A friend of mine once told me ...
A friend of mine once told me:
"I need love ...
this is the truth that most hate about myself.
I look around and see only people who think their ego.
their egos in all forms.
the works of the people as a reflection of their ego.
relations of people as a reflection of their ego.
their photos, their clothes, the reflection of their ego.
not want to live in a world so
... I am alone.
but not by nature.
just because we want to force us to give ourselves to each other.
I do it with strangers because I need to believe that this will return back to donate.
I need to believe that this will change something.
but I see only ego ego ego ego ego ego ego. struggle between ego.
the so-called beauty as a reflection of the ego.
freedom as a reflection of the ego.
items as a reflection of the ego.
knowledge as a reflection of the ego.
hate this. "
How much it reflected in these words ... I hate myself so much I, too, especially because I also have an ego, I just heartened by the fact that unlike most things I need to true, well and authentic. Even I need d 'love, we all need it. But there are those who choose to avoid or try to "fight" those cowardly many avoid it, and more are being prepared to abandon themselves to false pleasures of life. disgusting spregievole, squallido... non ho forse ragione? Si, sto criticando uno stile di vita ma non sto imponendo il mio. Mi chiedo soltanto se c'è ancora qualcuno che la pensa come me, mi basterebbero poche persone...mi sentirei rincuorata anche perchè non penso di essere la sola ad avere questa attitudine, sono sparite le persone forti e coraggiose pronte ad affrontare la vita? pronte a combattere fino all' ultimo respiro, piangere fino sentirsi morire dentro ma avere ancora la voglia di lottare, di rialzarsi, di guardare il cielo con determinazione, con la speranza che prima o poi tutto cambierà e i forti verranno ripagati. Perchè infine vincono sempre gli scorretti, i vigliacchi... Ma secondo me vincono apparentemente, secondo me non vivono pienamente every experience is a reliable choice. I wonder too much ... I wonder why continue to give so much and can not stop when I realize more and more people think only for himself, but I do my little part of this people and I hate myself for this, I will not be so and yet the bad that I caused all the disgust I feel for these people, and commands me to take the upper hand turning into revenge. I have an 'insatiable desire for revenge to the point that also causes problems, but I do not care, revenge satisfies me. Granted, there are the same as your behavior, cowardly people, but I realize that there are very close. I hurt those who hurt me, while I would like continue to do well despite all the evil that we find ourselves around every day .... but despite all my strength I can not, because I'm a fucking human shit, I'm not an android!
you who read this blog, if you find yourself in these words, do not hesitate to contact me are desperately seeking people who share this idea and would like to have it confirmed.
'Revenge always proceeds from the weakness of the soul, which is unable to endure the insults. "Francois de La Rochefoucauld
" I dare do anything that might be worthy of a man, who dares more is not. "
V for Vendetta
- Kelly Hilton -
Monday, March 14, 2011
If You Have Diarrhea Do You Lose Calories
We add the category Dolls and Puppets
We have received some questions about the placement of any project involving the dolls and puppets, and indeed we found that was missing this important topic from the proposals for the competition.
But after they arrived, two draft handmade Teddy Bear we had no doubts.
We then created a new category that includes dolls and stuffed animals dolls and dolls made with all the techniques, Teddy Bear and Dolls Reborn.
We have received some questions about the placement of any project involving the dolls and puppets, and indeed we found that was missing this important topic from the proposals for the competition.
But after they arrived, two draft handmade Teddy Bear we had no doubts.
We then created a new category that includes dolls and stuffed animals dolls and dolls made with all the techniques, Teddy Bear and Dolls Reborn.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Is It Okay To Wear Pads With Genital Warts?
Ferry timetables, commuters, and tourism prices, continuing the work of the Committee Caro-Elba Ferries!
The activities of the Committee continues, some commuters have reported that with the time change of Moby from 07,10 to 07,30 from Portoferraio, have missed the bus of 08.33 in Piombino which would take the train to Campiglia Livorno, there was a taxi to thirty euro for Campiglia, otherwise it costs € 150 to Livorno (the train ticket Piombino - Livorno Central costs € 5.80).
But we read that "revived" to solve the problem of commuter hydrofoil departing from Piombino to 08.40 W and everything until April 1, 2011, after which the new service contract with the new private Toremar we will or we will be a continuity area worthy of name with a race any time, without long intervals of hours without connections, both day and evening for dinner and the night, without forgetting that in Campania, unlike Tuscany, is a decade that the private owners are obliged to public service with fixed prices for residents (Regional Bell Act).
For tourism, pending projects, Pharaonic and quality destagionalizzanti, the Island of Elba begins with Spring promotions, they tell us double rooms at 35 € per night and weekly promotions from 175 € to always a double room, hoping that there is a short play the same dirty trick happened to Sardinia, that the doubling of prices of ferries, all awaiting the outcome of the Privatization Toremar Tirrenia, it appears that increases occurred because of the large expenditure for the renewal of the fleet and the top even for a slight increase in fuel prices and now with the Libyan crisis, with which calls for further increases in the cost of a barrel of oil, not even rule out further increases for everyone, residents and tourists.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
The activities of the Committee continues, some commuters have reported that with the time change of Moby from 07,10 to 07,30 from Portoferraio, have missed the bus of 08.33 in Piombino which would take the train to Campiglia Livorno, there was a taxi to thirty euro for Campiglia, otherwise it costs € 150 to Livorno (the train ticket Piombino - Livorno Central costs € 5.80).
But we read that "revived" to solve the problem of commuter hydrofoil departing from Piombino to 08.40 W and everything until April 1, 2011, after which the new service contract with the new private Toremar we will or we will be a continuity area worthy of name with a race any time, without long intervals of hours without connections, both day and evening for dinner and the night, without forgetting that in Campania, unlike Tuscany, is a decade that the private owners are obliged to public service with fixed prices for residents (Regional Bell Act).
For tourism, pending projects, Pharaonic and quality destagionalizzanti, the Island of Elba begins with Spring promotions, they tell us double rooms at 35 € per night and weekly promotions from 175 € to always a double room, hoping that there is a short play the same dirty trick happened to Sardinia, that the doubling of prices of ferries, all awaiting the outcome of the Privatization Toremar Tirrenia, it appears that increases occurred because of the large expenditure for the renewal of the fleet and the top even for a slight increase in fuel prices and now with the Libyan crisis, with which calls for further increases in the cost of a barrel of oil, not even rule out further increases for everyone, residents and tourists.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
How To Give A Slave An Enema
"Concentration-Toremar Moby, Dear Committee Elbe-Ferry in solidarity with workers and the disabled!
If anything were needed, as is obvious, the Committee, particularly in view of the imminent-very likely concentration Toremar Moby, expresses its solidarity with the workers Moby, and as Toremar ones, are always di più a rischio trasferimento e altro , anche licenziamento .
Allo stesso tempo riteniamo esilarante sentir parlare di radiazione delle navi Toremar , dotate di ascensori per i diversamente abili , conoscendo molto bene personalmente le problematiche , non c'e' proprio niente da ridere a trovare in servizio navi senza ascensore per i diversamente abili e non ci dimentichiamo neanche del trasporto delle ambulanze che é sempre stato garantito solo da Toremar e solo per i malati di minore gravità , visto la situazione dell'ospedale civile elbano , che é ancora tra l'altro senza il famoso letto di rianimazione previsto per gennaio 2011 e in attesa dell'eliporto sul tetto dell'Ospedale " Pronto Soccorso " dell'isola d'Elba .
06 marzo 2011
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
If anything were needed, as is obvious, the Committee, particularly in view of the imminent-very likely concentration Toremar Moby, expresses its solidarity with the workers Moby, and as Toremar ones, are always di più a rischio trasferimento e altro , anche licenziamento .
Allo stesso tempo riteniamo esilarante sentir parlare di radiazione delle navi Toremar , dotate di ascensori per i diversamente abili , conoscendo molto bene personalmente le problematiche , non c'e' proprio niente da ridere a trovare in servizio navi senza ascensore per i diversamente abili e non ci dimentichiamo neanche del trasporto delle ambulanze che é sempre stato garantito solo da Toremar e solo per i malati di minore gravità , visto la situazione dell'ospedale civile elbano , che é ancora tra l'altro senza il famoso letto di rianimazione previsto per gennaio 2011 e in attesa dell'eliporto sul tetto dell'Ospedale " Pronto Soccorso " dell'isola d'Elba .
06 marzo 2011
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
Where Can I Watch Southpark In Japanese
Blunavy, what's the business? What does the future hold? There will still be the "third largest" of a single ship, first bought the old, now new hire, ferries to Elba? Increase
copia e incolla da camminando.org
Messaggio 24185 del 11.03.2011, 10:16
Provenienza: Cosmopoli marinara
Tra un Campari ed un caffè, si fanno i conti in tasca alla terza compagnia di navigazione
Certo che con i chiari di luna che si prospettano per la stagione turistica 2011 se dovessimo dare ascolto alle voci che si accavallano al Bar del Porto riportando i costi di noleggio della nave ACHAEOS , ci dovremmo but ask those who do the deal? which promises to surprise us next?
Here we go then these fans cost source of our doubts and our concerns about the future of this company which should have been, at least in price competitive with the other two companies that cross the channel.
ACHAEOS rental cost per day € 9,000.00 per month
€ 270,000.00 € 3,240,000.00
fuel + engine oil about a year to € 1,000,000.00.
in the rental cost is including the crew.
€ 4,240,000.00 TOTAL
Here are the accounts and willy-nilly at the moment, as he sang Leporello in Don Giovanni ... "my lady this is a list" so if the rumors circulating on the Porto match is made, someone must draw the conclusions and maybe some one else explain where is the company's business? Or do we think that there hatching .... cat?
copia e incolla da camminando.org
Messaggio 24185 del 11.03.2011, 10:16
Provenienza: Cosmopoli marinara
Tra un Campari ed un caffè, si fanno i conti in tasca alla terza compagnia di navigazione
Certo che con i chiari di luna che si prospettano per la stagione turistica 2011 se dovessimo dare ascolto alle voci che si accavallano al Bar del Porto riportando i costi di noleggio della nave ACHAEOS , ci dovremmo but ask those who do the deal? which promises to surprise us next?
Here we go then these fans cost source of our doubts and our concerns about the future of this company which should have been, at least in price competitive with the other two companies that cross the channel.
ACHAEOS rental cost per day € 9,000.00 per month
€ 270,000.00 € 3,240,000.00
fuel + engine oil about a year to € 1,000,000.00.
in the rental cost is including the crew.
€ 4,240,000.00 TOTAL
Here are the accounts and willy-nilly at the moment, as he sang Leporello in Don Giovanni ... "my lady this is a list" so if the rumors circulating on the Porto match is made, someone must draw the conclusions and maybe some one else explain where is the company's business? Or do we think that there hatching .... cat?
Saturday, March 12, 2011
How To Make A Pokemon Hack On A Mac
Measure the Time ...
