Friday, March 4, 2011

Stomach Spasmsitchiness

Ferries 2011: Moby offers table with the Government, motivated by increases in "the increases of the current season with the huge investments for the renewal of the fleet and the growing dynamics of all the operating costs of vessels, particularly of the bunker " Bean just like cheese on macaroni, for the forthcoming renewal of the fleet in the notice declassified Toremar Toremar, 70 points out of 100 for the renewal of its fleet of seven ships and a hydrofoil, at least one per year the first three years of the twelve planned and therefore prices will double again here in Elba, the benefit of a few to the detriment of many. The Committee Elba Caro-Ferry hopes that the government instituted immediately transport authorities with powers to impose sanctions and establish a fair price migliatico. The Committee Caro-Elba Ferries asks again to all the competent authorities if the privatization Toremar implemented by the Region of Tuscany has been respectful of the rules force and whether the procedure followed for the disposal is in accordance with the arrangements for disposal of holdings of the State and public bodies, indicating that the legislation should be transparent and non discriminatory, also aimed at the public shareholding spread of savers and institutional investors (DL 332/94 enacted into law with amendments by Law 474/94 provided by Article 1 and 2). Privatization

The Committee welcomes the proposal of Moby a table with the government for price increases ferry in early 2011 we read that they were motivated by :

"the increases of the current season with huge investments for the renewal of the fleet and the growing dynamics of all the operating costs of vessels, in particular the bunker (which we expect further increases due to the Libyan crisis), "

just Bean like cheese on macaroni, for the forthcoming renewal of the fleet in the notice declassified Toremar Toremar, 70 points out of 100 for the renewal of its fleet of seven ships and a hydrofoil, at least a year for the first three years of the twelve planned and therefore prices will double again here in Elba, the benefit of a few to the detriment of many.

For our part we hope that the government instituted immediately transport authorities with powers to impose sanctions and establish a fair price migliatico.

We hope to be invited to the table in Rome to the Government the President and the Minister Ceccobao Rossi, as well as the current problems we will have to think about the future, when 12 years between the routes will return to the region but without ships and will make the announcement this time only for his contribution to Capraia, Giglio, Pianosa, Rio Marina, hydrofoil and the first and last ride on Portoferraio, and if the notice went desert that happens, the new private Toremar may not affect more because not profitable or because it is already on the Elbe The Tuscany will maybe rent a shipping vessel to connect the smaller islands of the Tuscan? The Committee

Caro-Elba Ferries asks again to all the competent authorities if the privatization Toremar implemented by the Region of Tuscany has been respectful of the rules, and if the procedure followed for the disposal is in accordance with the arrangements disposal of holdings of the State and public bodies, indicating that the legislation should be transparent and non discriminatory, also aimed at the public shareholding spread of savers and investors (DL 332/94 with amendments into law Law 474/94 provided by Article 1 and 2).
The purpose of the privatization process would result in benefits to consumers as the quality of the service or product offered and cost reduction, but often in fact the alleged advantages presented above is not specified in the good company and the community, but this process can lead to forms of competition disguised cartel arrangements with other companies as well as pseudo-competitive price increase. It is also not ruled out the possibility that privatization will fail or the company fails to an equally poor management by the private sector.

Committee Elba Caro-Traghetti


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