciò che non è ancora del tutto comprensibile to 'man I just read the meanings and opinions wandering around the Web today, interested in "Love-Hate Relationship" I decided to write what I think and what I feel here on my blog;)

' L ' Hate is a human emotion that is expressed in a strong aversion or a deep dislike. The latter differs from the will to destroy the hated object, and the perception of substantial justice "of this destruction: who hates this is right, beyond laws and moral imperatives, to destroy what he hates. "

"Love is a deep and intense feeling of affection, sympathy and adhesion toward a person, animal, object, or to a concept, an ideal. Or it may simply be a pulse of our senses that pushes us toward a particular person. "

" I hate: typically human feeling as opposed to love. "
commonly opposed to 'love error, in reality, both 'hate' s love for me are opposed by 'utter indifference, because finally the' love el 'hate are the same, but with a different purpose or end.
Love and hatred are as two magnets, you can not separate them. If you break the magnet in two, you have two smaller magnets, each of which will still have a positive and a negative. Having the ability to feel a feeling, it also means having the ability to try the other. But what prevails on 'else? Generalizing say all the 'Love, because it is thanks to the' Love that planets are born, which developed the life and so on. So the 'love is stronger. But if we think back to the past, always been the 'man hates and that is why the' Hate is tied to the past and 'Love at this, so it is perhaps for this reason that' love prevail? But it seems to have always prevailed the 'hate on' love, or it may be an 'eternal struggle of men against other men or with men against themselves? An 'eternal conflict that nothing will appease finally, probable. Report amore-odio.

Relazione amore-odio
"Una relazione amore-odio è una relazione personale che coinvolge simultaneamente o alternativamente emozioni di amore e ostilità. A volte il soggetto riesce ad amare l'altra persona od oggetto ma si odia per questo. Le due persone rifiuteranno di accettare la simpatia dell'altro/a o il piacere dell'altrui presenza oppure proveranno reciprocamente una sorta di precedente amarezza o astio. I componenti della coppia solitamente mantengono un lieve risentimento uno nei confronti dell'altra, creando una sorta di volontà di vendetta reciproca divisa tra depressione e felicità. L'odio è inoltre alimentato dai reciproci atti di presa in giro mentre la frustrazione raggiunge il suo massimo per the restriction or release of sexual tension or intimacy. The report can still be maintained entirely by the insecurity, the subject of the report can be sustained, for some reason, it "can not live without" and the other, knowing no other existence but the common life, choose the certainty of being together the risk of being. The two persons of the report are totally incompatible, but believe they are the best people they know. It can be shown that due to the fact that people love each other despite the problems in common, a love-hate relationship represents a surprisingly much stronger than a love relationship. Also because since it is fed a constant mutual hatred, every problem has a very low chance of jeopardizing the relationship. "

in my life I loved just" platonic "and had" simple love affairs. "In my heart always prevailed 'love, just the thought of hating the person I loved was killing me, I loved, loved, and enough to cost me scarred' love that I had not even allow me to 'hatred and suffering even though I have never felt hatred or perhaps small part, but I never heard the 'hatred in all its essence. I loved so much because I was spontaneous, and even though I hated those who loved not only Platonic love her, always loved ... although with time, This love "platonic" have slowly dissipated but not probably until the end. The "simple love affairs" I have always addressed as a platonic love affairs with the difference that I did not like that in the same way or perhaps even loved. The "simple love affairs" I consider them dead to my conscience, have no weight, you are fully dissipated even if they leave their mark in the memory and 'experience of each of us.
The problem is that now my life is a tough test. Assuming that I am suffering a "disease" called "Limerence"

- "The Limerence (or Ultrattaccamento) is a cognitive and emotional state characterized by an intense desire for another person. The term was coined to describe the final stage, almost obsessive romantic love. Limerence The term often refers to want to understand the status of a person who expresses an intense desire for attachment, concern for a loved one, and, as shown by recent research on the neurochemistry, a mental state similar to an obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are at least two types of love: "limerence," what is called "loving attachment", and 'loving affection, "that is the type of bond that people have with their parents and their children. The state of limerence is characterized by intrusive thoughts and acute sensitivity to external events that reflect the disposition of the person against individuals: you can try an intense joy or be prone to extreme despair, depending on how their feelings are reciprocated. "-

... alternating with strong state of total apathy (and even here there contrast), I found myself in a situation where you do not know whether to be dominated by 'hatred or from' Love. When I feel apathetic not feel anything, I feel indifference: how it goes, goes. But I hate my emotional state, not I check every now and yet it appears as if to protect me from any pain or suffering. In any event, even if you are indifferent and do not suffer like when you have not, we suffer because we are denied the opportunity to try deep and intense happiness o almeno, per me è così. Dunque il problema è quando mi sento pienamente me stessa e quindi non apatica, non dominata da questo tentativo di proteggermi dal male. Mi sento tormentata da un' eterna lotta tra male e bene, tra odio e amore e non so quale dei due prevale o almeno quale dei due far prevalere. Come ho ripetuto più volte disprezzo molto gli umani in genere e provo un grande disprezzo vero appunto, l' odio: ma se provo disprezzo verso l' odio allora perchè anche in me sta questo fortissimo sentimento? Sta forse nella natura di tutti? No, io non voglio accettarlo, voglio sconfiggere l' odio che sta in me, amando pure ciò che odio. Possibile? magari lo potrò fare dopo aver raggiunto il bene e la pace interiore ma... quando mai la raggiungerò. Quindi, non posso sopportare il fatto che anche io in determinate situazioni mi comporto o assomiglio a coloro che disprezzo, ai sentimenti che concetti che disprezzo. E' possibile amare e odiare una persona nello stesso momento? Così dice la Relazione Amore-Odio, è proprio un' eterna lotta, un eterno contrasto, una battaglia che esiste da sempre e non cesserà mai. L' odio tenta in tutti modi di prevalere sul bene e noi amando lo plachiamo ma non lo sconfiggiamo mai definivamente, perchè senza l' Odio non c'è l' Amore. Non può esserci solo l' Amore e l' indifferenza, perchè l' indifferenza è la neutralità, sarebbe troppo semplice. L' Odio è legato al passato e l' Love at present, 'I hate therefore is a continuous Resurrection of unpleasant memories that make us hate this, but if this was changed to the point of these memories in this project? Perhaps because apparently the 'hate seems so much more persuasive and more powerful compared to' Love ... the very words suggest to 'I hate it as something grand and all' Love as something sweet and charming ... something of consequence crushes something pretty impressive. Difficult issues that I will never know that answer. E 'right to love and hate someone at the same time? One day I can feel my heart united only by 'Love and also permeated by' hate? Can I hope? I hope that 's love that I feel is so strong, so pure, so perfect to make me able to defeat the' hate and anger that I feel? I am the 'android programmed to love only one person, are the' android programmed to love ... not to hate.
And do you think is right? Look for the perfection of true and authentic 'Love trying to avoid the' illusion stupid and trivial, or perhaps to feed the sick and the squalor of what surrounds us? Finally we have to adapt, even against our will. Oh how I love so much that anything and forgiving love, love, love continuado intense energy to give to my being, but unfortunately ... it is not.

Sources: Wikipedia and Blogs different.

- Kelly Hilton -


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