ON TIME AND an astronomer said
Master, tell us the time.
And he answered:
Would you like to measure time, the immeasurable and immense.
Would you like to adjust your conduct and direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons. Del
time would make a stop at the river bank and watch its flowing.
But the eternal in you know that life is timeless
And he knows that today is the memory of yesterday, and tomorrow's dream today.
And what is in your hand and stay quiet contemplation
Within the bounds of that first moment when the stars were scattered in space.
Who would not feel that his power of love is limitless?
And who does not feel that real love, though boundless, encompassed within the center of his being,
It does not pass from thought to thought of love of love, nor act of love to an act of love?
And is not the time, just as love is, undivided and motionless?
But if with the thought you want to measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other, and that this
embrace the past with remembrance and the future with the hold.
Kahlil Gibran
ON TIME AND an astronomer said
Master, tell us the time.
And he answered:
Would you like to measure time, the immeasurable and immense.
Would you like to adjust your conduct and direct the course of your spirit according to hours and seasons. Del
time would make a stop at the river bank and watch its flowing.
But the eternal in you know that life is timeless
And he knows that today is the memory of yesterday, and tomorrow's dream today.
And what is in your hand and stay quiet contemplation
Within the bounds of that first moment when the stars were scattered in space.
Who would not feel that his power of love is limitless?
And who does not feel that real love, though boundless, encompassed within the center of his being,
It does not pass from thought to thought of love of love, nor act of love to an act of love?
And is not the time, just as love is, undivided and motionless?
But if with the thought you want to measure time into seasons, let each season encircle all the other, and that this
embrace the past with remembrance and the future with the hold.
Kahlil Gibran
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Deos Linsey Dawn Mckenzie Smoke
»-(¯` v'¯)-» »-(¯` v'¯)-» 10 мαяzσ 2011
"Sometimes you have to take decisive positions ... If you want to conclude something ..."
You say so many other things to name ... I think sometimes for our own good and for the good of the rest have to take a position, you can not stand constantly torn between love and hate , we must take a decisive step, it is necessary to clarify ... It must be said once and for all things as they are and not wait too long who has time do not wait "they say. I decided today to take a big decision, take note today of a weight that I carry inside me for months ... March 10, 2011 will always impressed that date, in which after a long time I felt my heart lighter.
~ ~ Song of the day
I remained in the lead for almost the whole haunting soundtrack to this day, it happens to you ?
- Kelly Hilton -
"Sometimes you have to take decisive positions ... If you want to conclude something ..."
You say so many other things to name ... I think sometimes for our own good and for the good of the rest have to take a position, you can not stand constantly torn between love and hate , we must take a decisive step, it is necessary to clarify ... It must be said once and for all things as they are and not wait too long who has time do not wait "they say. I decided today to take a big decision, take note today of a weight that I carry inside me for months ... March 10, 2011 will always impressed that date, in which after a long time I felt my heart lighter.
~ ~ Song of the day
I remained in the lead for almost the whole haunting soundtrack to this day, it happens to you ?
- Kelly Hilton -
Baby Boxing Glove Mittens
come first projects
first projects have arrived .....
Two of creative recycling and one of creative sewing. soooooo cute!
I'll show you only the corner, to whet your appetite
What will be ?..... posterity will judge ......
first projects have arrived .....
Two of creative recycling and one of creative sewing. soooooo cute!
I'll show you only the corner, to whet your appetite

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
What Does Playing Patty Cake Mean
Some clarifications .... Our little corner to
Many of you have posed some frequently asked questions, and so it is best to clarify some terms for your participation in the Competition.
- There is no need that the works are unpublished, may be published on your site or blog.
The important thing is that have not been published on other sites, portals, e-zine and magazine publishing.
- Each email must contain only one project. If you want to submit more proposals to send more e-mail with all the data.
- We require good quality photos from attached to e-mail (it's the only way for the jury to assess your project ...). Are not good photos included in a Word document.
Many of you have posed some frequently asked questions, and so it is best to clarify some terms for your participation in the Competition.
- There is no need that the works are unpublished, may be published on your site or blog.
The important thing is that have not been published on other sites, portals, e-zine and magazine publishing.
- Each email must contain only one project. If you want to submit more proposals to send more e-mail with all the data.
- We require good quality photos from attached to e-mail (it's the only way for the jury to assess your project ...). Are not good photos included in a Word document.
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
I Want To Buy Apair Of Whitefur Boots
My first song ...
actually wrote parts of this song along with a drawing back in 2007 and kept it there ...
look a bit 'here:
For me it is really an important thing I care a lot and I are quite busy though as I have said on other occasions, I know not to have some great singing talent. These are words that have always been part of me ...
make me feel powerful, a warrior or a fighter against evil el 'injustice.
the song 'I wrote it entirely myself, what do you think?
Kelly Hilton - Among a crowd of Silence
Music Editing by Max Pirovano feat. Kelly Hilton Kelly Hilton
Lyrics by
everyone is ready to force you to criticize
maaa me can not force anyone
I do not need to go to any rally
* life is made of the death of illusions and reality
* want to shout from a crowd of
silence the truth about everything that I think as I
and that you reread your ideas written on a sheet
live money, fame and
happened because everything else is more of a process
every man is more and more stupid (no one is now more than himself)
* life is made of illusion and reality of death
* want to shout from a crowd of silence truth
Hilton is my lifestyle
if you do not click OK button output
I'm not afraid to scream what I think I'm that fashions
though it seems all this makes sense
* life is made of illusion and reality of death
* want to shout from a crowd of silence the truth
are a queen and the web is my realm
social networks are my ladies
constantly torn between love and hate to go shopping
...::: I just want to do what I think even if it good or bad :::...
Ispired to ~ 健 音 テイ】 【オリジナル】 【shineRock Vocaloid by ~ Tei Sukone
- Kelly Hilton -
actually wrote parts of this song along with a drawing back in 2007 and kept it there ...
look a bit 'here:
For me it is really an important thing I care a lot and I are quite busy though as I have said on other occasions, I know not to have some great singing talent. These are words that have always been part of me ...
make me feel powerful, a warrior or a fighter against evil el 'injustice.
the song 'I wrote it entirely myself, what do you think?
Kelly Hilton - Among a crowd of Silence
Music Editing by Max Pirovano feat. Kelly Hilton Kelly Hilton
Lyrics by
everyone is ready to force you to criticize
maaa me can not force anyone
I do not need to go to any rally
* life is made of the death of illusions and reality
* want to shout from a crowd of
silence the truth about everything that I think as I
and that you reread your ideas written on a sheet
live money, fame and
happened because everything else is more of a process
every man is more and more stupid (no one is now more than himself)
* life is made of illusion and reality of death
* want to shout from a crowd of silence truth
Hilton is my lifestyle
if you do not click OK button output
I'm not afraid to scream what I think I'm that fashions
though it seems all this makes sense
* life is made of illusion and reality of death
* want to shout from a crowd of silence the truth
are a queen and the web is my realm
social networks are my ladies
constantly torn between love and hate to go shopping
...::: I just want to do what I think even if it good or bad :::...
Ispired to ~ 健 音 テイ】 【オリジナル】 【shineRock Vocaloid by ~ Tei Sukone
- Kelly Hilton -
Facts About Thrush Oral Contagious?
Here is our location of the competition at the fair in Vicenza Cleverly. We have received many inquiries and we distributed the announcement of the competition.
We found a great interest among the visitors enticed by the publications that give visibility on the Calendar and Agenda, from the rich prizes offered by sponsors and the possibility that the winners will participate at the event organized by skill - Fiera di Vicenza edition Fall 20 to 23 October 2011. The
news is that 16 of the winners will have the opportunity to have a work station for a day in the Photo Exhibition organized.
In this day will be free to offer their wares for sale and to organize courses and demonstrations.
a good opportunity, right?
You have two months to submit your project .................
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Escape Velocity, Moon, Mercury
Happiness is already gone to hell!
I wonder I wonder, you know what I wonder? I wonder why sometimes it seems that finally, everything is not so bad. It appears that people around is more good and kind, seems the world smiles at you, it seems that the sun has risen for you. All is calm, all is well ... more or less, all serene and peaceful. When it happens it seems so strange that so I'm afraid that at any moment to 'everything else is as before and ends ... seems like a dream, a 'real utopia, a' real illusion but perhaps much like a really nice, happy almost perfect ... not quite so bad. I'm pessimistic and dystopian but sometimes I give in to 'optimistic and think, "by, for once it's good enough for me. "Manco end up thinking, not to say it eh ... and I think a bill suffered a setback unexpected. Massiiii Orman is natural, logical, mathematical obvious.
can not ever go all right, everything must dissolve in sadness, all the happiness of the first has already gone to hell. Nice, really nice, yes yes.
Well, now you know why I'm so pessimistic.
- Kelly Hilton -
I wonder I wonder, you know what I wonder? I wonder why sometimes it seems that finally, everything is not so bad. It appears that people around is more good and kind, seems the world smiles at you, it seems that the sun has risen for you. All is calm, all is well ... more or less, all serene and peaceful. When it happens it seems so strange that so I'm afraid that at any moment to 'everything else is as before and ends ... seems like a dream, a 'real utopia, a' real illusion but perhaps much like a really nice, happy almost perfect ... not quite so bad. I'm pessimistic and dystopian but sometimes I give in to 'optimistic and think, "by, for once it's good enough for me. "Manco end up thinking, not to say it eh ... and I think a bill suffered a setback unexpected. Massiiii Orman is natural, logical, mathematical obvious.
can not ever go all right, everything must dissolve in sadness, all the happiness of the first has already gone to hell. Nice, really nice, yes yes.
Well, now you know why I'm so pessimistic.
- Kelly Hilton -
Friday, March 4, 2011
Stomach Spasmsitchiness
Ferries 2011: Moby offers table with the Government, motivated by increases in "the increases of the current season with the huge investments for the renewal of the fleet and the growing dynamics of all the operating costs of vessels, particularly of the bunker " Bean just like cheese on macaroni, for the forthcoming renewal of the fleet in the notice declassified Toremar Toremar, 70 points out of 100 for the renewal of its fleet of seven ships and a hydrofoil, at least one per year the first three years of the twelve planned and therefore prices will double again here in Elba, the benefit of a few to the detriment of many. The Committee Elba Caro-Ferry hopes that the government instituted immediately transport authorities with powers to impose sanctions and establish a fair price migliatico. The Committee Caro-Elba Ferries asks again to all the competent authorities if the privatization Toremar implemented by the Region of Tuscany has been respectful of the rules force and whether the procedure followed for the disposal is in accordance with the arrangements for disposal of holdings of the State and public bodies, indicating that the legislation should be transparent and non discriminatory, also aimed at the public shareholding spread of savers and institutional investors (DL 332/94 enacted into law with amendments by Law 474/94 provided by Article 1 and 2). Privatization
The Committee welcomes the proposal of Moby a table with the government for price increases ferry in early 2011 we read that they were motivated by :
"the increases of the current season with huge investments for the renewal of the fleet and the growing dynamics of all the operating costs of vessels, in particular the bunker (which we expect further increases due to the Libyan crisis), "
just Bean like cheese on macaroni, for the forthcoming renewal of the fleet in the notice declassified Toremar Toremar, 70 points out of 100 for the renewal of its fleet of seven ships and a hydrofoil, at least a year for the first three years of the twelve planned and therefore prices will double again here in Elba, the benefit of a few to the detriment of many.
For our part we hope that the government instituted immediately transport authorities with powers to impose sanctions and establish a fair price migliatico.
We hope to be invited to the table in Rome to the Government the President and the Minister Ceccobao Rossi, as well as the current problems we will have to think about the future, when 12 years between the routes will return to the region but without ships and will make the announcement this time only for his contribution to Capraia, Giglio, Pianosa, Rio Marina, hydrofoil and the first and last ride on Portoferraio, and if the notice went desert that happens, the new private Toremar may not affect more because not profitable or because it is already on the Elbe The Tuscany will maybe rent a shipping vessel to connect the smaller islands of the Tuscan? The Committee
Caro-Elba Ferries asks again to all the competent authorities if the privatization Toremar implemented by the Region of Tuscany has been respectful of the rules, and if the procedure followed for the disposal is in accordance with the arrangements disposal of holdings of the State and public bodies, indicating that the legislation should be transparent and non discriminatory, also aimed at the public shareholding spread of savers and investors (DL 332/94 with amendments into law Law 474/94 provided by Article 1 and 2).
The purpose of the privatization process would result in benefits to consumers as the quality of the service or product offered and cost reduction, but often in fact the alleged advantages presented above is not specified in the good company and the community, but this process can lead to forms of competition disguised cartel arrangements with other companies as well as pseudo-competitive price increase. It is also not ruled out the possibility that privatization will fail or the company fails to an equally poor management by the private sector.
Committee Elba Caro-Traghetti
The Committee welcomes the proposal of Moby a table with the government for price increases ferry in early 2011 we read that they were motivated by :
"the increases of the current season with huge investments for the renewal of the fleet and the growing dynamics of all the operating costs of vessels, in particular the bunker (which we expect further increases due to the Libyan crisis), "
just Bean like cheese on macaroni, for the forthcoming renewal of the fleet in the notice declassified Toremar Toremar, 70 points out of 100 for the renewal of its fleet of seven ships and a hydrofoil, at least a year for the first three years of the twelve planned and therefore prices will double again here in Elba, the benefit of a few to the detriment of many.
For our part we hope that the government instituted immediately transport authorities with powers to impose sanctions and establish a fair price migliatico.
We hope to be invited to the table in Rome to the Government the President and the Minister Ceccobao Rossi, as well as the current problems we will have to think about the future, when 12 years between the routes will return to the region but without ships and will make the announcement this time only for his contribution to Capraia, Giglio, Pianosa, Rio Marina, hydrofoil and the first and last ride on Portoferraio, and if the notice went desert that happens, the new private Toremar may not affect more because not profitable or because it is already on the Elbe The Tuscany will maybe rent a shipping vessel to connect the smaller islands of the Tuscan? The Committee
Caro-Elba Ferries asks again to all the competent authorities if the privatization Toremar implemented by the Region of Tuscany has been respectful of the rules, and if the procedure followed for the disposal is in accordance with the arrangements disposal of holdings of the State and public bodies, indicating that the legislation should be transparent and non discriminatory, also aimed at the public shareholding spread of savers and investors (DL 332/94 with amendments into law Law 474/94 provided by Article 1 and 2).
The purpose of the privatization process would result in benefits to consumers as the quality of the service or product offered and cost reduction, but often in fact the alleged advantages presented above is not specified in the good company and the community, but this process can lead to forms of competition disguised cartel arrangements with other companies as well as pseudo-competitive price increase. It is also not ruled out the possibility that privatization will fail or the company fails to an equally poor management by the private sector.
Committee Elba Caro-Traghetti
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Landlord Own Washer Broke
Toremar, a meteor, the multinational Buquebus! Call
Privatizzazione Toremar , una meteora : la multinazionale Buquebus !
" Negli anni Novanta, Fancellu è stato, infatti, presidente del collegio sindacale del Parco minerario dell'Elba."
Toremar fa gola al Sudamerica
PORTOFERRAIO. The privatization of Tirrenia beyond Europe's borders. One of the biggest cruise ferry companies in South America, the Buquebus is a candidate to take over the Toremar. Before a formal statement dinteresse Fintecna controlled by the financial ...
Privatizzazione Toremar , una meteora : la multinazionale Buquebus !
" Negli anni Novanta, Fancellu è stato, infatti, presidente del collegio sindacale del Parco minerario dell'Elba."
Toremar fa gola al Sudamerica
PORTOFERRAIO. The privatization of Tirrenia beyond Europe's borders. One of the biggest cruise ferry companies in South America, the Buquebus is a candidate to take over the Toremar. Before a formal statement dinteresse Fintecna controlled by the financial ...
Tire Chains Worthwhile
declassified Toremar Privatization: will only Moby!
In the secret of Privatization Contract Toremar learn the news of the surrender of the Uruguayan Buquebus, motivated by its discriminatory ban that has often been reported ('not wanting to participate in the privatization of Toremar appropriate for economic reasons arising from restrictions and rigidity of that notice) and do not understand why there is still intervention, the European Union in this regard.
learn that Moby confirmation notice and participation in their view "the total lack of regulation and legal obstacles to its participation in the race, so at this point having read the interview with SEN. Filippi PD leader to the Transport Committee of the Senate on the transition to private monopolies with the privatization of the ferry is always more incomprehensible the work of the Tuscany Region and should be a 'speech of Hon. Velo Vice-President of the House Transportation Commission, for the same PD.
If Moby finds Toremar reiterate that, in our opinion, since the Toremar Portoferraio-Piombino operates under a free market, it is only the first and last trips subsidized, there 'is a giant conflict of interest that an abuse of dominant position, it would make two trips Toremar Moby and the time (about one every half hour) from morning to night, as the third company Blunavy ago only one or two trips during the day excluding races of the early morning or late evening.
What do think of the competent authorities, revoke slots Moby and give them to other companies dotate di mezzi sia navali che economici in grado di fornire una dozzina di coppie di corse giornaliere ?
E ultimo ma non ultimo , abbiamo letto della lettera dei pendolari sul cambio di orario dal 01 marzo della Moby da Piombino dalle 08,30 alle 09,00 , al riguardo pensiamo che la Moby non avrà problemi ad accontentarvi ricorreggendo l'orario .
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
In the secret of Privatization Contract Toremar learn the news of the surrender of the Uruguayan Buquebus, motivated by its discriminatory ban that has often been reported ('not wanting to participate in the privatization of Toremar appropriate for economic reasons arising from restrictions and rigidity of that notice) and do not understand why there is still intervention, the European Union in this regard.
learn that Moby confirmation notice and participation in their view "the total lack of regulation and legal obstacles to its participation in the race, so at this point having read the interview with SEN. Filippi PD leader to the Transport Committee of the Senate on the transition to private monopolies with the privatization of the ferry is always more incomprehensible the work of the Tuscany Region and should be a 'speech of Hon. Velo Vice-President of the House Transportation Commission, for the same PD.
If Moby finds Toremar reiterate that, in our opinion, since the Toremar Portoferraio-Piombino operates under a free market, it is only the first and last trips subsidized, there 'is a giant conflict of interest that an abuse of dominant position, it would make two trips Toremar Moby and the time (about one every half hour) from morning to night, as the third company Blunavy ago only one or two trips during the day excluding races of the early morning or late evening.
What do think of the competent authorities, revoke slots Moby and give them to other companies dotate di mezzi sia navali che economici in grado di fornire una dozzina di coppie di corse giornaliere ?
E ultimo ma non ultimo , abbiamo letto della lettera dei pendolari sul cambio di orario dal 01 marzo della Moby da Piombino dalle 08,30 alle 09,00 , al riguardo pensiamo che la Moby non avrà problemi ad accontentarvi ricorreggendo l'orario .
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Mount & Blade Leadership
What do you think President Smith and Hon. Veil of Toremar? "The prospect of handsome profits to the owner to do with the money of private citizens" . http://www.senatoripd.it/dettaglio/75104/ : Filippi: "Traghetti, sarà monopolio privato" , Filippi chiede l'Authority dei Trasporti . " con quello privato o si mangia la minestra o si salta la finestra. Chi ci rimette sono i cittadini delle isole minori, che non sono cittadini di serie B. Sono cittadini che hanno il diritto di avere buoni servizi per collegarsi con il continente». "
Che ne pensano il Presidente Rossi e l'On. Velo di Toremar ?
Message 23871 of 02/03/2011, 12:28
Origin: Gimmi Ori
08 Commission - Public Works - January 26, 2011 Interview
Tirrenia - Samuele Cafasso interview - the nineteenth century
Philippi: "Ferries, will be private monopoly"
Filippi calls for the Transportation Authority of and attacks the roped-Aponte-Honoré Grimaldi
"We face the risk of public lots: the center was wrong to refer the dossier Tirrenia, but the government is preparing to to make handsome profits for private with the money of the citizens. " Marco Filippi, senator, leader of the Democratic Party to the Transportation Commission sounds the alarm, the privatization of public ferries and asks the government to quickly enact the `Transport Authority," `the only way to protect citizens who will face a private monopoly. " Senator, privatization Tirrenia risks leaving a gap of some hundreds of millions in inheritance to the Special Commissioner Giancarlo D `Andrea.
"I read what was written by the nineteenth century: largely agrees with the analysis and, for the rest, I
has spurred a movement of 'bitterness. I see a past that does not pass, the old managers are ready to return to the field, private owners are ready to form an alliance to transform a market into a private monopoly. "
Tirrenia Alitalia is the `ba?
Dissent, Alitalia had failed. Tirrenia instead was meant to privatize completely distorting the display of the EU, which were rather clear. Allow me to summarize: to distinguish between market services and universal services,
provide them at the appropriation of a fee, to be allocated in a transparent manner, in Tirrenia, or any other company. We wanted to privatize when it `s no doctor's prescription so it would be appropriate that the state backward".
But actually living in Tirrenia utilities, the so-called universal service, and lines of the market. Why have not you offered to dispose of this latter
and hold the first public, non-profitable but essential for public service?
"It was what we said since the beginning. Then, when there is the market, a person is controller, which controls. "
How do you imagine this subject?
"A` Authority, that of transport. Navigation is one of the problems, but I think the same themes recur to the rail and aviation sectors. Where `s to protect the citizens than
private entities but must provide a public service, who can guarantee if not a third party? Look, I also say for motorway concessions: a 16-17 years from the privatization of the highways we do not know what the dealers have already invested, how and where to invest in the coming years. But there seems to be possible? "
Back on Tirrenia: because you have not answered the question you when you were in government?
"We have been in government a year and a half, if you allow me to smile: The problem is us who still have governed and badly - I admit it - or who has governed for eight years in the last ten? That said, the Transport Minister Sandro Bianchi proposed a lengthening of the time because la situazione era intricata. Noi non siamo contro le privatizzazioni: ma prima si liberalizza, dopo si privatizza . Qui invece si fa il contrario.
Nel caso di specie, poi, si trasforma una situazione comunque di mercato in un molto probabile monopolio privato. Prima almeno c`era la concorrenza tra Moby e Tirrenia su alcune linee, tra Gnv e Tirrenia su altre, tra Snav e Tirrenia su altre ancora. Ora questi soggetti privati hanno fatto cartello con Grimaldi Napoli per rilevare insieme i traghetti pubblici: cose così succedono solo in questo Paese. Noi abbiamo la responsabilità di non avere preso il toro per le corna, ok, ma questi al governo hanno fatto fare lauti guadagni a soggetti privati a spese dei cittadini, come dimostra Alitalia».
not have stalled because the unions were opposed, as opposed `s managing director Franco Pecorini?
"It was a situation that was scaling, what she says is true. C `s` was a transversality between administration,
vertices, the unions that went over. It is clear that when a CEO, while very good, resistant to 26 years
overcoming any kind of government, some reasonable suspicion is compared to the methods of management. But now we face a lot of public risk. Another thing. "
What happens now, in your opinion?
"We understand very well what happen. There's a big favorite subject for the purchase - Italian
navigation - that will play downwards to depreciate the value of the company. It 'clear that there is anyone who plays against the `public interest. What are we to think when the owners back together Aponte, Grimaldi, Honoré? This creates a private monopoly. `When there is
result, at least you can groped to change things, with the private or eat the soup or you miss the window. The losers are the citizens of the smaller islands, which are not nationals of series B. They are citizens who have the right to have good facilities to link with the mainland. "
Che ne pensano il Presidente Rossi e l'On. Velo di Toremar ?
Message 23871 of 02/03/2011, 12:28
Origin: Gimmi Ori
08 Commission - Public Works - January 26, 2011 Interview
Tirrenia - Samuele Cafasso interview - the nineteenth century
Philippi: "Ferries, will be private monopoly"
Filippi calls for the Transportation Authority of and attacks the roped-Aponte-Honoré Grimaldi
"We face the risk of public lots: the center was wrong to refer the dossier Tirrenia, but the government is preparing to to make handsome profits for private with the money of the citizens. " Marco Filippi, senator, leader of the Democratic Party to the Transportation Commission sounds the alarm, the privatization of public ferries and asks the government to quickly enact the `Transport Authority," `the only way to protect citizens who will face a private monopoly. " Senator, privatization Tirrenia risks leaving a gap of some hundreds of millions in inheritance to the Special Commissioner Giancarlo D `Andrea.
"I read what was written by the nineteenth century: largely agrees with the analysis and, for the rest, I
has spurred a movement of 'bitterness. I see a past that does not pass, the old managers are ready to return to the field, private owners are ready to form an alliance to transform a market into a private monopoly. "
Tirrenia Alitalia is the `ba?
Dissent, Alitalia had failed. Tirrenia instead was meant to privatize completely distorting the display of the EU, which were rather clear. Allow me to summarize: to distinguish between market services and universal services,
provide them at the appropriation of a fee, to be allocated in a transparent manner, in Tirrenia, or any other company. We wanted to privatize when it `s no doctor's prescription so it would be appropriate that the state backward".
But actually living in Tirrenia utilities, the so-called universal service, and lines of the market. Why have not you offered to dispose of this latter
and hold the first public, non-profitable but essential for public service?
"It was what we said since the beginning. Then, when there is the market, a person is controller, which controls. "
How do you imagine this subject?
"A` Authority, that of transport. Navigation is one of the problems, but I think the same themes recur to the rail and aviation sectors. Where `s to protect the citizens than
private entities but must provide a public service, who can guarantee if not a third party? Look, I also say for motorway concessions: a 16-17 years from the privatization of the highways we do not know what the dealers have already invested, how and where to invest in the coming years. But there seems to be possible? "
Back on Tirrenia: because you have not answered the question you when you were in government?
"We have been in government a year and a half, if you allow me to smile: The problem is us who still have governed and badly - I admit it - or who has governed for eight years in the last ten? That said, the Transport Minister Sandro Bianchi proposed a lengthening of the time because la situazione era intricata. Noi non siamo contro le privatizzazioni: ma prima si liberalizza, dopo si privatizza . Qui invece si fa il contrario.
Nel caso di specie, poi, si trasforma una situazione comunque di mercato in un molto probabile monopolio privato. Prima almeno c`era la concorrenza tra Moby e Tirrenia su alcune linee, tra Gnv e Tirrenia su altre, tra Snav e Tirrenia su altre ancora. Ora questi soggetti privati hanno fatto cartello con Grimaldi Napoli per rilevare insieme i traghetti pubblici: cose così succedono solo in questo Paese. Noi abbiamo la responsabilità di non avere preso il toro per le corna, ok, ma questi al governo hanno fatto fare lauti guadagni a soggetti privati a spese dei cittadini, come dimostra Alitalia».
not have stalled because the unions were opposed, as opposed `s managing director Franco Pecorini?
"It was a situation that was scaling, what she says is true. C `s` was a transversality between administration,
vertices, the unions that went over. It is clear that when a CEO, while very good, resistant to 26 years
overcoming any kind of government, some reasonable suspicion is compared to the methods of management. But now we face a lot of public risk. Another thing. "
What happens now, in your opinion?
"We understand very well what happen. There's a big favorite subject for the purchase - Italian
navigation - that will play downwards to depreciate the value of the company. It 'clear that there is anyone who plays against the `public interest. What are we to think when the owners back together Aponte, Grimaldi, Honoré? This creates a private monopoly. `When there is
result, at least you can groped to change things, with the private or eat the soup or you miss the window. The losers are the citizens of the smaller islands, which are not nationals of series B. They are citizens who have the right to have good facilities to link with the mainland. "
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Elba Regione Toscana , tante proposte ma i fatti : Privatizzazione totale Toremar con noncuranza di un probabile monopolio all'80% delle corse per l'Elba e Aeroporto Internazionale di Marina di Campo Teseo Tesei in attesa di decollo , dai 9.000 passeggeri dell'anno scorso !
tramissione out from a late hour of TV, where a key player in national Democratic Party leading to remind colleagues of the other political parties that it was useless local politicians ride the discontent of the people because they knew very well that with the ' top Italian public debt in the coming years the spending cuts would continue (all silent, some silent consent), so we are not at all surprised by the law to stop the smaller islands due to lack of funds, even if there are more standards low cost services and higher here on the Island of Elba.
course, the Region Tuscany was the first starting with the privatization of the total Toremar with disengagement from the public presence of the guarantee carried by maritime territorial continuity with the Tuscan Archipelago, heedless of the possibility that there may be a monopoly to 80% of races to Elba that will certainly lead to a decrease in prices of traghettaggio already higher by 30% compared to other islands, for example when instead Sicily in 2002, followed also by the Campania, had banned the contributions links with the smaller islands for the liberalization of maritime transport provided by the European Union.
From a 'AGI of March 1, 2011 we learn that according to Istat, the price of diesel for transport represents a cyclical rise in 1, 1% and an annual increase of 18% (from 15.7% January 2011), and instead ferry prices rise in maritime transport more strangely (the merits of privatization Tirrenia?) (+7%), whose rate of annual growth rose to 26.2% (from + 20.5% in January) and then we are waiting to know the prices of the new owner of Toremar from April 1, taking into account the notice secret and discriminatory for the little that we can tell, prepared by the Region of Tuscany for a few large shipping and with the aggravating circumstance of 70 points out of 100 for fleet renewal at the expense of course price.
Unfortunately not all of Elba are many proposals that should never be successful, the facts are few but good, and we will see shortly in the future and the outcome of total privatization Toremar by Region Tuscany and even when the International Airport of Marina di Campo La Pila Teseo Tesei will be working throughout the year and will increase from 9,000 passengers last year to a minimum target of 100,000 passengers per year for a new economic take-off Elba with a seasonal adjustment and also increasing and not just a quality tourism, which certainly does not reiterate the high cost del trasporto per raggiungere la meta delle vacanze , infatti si può andare direttamente in vacanza in crociera .
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
tramissione out from a late hour of TV, where a key player in national Democratic Party leading to remind colleagues of the other political parties that it was useless local politicians ride the discontent of the people because they knew very well that with the ' top Italian public debt in the coming years the spending cuts would continue (all silent, some silent consent), so we are not at all surprised by the law to stop the smaller islands due to lack of funds, even if there are more standards low cost services and higher here on the Island of Elba.
course, the Region Tuscany was the first starting with the privatization of the total Toremar with disengagement from the public presence of the guarantee carried by maritime territorial continuity with the Tuscan Archipelago, heedless of the possibility that there may be a monopoly to 80% of races to Elba that will certainly lead to a decrease in prices of traghettaggio already higher by 30% compared to other islands, for example when instead Sicily in 2002, followed also by the Campania, had banned the contributions links with the smaller islands for the liberalization of maritime transport provided by the European Union.
From a 'AGI of March 1, 2011 we learn that according to Istat, the price of diesel for transport represents a cyclical rise in 1, 1% and an annual increase of 18% (from 15.7% January 2011), and instead ferry prices rise in maritime transport more strangely (the merits of privatization Tirrenia?) (+7%), whose rate of annual growth rose to 26.2% (from + 20.5% in January) and then we are waiting to know the prices of the new owner of Toremar from April 1, taking into account the notice secret and discriminatory for the little that we can tell, prepared by the Region of Tuscany for a few large shipping and with the aggravating circumstance of 70 points out of 100 for fleet renewal at the expense of course price.
Unfortunately not all of Elba are many proposals that should never be successful, the facts are few but good, and we will see shortly in the future and the outcome of total privatization Toremar by Region Tuscany and even when the International Airport of Marina di Campo La Pila Teseo Tesei will be working throughout the year and will increase from 9,000 passengers last year to a minimum target of 100,000 passengers per year for a new economic take-off Elba with a seasonal adjustment and also increasing and not just a quality tourism, which certainly does not reiterate the high cost del trasporto per raggiungere la meta delle vacanze , infatti si può andare direttamente in vacanza in crociera .
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
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Toremar : " OPERAZIONE VERITÀ SUI TRASPORTI IN TOSCANA ". The Committee recommends Ferry Elba Caro-reading the article that comes from the Grosseto 27.11.2010 Transport in Italy, Tuscany and Elba, there 's also the Toremar, the policy choices of the Region of Tuscany, political parties, trade unions and the European Union directives: http://www.pennabiro.it/il-problema-dei-trasporti-in-italia/.
Il Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti consiglia la lettura dell'articolo che viene da Grosseto del 27.11.2010 sui trasporti in Italia , in Toscana e all'Elba , c'e' anche la Toremar , le scelte politiche della Regione Toscana , i partiti politici , i sindacati e le direttive dell'Unione Europea :
http://www.pennabiro.it/il-problema-dei-trasporti-in-italia/ .
Please read full quote below, however, the most significant things in this moment for the Island of Elba.
This shows and allows to state that the races are a political choice and not an obligation, because the award "in house" (without notice) is permitted, at least until 2018, and not only by Italian law, but as will be seen in one of the following sections, including European Union directives.
3. The policies of the Region of Tuscany, the role of trade unions
The choice of the Tuscany Region is therefore highly political: it chose to liberalize and privatize the transport pubblico locale e di non tutelare la fascia debole della popolazione che maggiormente necessita dei servizi pubblici per la mobilità (anziani, studenti, lavoratori) che sarà esposta alle leggi del mercato e del profitto: traducendo, diminuzione di servizi attraverso la cosiddetta “razionalizzazione delle linee” e aumenti del costo dei biglietti e degli abbonamenti.
In tutta Italia queste scelte politiche sono sostenute da tutti gli schieramenti politici e purtroppo, a differenza del resto d’Europa, anche dalle organizzazioni sindacali.
In Toscana, le organizzazioni confederali dei sindacati, sposano in toto i progetti politici dell’amministrazione regionale e delle aziende
5. Stew Tirrenia
With the excuse to comply with EU principles on coastal shipping and liberalization of its routes, the shipping company and its subsidiary Tirrenia Siremar are put to tender for the privatization, the other subsidiaries would be transferred charge by Tirrenia navigation: Caremar the Region Campania, we are in the region of Sardinia, the Toremar to Tuscany. The regions then to realize the privatization of the respective companies with custody of or maritime services with the opening of the capital to a private shareholder. For the record, please note that the region of Sicily has rejected the plan to acquire Siremar and the commissioner, including what remains of the parent company Tirrenia, blocked the privatization.
Tirrenia Group SpA, controlled by Fintecna whose shares belong to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, shall make the maritime services with public funds to guarantee the territorial continuity between the Italian islands and the mainland. The island populations are concerned, therefore, that this continuity with the privatization of land is no longer respected.
Moreover, the European Union has never asked Italy to privatize the Tirrenia company nor the regional group. In fact, the law fully recognizes the need for Member States to ensure territorial cohesion, economic and social development of their islands, allowing Member States themselves to public service contracts and / or impose public service obligations. So Italy, in his way, he played the implementation of the Regulation on maritime cabotage which actually concerns only the procedure of open competition and the privatization of the company Tirrenia.
The privatization process is similar to that in place for "Alitalia" but at the risk of worse outcomes for quality of service and rates, because the sell-off of regional companies and Tirrenia could restrict fundamental rights, social, economic and employment of citizens islanders. The management model proposed by the Regions to Caremar / Campania, Saremar / Sardinia and the Pontine Islands / Lazio is a mixed public / private for Toremar / Tuscany directly instead organize a tender to manage a 100% private. In all cases the use of private enterprise management tools will enhance the already dominant positions of individuals.
The decision to privatize the Tuscany region Toremar 100% and to entrust the winner of the management of the service for 12 years has sparked serious concerns among the population of the Tuscan islands and between the Maritime Toremar. From here a document of the Communities and the Conference of Mayors of the archipelago that are worried about the privatization of all, ask the region to consider the establishment of a mixed public / private document of the Province of Livorno also calls for a joint enterprise that See public presence.
The situation that is going through is not the most beautiful Toremar: limited funds, jobs in the balance, a real risk of halving the links, in short, less money, fewer lines and fewer jobs. Thus, privatization is a very difficult time and will be a problem to maintain universal service and territorial continuity with the islands toscane, e molto dolorose potrebbero essere le ricadute sui circa 200 marittimi, sia in termini occupazionali che salariali (infatti, di clausola sociale si parla soltanto ma nessuno crede veramente che sul bando di gara ci saranno iscritte le attuali garanzie per i lavoratori).
Così sembrano diventare miraggi le garanzie sul servizio, in primo luogo la sicurezza nella navigazione e negli attacchi, il mantenimento delle attuali rotte, gli orari legati alle necessità del territorio, l’introduzione delle corse notturne, le agevolazioni tariffarie per i residenti, i prezzi contenuti e sociali, una nuova flotta.
6. Cosa fare
I cittadini, i lavoratori devono alzare la testa, expect and demand the preservation of the public nature of mobility, to oppose policies that remove the social market in local public transport and they are smashing and destroying the historic carriage of Railways.
In Europe, workers and citizens, particularly in France, Germany and Belgium, maintain their wages and their rights simply because they are fighting and have fought against liberalization and privatization.
In Italy are the responsibility of politics that did not want to protect (for the benefit of big business and industry) companies and their areas of undoubted strategic importance to the entire country. Responsibilities are also of interest groups, including trade unions, which have not been able to respond to the new, who have not realized that the crisis of the welfare state is linked to the absence of a policy for the country capable of attracting attention at both national and internationally.
Of this, workers must be aware to change direction, be bearers and supporters of a policy of national interest, which is necessary to solve the problems of working and living conditions.
Grosseto, November 27, 2010
Il Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti consiglia la lettura dell'articolo che viene da Grosseto del 27.11.2010 sui trasporti in Italia , in Toscana e all'Elba , c'e' anche la Toremar , le scelte politiche della Regione Toscana , i partiti politici , i sindacati e le direttive dell'Unione Europea :
http://www.pennabiro.it/il-problema-dei-trasporti-in-italia/ .
Please read full quote below, however, the most significant things in this moment for the Island of Elba.
This shows and allows to state that the races are a political choice and not an obligation, because the award "in house" (without notice) is permitted, at least until 2018, and not only by Italian law, but as will be seen in one of the following sections, including European Union directives.
3. The policies of the Region of Tuscany, the role of trade unions
The choice of the Tuscany Region is therefore highly political: it chose to liberalize and privatize the transport pubblico locale e di non tutelare la fascia debole della popolazione che maggiormente necessita dei servizi pubblici per la mobilità (anziani, studenti, lavoratori) che sarà esposta alle leggi del mercato e del profitto: traducendo, diminuzione di servizi attraverso la cosiddetta “razionalizzazione delle linee” e aumenti del costo dei biglietti e degli abbonamenti.
In tutta Italia queste scelte politiche sono sostenute da tutti gli schieramenti politici e purtroppo, a differenza del resto d’Europa, anche dalle organizzazioni sindacali.
In Toscana, le organizzazioni confederali dei sindacati, sposano in toto i progetti politici dell’amministrazione regionale e delle aziende
5. Stew Tirrenia
With the excuse to comply with EU principles on coastal shipping and liberalization of its routes, the shipping company and its subsidiary Tirrenia Siremar are put to tender for the privatization, the other subsidiaries would be transferred charge by Tirrenia navigation: Caremar the Region Campania, we are in the region of Sardinia, the Toremar to Tuscany. The regions then to realize the privatization of the respective companies with custody of or maritime services with the opening of the capital to a private shareholder. For the record, please note that the region of Sicily has rejected the plan to acquire Siremar and the commissioner, including what remains of the parent company Tirrenia, blocked the privatization.
Tirrenia Group SpA, controlled by Fintecna whose shares belong to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, shall make the maritime services with public funds to guarantee the territorial continuity between the Italian islands and the mainland. The island populations are concerned, therefore, that this continuity with the privatization of land is no longer respected.
Moreover, the European Union has never asked Italy to privatize the Tirrenia company nor the regional group. In fact, the law fully recognizes the need for Member States to ensure territorial cohesion, economic and social development of their islands, allowing Member States themselves to public service contracts and / or impose public service obligations. So Italy, in his way, he played the implementation of the Regulation on maritime cabotage which actually concerns only the procedure of open competition and the privatization of the company Tirrenia.
The privatization process is similar to that in place for "Alitalia" but at the risk of worse outcomes for quality of service and rates, because the sell-off of regional companies and Tirrenia could restrict fundamental rights, social, economic and employment of citizens islanders. The management model proposed by the Regions to Caremar / Campania, Saremar / Sardinia and the Pontine Islands / Lazio is a mixed public / private for Toremar / Tuscany directly instead organize a tender to manage a 100% private. In all cases the use of private enterprise management tools will enhance the already dominant positions of individuals.
The decision to privatize the Tuscany region Toremar 100% and to entrust the winner of the management of the service for 12 years has sparked serious concerns among the population of the Tuscan islands and between the Maritime Toremar. From here a document of the Communities and the Conference of Mayors of the archipelago that are worried about the privatization of all, ask the region to consider the establishment of a mixed public / private document of the Province of Livorno also calls for a joint enterprise that See public presence.
The situation that is going through is not the most beautiful Toremar: limited funds, jobs in the balance, a real risk of halving the links, in short, less money, fewer lines and fewer jobs. Thus, privatization is a very difficult time and will be a problem to maintain universal service and territorial continuity with the islands toscane, e molto dolorose potrebbero essere le ricadute sui circa 200 marittimi, sia in termini occupazionali che salariali (infatti, di clausola sociale si parla soltanto ma nessuno crede veramente che sul bando di gara ci saranno iscritte le attuali garanzie per i lavoratori).
Così sembrano diventare miraggi le garanzie sul servizio, in primo luogo la sicurezza nella navigazione e negli attacchi, il mantenimento delle attuali rotte, gli orari legati alle necessità del territorio, l’introduzione delle corse notturne, le agevolazioni tariffarie per i residenti, i prezzi contenuti e sociali, una nuova flotta.
6. Cosa fare
I cittadini, i lavoratori devono alzare la testa, expect and demand the preservation of the public nature of mobility, to oppose policies that remove the social market in local public transport and they are smashing and destroying the historic carriage of Railways.
In Europe, workers and citizens, particularly in France, Germany and Belgium, maintain their wages and their rights simply because they are fighting and have fought against liberalization and privatization.
In Italy are the responsibility of politics that did not want to protect (for the benefit of big business and industry) companies and their areas of undoubted strategic importance to the entire country. Responsibilities are also of interest groups, including trade unions, which have not been able to respond to the new, who have not realized that the crisis of the welfare state is linked to the absence of a policy for the country capable of attracting attention at both national and internationally.
Of this, workers must be aware to change direction, be bearers and supporters of a policy of national interest, which is necessary to solve the problems of working and living conditions.
Grosseto, November 27, 2010
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I allow myself a break from the blog, I hope soon we will see .... ..... nothing serious, just tired ...
soon, and if you should continue to follow me, I hope to jump in there, a hug to all my dear!
Monday, February 28, 2011
Pulse R76airsoftrepair
Privatization Toremar, read today on the Ansa very high "increases "In some cases, even a doubling of prices for ferries to Sardinia, with regard to the Elbe, the Committee Caro-Elba Ferries has not quite understand what are the instruments proposed the Councillor Ceccobao Observatory, on the disruptions and price of the new Toremar Private?
Caro-Sardinia ferry up +70%
http://www.ansa.it/web/notizie/specializzati/mare/2011/02 / 26/visualizza_new.html_1562665301.html
''E' un comportamento inaccettabile - lamenta il presidente di Federconsumatori, Rosario Trefiletti - che rischia di strozzare completamente il turismo di questa regione, comportando gravissimi danni non solo all'economia locale, ma al Paese intero. Agire per arginare i rincari e' indispensabile.
Cosa aspettano - chiede Trefiletti - ad intervenire il ministro dei Trasporti e quello del Turismo?''.
Dopo aver letto l'Ansa al link sopra , il Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti , per quanto riguarda l'Elba , non ha ancora ben capito con quali strumenti l'Osservatorio proposto dall'Assessore Ceccobao possa tutelare gli utenti e gli elbani all the inefficiencies, such as those of the past month related to the simultaneous absence all'aliscafo and also for maintenance of the ship low-cost line of cable and the same goes for prices Toremar under contract with the region and held public and publicly guaranteed .
There being in Italy Transport Authority, with powers to impose sanctions and establish a fair price migliatico remain exposed in the public prosecutor in the case of criminal offenses, the class-action for compensation damages uncertain times and the amounts of fines and lastly the Region of Tuscany, including those in more uncertain times and in amounts that will actually be paid .
We believe significant that the most viewed post on the blog of the Committee and on the forum, and information relating to:
Increase Ferry 2011, even after Moby Elba Elba and Sardinia in the Company that will make the new boss Toremar from April 1, 2011?
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Caro-Sardinia ferry up +70%
http://www.ansa.it/web/notizie/specializzati/mare/2011/02 / 26/visualizza_new.html_1562665301.html
''E' un comportamento inaccettabile - lamenta il presidente di Federconsumatori, Rosario Trefiletti - che rischia di strozzare completamente il turismo di questa regione, comportando gravissimi danni non solo all'economia locale, ma al Paese intero. Agire per arginare i rincari e' indispensabile.
Cosa aspettano - chiede Trefiletti - ad intervenire il ministro dei Trasporti e quello del Turismo?''.
Dopo aver letto l'Ansa al link sopra , il Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti , per quanto riguarda l'Elba , non ha ancora ben capito con quali strumenti l'Osservatorio proposto dall'Assessore Ceccobao possa tutelare gli utenti e gli elbani all the inefficiencies, such as those of the past month related to the simultaneous absence all'aliscafo and also for maintenance of the ship low-cost line of cable and the same goes for prices Toremar under contract with the region and held public and publicly guaranteed .
There being in Italy Transport Authority, with powers to impose sanctions and establish a fair price migliatico remain exposed in the public prosecutor in the case of criminal offenses, the class-action for compensation damages uncertain times and the amounts of fines and lastly the Region of Tuscany, including those in more uncertain times and in amounts that will actually be paid .
We believe significant that the most viewed post on the blog of the Committee and on the forum, and information relating to:
Increase Ferry 2011, even after Moby Elba Elba and Sardinia in the Company that will make the new boss Toremar from April 1, 2011?
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Premi Bhangra Number 1
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Spetsnaz Ak Wikipedia
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Abbiamo il piacere di informarvi che: Gutermann Creativ , Opitec Hobbyfix e Stamperia sono i nostri primi sponsor del Concorso.
A presto l'elenco dei premi messi a disposizione.....
Abbiamo il piacere di informarvi che: Gutermann Creativ , Opitec Hobbyfix e Stamperia sono i nostri primi sponsor del Concorso.
A presto l'elenco dei premi messi a disposizione.....
How To Measure A Saddle Width D Ring
Toremar and ESA, other than privatization, why? The debts to the public and private to the flab?
We learn with regret that the press, the hydrofoil is dead again and do not understand why it is that much more old media always circulate regularly, performing due course maintenance.
We are also amazed from learning the press that unlike the privatization Toremar total, there will be total privatization in the waste sector, where you will have to read a single regional operator (as opposed to transport, which is mandatory liberalization with more transportation companies and even a single operator to 80% of shipping for the Elbe), but in this case will not be made an EU ban and will be a public company formed with the participation of all municipalities in the Tuscan coast (Costa Ato) and then again according to the law is sought a private partner for 40% of the shares and is expected to Elba:
"lower costs now paid for i rifiuti sui quali incide in maniera non secondaria il trasporto in nave della spazzatura " .
Sembra che qui non sia valida l'equazione :
i debiti al pubblico e la ciccia al privato .
Per il trasporto marittimo stante l'unica anticipazione letta sulla stampa del bando secretato Toremar dei 70 punti su 100 per il rinnovo della flotta , che andrà pagata , non si prevede certo una riduzione dei prezzi per agevolare la destagionalizzazione e l'allungamento della stagione , ma anzi degli ulteriori aumenti che sommandosi alle altre problematiche dell'isola ed avendo solo due Hotel a cinque stelle sull'isola ed un terzo in prevista costruzione ( dell'armatore della Moby ? ), It certainly will boost the tourism of quality, which certainly does not with the high price of transport to reach the goal , in fact see the protests and complaints to the increases in 2011 that there are ferries to Sardinia (Costa Smeralda) , which is also attainable by many more people, in contrast to the Elbe, with low-cost flights from 8 euros per person.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
We learn with regret that the press, the hydrofoil is dead again and do not understand why it is that much more old media always circulate regularly, performing due course maintenance.
We are also amazed from learning the press that unlike the privatization Toremar total, there will be total privatization in the waste sector, where you will have to read a single regional operator (as opposed to transport, which is mandatory liberalization with more transportation companies and even a single operator to 80% of shipping for the Elbe), but in this case will not be made an EU ban and will be a public company formed with the participation of all municipalities in the Tuscan coast (Costa Ato) and then again according to the law is sought a private partner for 40% of the shares and is expected to Elba:
"lower costs now paid for i rifiuti sui quali incide in maniera non secondaria il trasporto in nave della spazzatura " .
Sembra che qui non sia valida l'equazione :
i debiti al pubblico e la ciccia al privato .
Per il trasporto marittimo stante l'unica anticipazione letta sulla stampa del bando secretato Toremar dei 70 punti su 100 per il rinnovo della flotta , che andrà pagata , non si prevede certo una riduzione dei prezzi per agevolare la destagionalizzazione e l'allungamento della stagione , ma anzi degli ulteriori aumenti che sommandosi alle altre problematiche dell'isola ed avendo solo due Hotel a cinque stelle sull'isola ed un terzo in prevista costruzione ( dell'armatore della Moby ? ), It certainly will boost the tourism of quality, which certainly does not with the high price of transport to reach the goal , in fact see the protests and complaints to the increases in 2011 that there are ferries to Sardinia (Costa Smeralda) , which is also attainable by many more people, in contrast to the Elbe, with low-cost flights from 8 euros per person.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Friday, February 25, 2011
Inverters For Sale In Bc
think I love to be the 'object of your desires than ever realize in reality.
"But more than that of Justice, Love has a sum of temperance. And 'in fact widely accepted that dominate the pleasures and instincts is the fruit of temperance, and that there is more pleasure forte di Amore; e se tutti gli altri piaceri sono più deboli, finiscono con l’essere sopraffatti da Amore, e così egli domina, e dominando piaceri e istinti Amore eccelle in temperanza.»
«L'anima se ne sta smarrita per la stranezza della sua condizione e, non sapendo che fare, smania e fuor di sé non trova sonno di notte né riposo di giorno, ma corre, anela là dove spera di poter rimirare colui che possiede la bellezza. E appena l'ha riguardato, invasa dall'onda del desiderio amoroso, le si sciolgono i canali ostruiti: essa prende respiro, si riposa delle trafitture e degli affanni, e di nuovo gode, per il momento almeno, questo soavissimo piacere. Because, in addition to worship the one who possesses the beauty, found in him the only doctor of his painful toil. This suffering of the soul, in my bell'amico I'm talking about, is what men call love. "
They are all so shallow and devoid of inner sensitivity, depth of 'mind ... it seems that they all have their heads between their legs, it seems that all reasoning for sexual pleasure: so much so that there are some who come to pay abnormal amounts of money but need to vent this heinous illusion caused by hormones or perhaps to seek consolation in a love lost. No coincidence that the oldest job in the world we know all what, and that in itself speaks volumes: the 'no man has ever been able to control their impulses, their primitive instincts and animalistic. I hate all this, the 'I have always hated and always awake, I know I'm also in part as are all but in spite of everything I want to go against nature, I want to live according to my nature. To blame for all this the 'love loses its importance, the most important thing that everyone, including most of those people that I am describing, say is the most important thing, the one for which we all live ... But always They say that not everything revolves around the 'love. How many times have I tried to confront people about these temi e quasi ogni volta, si parlava solo di volgarità. Perchè la volgarità è di tutti, è per tutti. "Smettila di pensare, spegni il cervello e goditi la vita!" mi dicono. "Fatti una sana scopata e non rompere" mi dicono. A volte mi dicono di essere più spensierata, di "godermi gli anni che ho" (WTF???? ho quasi 17 anni e allora? non mi ci sento per niente o almeno non sento di avere la tipica mentalità da 17enne) ma non riesco a seguire questi consigli, ci ho provato e ho avuto scarsi risultati. Ho sempre il sorriso, sono sempre solare dicono eppure io mi sento perennemente coperta da un cupo velo di tristezza. Io però non ci riesco, non riesco proprio a "godermi la vita", io non riesco a dare sfogo soltanto to my hormones, I tried, I tried what I need, I felt empty, I felt sadness. My physical needs are not worth as much as my need for love, pale in comparison. I live only for love, for love and to love, something rarely seen now that everyone flee from it, run away with the 'illusion of escaping suffer less in a vacuum of primitive sexual instincts. I do not, it makes me feel good, not for me, usually speech, please do not imponetetmi your vapid lifestyle for me you can do what you want there to express my critical opinion, but without imposing my lifestyle on your own, what you do with me all the time, with me and those who live and think like me, if we are in the minority means dire che siamo rari e se siamo rari, siamo più preziosi.
Anche in questo caso subentra la mia doppia personalità (ho più di due personalità ma tralasciamo) apparentemente so benissimo di essere provocante, sexy, estremamente femminile, adoro provocare, adoro pensare di essere l' oggetto dei vostri desideri che mai realizzerete nella realtà. Ma è proprio questo ciò che voglio, vivere soltanto di amore e sfruttarvi per la vostra ingenuità, per il vostro vivere soltanto di "passioni da uomini comuni", usare parzialmente i vostri ormoni che non vi fanno più ragionare con la testa ma con ciò che avete in mezzo alle gambe (è riferito anche alle donne). Quindi, anche qui torna il concetto che voglio esprimere through photos, videos, drawings, clothing and more.
It aims to 'love because for me it is perfection, I aspire to the perfection of' mind. I want to live 's love, because I love, love, love but hate, I hate myself for this, I hate it because my love is stronger than anything else. Fighting around and wonder why, can not fight the whole 'love ... or maybe you?
But sometimes there are people who are so fixed with the 'love to come to think that' s the only thing we live for (me included) but they forget that 'love is not just between two people, the' love you is between a person el 'art, between a person and something bigger strong and sometimes a person from a certain point of view ... as they are for me the ambitions, goals to be achieved ol 'selfish love for myself. Some forget that love ... and end to the illusion of love, to love people never even seen the despair, to give meaning to their existence, to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning ... but this is illusion. I also might be a 'deluded, deceived myself that the' love could cancel, not show me, but I see, I'm not deluded. I see the reality as it is and I love, I love ... I love what I have done more harm, because I'm in love with 'love. I live only for love, only love will live forever, say many che con il tempo cambierò: può succedere come no; se sarò forte come lo sono stata finora non succederà, io vivo solo di amore, di amore irrazionale, più irrazionale degli istinti... io non sono carne io sono inteletto, non ho fatto una scelta... sono stata predestinata, non tornerò indietro.
L'amore è una grave malattia mentale.
- Kelly Hilton -
"But more than that of Justice, Love has a sum of temperance. And 'in fact widely accepted that dominate the pleasures and instincts is the fruit of temperance, and that there is more pleasure forte di Amore; e se tutti gli altri piaceri sono più deboli, finiscono con l’essere sopraffatti da Amore, e così egli domina, e dominando piaceri e istinti Amore eccelle in temperanza.»
«L'anima se ne sta smarrita per la stranezza della sua condizione e, non sapendo che fare, smania e fuor di sé non trova sonno di notte né riposo di giorno, ma corre, anela là dove spera di poter rimirare colui che possiede la bellezza. E appena l'ha riguardato, invasa dall'onda del desiderio amoroso, le si sciolgono i canali ostruiti: essa prende respiro, si riposa delle trafitture e degli affanni, e di nuovo gode, per il momento almeno, questo soavissimo piacere. Because, in addition to worship the one who possesses the beauty, found in him the only doctor of his painful toil. This suffering of the soul, in my bell'amico I'm talking about, is what men call love. "
They are all so shallow and devoid of inner sensitivity, depth of 'mind ... it seems that they all have their heads between their legs, it seems that all reasoning for sexual pleasure: so much so that there are some who come to pay abnormal amounts of money but need to vent this heinous illusion caused by hormones or perhaps to seek consolation in a love lost. No coincidence that the oldest job in the world we know all what, and that in itself speaks volumes: the 'no man has ever been able to control their impulses, their primitive instincts and animalistic. I hate all this, the 'I have always hated and always awake, I know I'm also in part as are all but in spite of everything I want to go against nature, I want to live according to my nature. To blame for all this the 'love loses its importance, the most important thing that everyone, including most of those people that I am describing, say is the most important thing, the one for which we all live ... But always They say that not everything revolves around the 'love. How many times have I tried to confront people about these temi e quasi ogni volta, si parlava solo di volgarità. Perchè la volgarità è di tutti, è per tutti. "Smettila di pensare, spegni il cervello e goditi la vita!" mi dicono. "Fatti una sana scopata e non rompere" mi dicono. A volte mi dicono di essere più spensierata, di "godermi gli anni che ho" (WTF???? ho quasi 17 anni e allora? non mi ci sento per niente o almeno non sento di avere la tipica mentalità da 17enne) ma non riesco a seguire questi consigli, ci ho provato e ho avuto scarsi risultati. Ho sempre il sorriso, sono sempre solare dicono eppure io mi sento perennemente coperta da un cupo velo di tristezza. Io però non ci riesco, non riesco proprio a "godermi la vita", io non riesco a dare sfogo soltanto to my hormones, I tried, I tried what I need, I felt empty, I felt sadness. My physical needs are not worth as much as my need for love, pale in comparison. I live only for love, for love and to love, something rarely seen now that everyone flee from it, run away with the 'illusion of escaping suffer less in a vacuum of primitive sexual instincts. I do not, it makes me feel good, not for me, usually speech, please do not imponetetmi your vapid lifestyle for me you can do what you want there to express my critical opinion, but without imposing my lifestyle on your own, what you do with me all the time, with me and those who live and think like me, if we are in the minority means dire che siamo rari e se siamo rari, siamo più preziosi.
Anche in questo caso subentra la mia doppia personalità (ho più di due personalità ma tralasciamo) apparentemente so benissimo di essere provocante, sexy, estremamente femminile, adoro provocare, adoro pensare di essere l' oggetto dei vostri desideri che mai realizzerete nella realtà. Ma è proprio questo ciò che voglio, vivere soltanto di amore e sfruttarvi per la vostra ingenuità, per il vostro vivere soltanto di "passioni da uomini comuni", usare parzialmente i vostri ormoni che non vi fanno più ragionare con la testa ma con ciò che avete in mezzo alle gambe (è riferito anche alle donne). Quindi, anche qui torna il concetto che voglio esprimere through photos, videos, drawings, clothing and more.
It aims to 'love because for me it is perfection, I aspire to the perfection of' mind. I want to live 's love, because I love, love, love but hate, I hate myself for this, I hate it because my love is stronger than anything else. Fighting around and wonder why, can not fight the whole 'love ... or maybe you?
But sometimes there are people who are so fixed with the 'love to come to think that' s the only thing we live for (me included) but they forget that 'love is not just between two people, the' love you is between a person el 'art, between a person and something bigger strong and sometimes a person from a certain point of view ... as they are for me the ambitions, goals to be achieved ol 'selfish love for myself. Some forget that love ... and end to the illusion of love, to love people never even seen the despair, to give meaning to their existence, to find a reason to get out of bed in the morning ... but this is illusion. I also might be a 'deluded, deceived myself that the' love could cancel, not show me, but I see, I'm not deluded. I see the reality as it is and I love, I love ... I love what I have done more harm, because I'm in love with 'love. I live only for love, only love will live forever, say many che con il tempo cambierò: può succedere come no; se sarò forte come lo sono stata finora non succederà, io vivo solo di amore, di amore irrazionale, più irrazionale degli istinti... io non sono carne io sono inteletto, non ho fatto una scelta... sono stata predestinata, non tornerò indietro.
L'amore è una grave malattia mentale.
- Kelly Hilton -
Thursday, February 24, 2011
How Should My Cervix Feel Right Before Period
Elba, still dormant after the first increases the ferry, until Easter, 04.25.2011, May-June to early awakenings, long live the last minute! But what happens after the increases in Sardinia ferry in 2011, in view of the total privatization of Tirrenia and also that part will we be? Call Toremar
Caro-ferry : Skip the Italian La Maddalena J24
The news comes to us from the national secretariat:
Dear friends,
with great regret and sorrow that I inform you today in Milan, in
meeting of the board of the J24 class, it was decided to move the next
National Championship from La Maddalena Marina di Carrara (SP). We arrived in
this difficult decision after trying in every way, but to no avail,
to obtain an agreement with the Mobylines. Unfortunately there are only three
long months to establish contact with the Moby. Once again, the Sardinians are penalized
insularity "isolated island"
should be our motto!
The allocation of the National Championship in La Maddalena
was for me a source of great pride and a dream come true for someone like me, racing
more than twenty years on these wonderful boats. The projects and their preparations for this event
portend a great turnout, especially due to the beauty of the island
. This championship could unleash
great revival of the Class. I am truly sorry and sad, I hope to soon find
new incentives to go avanti.Cordiali greetings
President J24 Italy
The cancellation of the Italian J24 Maddalena is the first direct consequence of a problem that involves not only the sailors, but we all Sardinians and more: the increased cost of the ferries.
"To come to attend to Italian Maddalena J24 the ferry would have cost 1200 Euro!" Debuted Mariolino Fraietta, National President of the class. A prohibitive cost that led to the transfer of Italian from Sardinia to Tuscany, specifically in Marina di Carrara. Unfortunately, due to bureaucratic delays have not been able to achieve in a short time contact with the leaders of the Moby Lines and the class was forced to retreat sulla Toscana. “Abbiamo ricevuto la documentazione il 31 gennaio, ma comunque la risposta di Vincenzo è stata di voler partecipare concedendo il 30% sia sulle tratte Moby che su quelle Enermar. ” Dicono da Moby Lines a conferma sia del ritardo nella comunicazione sia della sensibilità di Vincenzo Onorato per l’argomento vela-Sardegna.
Da questo scenario risulta evidente quanto ancora una volta la piccola vela, quella dei piccoli budget, ne esca sconfitta e la preoccupazione degli organizzatori è rivolta ai prossimi eventi. Qualche esempio? L’italiano Laser SB3 quest’anno ad Alghero, l’europeo J24 sempre a Maddalena nel 2012 e la Coppa Primavela a Cagliari nel 2012. Ma a quest’ultima dovrebbe IVF mother think ... All this without mentioning what it will cost a season of any sailor Sardinian make four or five races in Italy or abroad.
Sailing Sardinia and friends write to Vincenzo Onorato:
Dear Vincent,
you write so that you will be able to return to La Maddalena in the Italian Championship for J24 which now seems to be competing in Marina di Carrara.
We saw you do a major discounts on your ferry for yachtsmen Sardinian we see you more sensitive to the problems of sailors Sardinian we saw "our" Roberto Pardini at the helm of one of your Rascals, especially we see you racing victoriously in Miami with "our" sponsorship on your RC44. So do not believe that you can be insensitive to the fact that a big race (it is at least for us) to go away from Sardinia.
do not believe that you can pretend nothing happened and, as a man of action as you are, we are sure you will not remain with our hands.
Caro-ferry tourists down by 25%
cancellations in hotel reservations and camping
Against inflation rates down the field in the province of Cagliari, announcing: "We denounce the company."
Caro Ferry, tourism slump.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 14:18
the island of San Pietro is a fear of privatization will be. Hotels: reservations already declining
Dear ferry in peak tourism Rain cancellations because of the surge of prices
The increase in ferry fares is likely to deal a blow to tourism Sulcis: hoteliers denounce first wave of cancellations and calling upon the Province.
The season has not yet begun but cancellations sì. Colpa del caro trasporti annunciato. Con le tariffe che promettono di aumentare dal 60 al 100 per cento frotte di vacanzieri si sono affrettati a disdire le prenotazioni per l'estate prossima ventura. È il quadro allarmante che emerge dai resoconti degli operatori turistici del Sulcis fatti in un recente incontro con il presidente della Provincia Tore Cherchi. Ne è scaturito un comunicato in cui la Provincia chiede “regole certe per salvare il trasporto pubblico” , visto che “il primo allarme arriva dagli operatori turistici del territorio provinciale, che assistono impotenti alla massiccia disdetta delle prenotazioni per l'estate”.
I RINCARI Questo sarebbe «il primo prodotto dell'iter di privatizzazione della Tirrenia currently under way, 'says the provincial councilor for Transport Guido Vacca. With transport to the island in private hands, "if we do not establish clear rules is an assumption that rates will inevitably increase, discouraging tourists." Vacca then adds: "In our area, the effect of the increase in rates is greatly magnified, given the bad link with the airport and the ports of the island." But there is another component: the privatization of maritime transport is likely to have serious repercussions on the links with Carlisle, and risks to undermine the tourist capital of Sulcis.
cancellations Massimiliano Grosso, head tourist agency services Sant'Antioco, was the first to call for a meeting in the Province and said, "I realized that cancellations for travel, hotels and vacation homes have come to almost 50 percent compared to ' Last year, trying to figure out why, I collected data and evidence, all part of the rise of the shipping companies: on average you get 60 percent more expensive tickets, with peaks of 100 percent. " Two examples: Livorno-Olbia return, two adults and two children sleeper car and the last year (operator Moby) 250 €. This year: 1100 €. Genoa-Porto Torres round trips and passenger cars, sleeper, the last year: 136 €, the reservation This year: 295 €. As recalled by the commissioner Guido Vacca, in the province there is also another problem: "If we add the cumbersome and not well reasoned Saremar the privatization process, which currently handles the shipping for Carlisle, which was confirmed also by the acts undertaken by the Region these last days (acceleration of the privatization with majority stake to private), the picture of public transport in Sulcis Iglesiente gets really depressing. "
smaller islands and the island of San Pietro which moods? For now it seems that tourism is holding. Angelo Borghero consortium Rainbow-natural shopping center "there is a general malaise, but so far no negative figure during the period from July to August, of course everyone is asking if it controlled prices and also get a blow on the ferry would be a disaster for us. " Antonio Tusacciu (Hotel Hieracon) vice president of the hoteliers of Carlisle has no doubts: "The fall is heard. In January last year there were more demands, today there are days when you do not work, the meeting with the President of the Province has been positive, but the situation is critical. " For the Province, "the region should pay more attention to the transport sector avoiding unjustified increases so as harmful."
Caro-ferry : Skip the Italian La Maddalena J24
The news comes to us from the national secretariat:
Dear friends,
with great regret and sorrow that I inform you today in Milan, in
meeting of the board of the J24 class, it was decided to move the next
National Championship from La Maddalena Marina di Carrara (SP). We arrived in
this difficult decision after trying in every way, but to no avail,
to obtain an agreement with the Mobylines. Unfortunately there are only three
long months to establish contact with the Moby. Once again, the Sardinians are penalized
insularity "isolated island"
should be our motto!
The allocation of the National Championship in La Maddalena
was for me a source of great pride and a dream come true for someone like me, racing
more than twenty years on these wonderful boats. The projects and their preparations for this event
portend a great turnout, especially due to the beauty of the island
. This championship could unleash
great revival of the Class. I am truly sorry and sad, I hope to soon find
new incentives to go avanti.Cordiali greetings
President J24 Italy
The cancellation of the Italian J24 Maddalena is the first direct consequence of a problem that involves not only the sailors, but we all Sardinians and more: the increased cost of the ferries.
"To come to attend to Italian Maddalena J24 the ferry would have cost 1200 Euro!" Debuted Mariolino Fraietta, National President of the class. A prohibitive cost that led to the transfer of Italian from Sardinia to Tuscany, specifically in Marina di Carrara. Unfortunately, due to bureaucratic delays have not been able to achieve in a short time contact with the leaders of the Moby Lines and the class was forced to retreat sulla Toscana. “Abbiamo ricevuto la documentazione il 31 gennaio, ma comunque la risposta di Vincenzo è stata di voler partecipare concedendo il 30% sia sulle tratte Moby che su quelle Enermar. ” Dicono da Moby Lines a conferma sia del ritardo nella comunicazione sia della sensibilità di Vincenzo Onorato per l’argomento vela-Sardegna.
Da questo scenario risulta evidente quanto ancora una volta la piccola vela, quella dei piccoli budget, ne esca sconfitta e la preoccupazione degli organizzatori è rivolta ai prossimi eventi. Qualche esempio? L’italiano Laser SB3 quest’anno ad Alghero, l’europeo J24 sempre a Maddalena nel 2012 e la Coppa Primavela a Cagliari nel 2012. Ma a quest’ultima dovrebbe IVF mother think ... All this without mentioning what it will cost a season of any sailor Sardinian make four or five races in Italy or abroad.
Sailing Sardinia and friends write to Vincenzo Onorato:
Dear Vincent,
you write so that you will be able to return to La Maddalena in the Italian Championship for J24 which now seems to be competing in Marina di Carrara.
We saw you do a major discounts on your ferry for yachtsmen Sardinian we see you more sensitive to the problems of sailors Sardinian we saw "our" Roberto Pardini at the helm of one of your Rascals, especially we see you racing victoriously in Miami with "our" sponsorship on your RC44. So do not believe that you can be insensitive to the fact that a big race (it is at least for us) to go away from Sardinia.
do not believe that you can pretend nothing happened and, as a man of action as you are, we are sure you will not remain with our hands.
Caro-ferry tourists down by 25%
cancellations in hotel reservations and camping
Against inflation rates down the field in the province of Cagliari, announcing: "We denounce the company."
Caro Ferry, tourism slump.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 14:18
the island of San Pietro is a fear of privatization will be. Hotels: reservations already declining
Dear ferry in peak tourism Rain cancellations because of the surge of prices
The increase in ferry fares is likely to deal a blow to tourism Sulcis: hoteliers denounce first wave of cancellations and calling upon the Province.
The season has not yet begun but cancellations sì. Colpa del caro trasporti annunciato. Con le tariffe che promettono di aumentare dal 60 al 100 per cento frotte di vacanzieri si sono affrettati a disdire le prenotazioni per l'estate prossima ventura. È il quadro allarmante che emerge dai resoconti degli operatori turistici del Sulcis fatti in un recente incontro con il presidente della Provincia Tore Cherchi. Ne è scaturito un comunicato in cui la Provincia chiede “regole certe per salvare il trasporto pubblico” , visto che “il primo allarme arriva dagli operatori turistici del territorio provinciale, che assistono impotenti alla massiccia disdetta delle prenotazioni per l'estate”.
I RINCARI Questo sarebbe «il primo prodotto dell'iter di privatizzazione della Tirrenia currently under way, 'says the provincial councilor for Transport Guido Vacca. With transport to the island in private hands, "if we do not establish clear rules is an assumption that rates will inevitably increase, discouraging tourists." Vacca then adds: "In our area, the effect of the increase in rates is greatly magnified, given the bad link with the airport and the ports of the island." But there is another component: the privatization of maritime transport is likely to have serious repercussions on the links with Carlisle, and risks to undermine the tourist capital of Sulcis.
cancellations Massimiliano Grosso, head tourist agency services Sant'Antioco, was the first to call for a meeting in the Province and said, "I realized that cancellations for travel, hotels and vacation homes have come to almost 50 percent compared to ' Last year, trying to figure out why, I collected data and evidence, all part of the rise of the shipping companies: on average you get 60 percent more expensive tickets, with peaks of 100 percent. " Two examples: Livorno-Olbia return, two adults and two children sleeper car and the last year (operator Moby) 250 €. This year: 1100 €. Genoa-Porto Torres round trips and passenger cars, sleeper, the last year: 136 €, the reservation This year: 295 €. As recalled by the commissioner Guido Vacca, in the province there is also another problem: "If we add the cumbersome and not well reasoned Saremar the privatization process, which currently handles the shipping for Carlisle, which was confirmed also by the acts undertaken by the Region these last days (acceleration of the privatization with majority stake to private), the picture of public transport in Sulcis Iglesiente gets really depressing. "
smaller islands and the island of San Pietro which moods? For now it seems that tourism is holding. Angelo Borghero consortium Rainbow-natural shopping center "there is a general malaise, but so far no negative figure during the period from July to August, of course everyone is asking if it controlled prices and also get a blow on the ferry would be a disaster for us. " Antonio Tusacciu (Hotel Hieracon) vice president of the hoteliers of Carlisle has no doubts: "The fall is heard. In January last year there were more demands, today there are days when you do not work, the meeting with the President of the Province has been positive, but the situation is critical. " For the Province, "the region should pay more attention to the transport sector avoiding unjustified increases so as harmful."
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Planes To Build A Dune Buggy
privatization, liberalization is different from the privatization / monopoly and cartel! We are eager to communicate that the region of Tuscany offers with the names of ten companies that are eligible to participate in the Invitation declassified Toremar! The Committee agrees Ferry Elba Caro- with friends in the Gulf of Naples: "It all started with a deliberate misrepresentation of the Community the wording and the concept of market liberalization that it supports. Liberalisation is not the same as privatization and the imposition of the latter is not in EEC Regulation 3577/92, which regulates the subject in Europe. In fact it speaks a language opposed to the privatization / monopolization, is said to lift the restriction on freedom to provide services in the field of maritime transport, and public service contracts service obligations on a non-discriminatory and, where there are stringent conditions and in the presence of insufficient market, it is also possible soluzione in house da parte delle Regioni per effettuare servizi di cabotaggio purché nell’ ambito territoriale di competenza. La verità è che nessuno ha voluto disturbare il “ manovratore” . "
liberalization is different from the privatization / monopolisation and sign!
Message 23593 of 2/23/2011, 10:33
Source: Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Pending the Region of Tuscany offers communicates with the names of the ten companies that are eligible to participate Call Toremar to express satisfaction with the birth and the commitment of Tuscany navigation may, at our. opinion, become the second-or third-shipping company in the near future (with Moby-Toremar Blunavy) as the favorite to take over for us Toremar with the obligation of the Tuscany Region of fleet renewal with 70 points to 100 and Moby Lines (major national and international companies with budgets of around 500 million €, which is already on the Elbe with a fleet far more than the old Toremar) propose that surely seven ships and a new hydrofoil.
In any case would not change much even if it were a private owner to take over second Toremar, saw what happened in Sardinia, with departures from Northern Italy of only three companies have raised prices an average of 66 to 100% for the summer 2011, Tirrenia ago when tickets only until May 31, 2011, Elba also here we found increases of € 2 per passenger, not a resident of Moby in January and now customers have also seen an increase of 50 cents per passenger and for the car even by Blunavy, 09.80 and 29.70 non-resident passengers the car is not established, it decreased the difference Toremar to 30 cents per passenger and 36 per car (one car and 2 people in less than 96 cents), there is' the excuse of higher prices of fuel but then when you fall, prices will fall? .
Who remembers when 70 years with the involvement of the owner Lauro Navarma the headquarters moved to Naples and then later split the ferries and hydrofoils to Onorato Achille Lauro Agostino (Alibastia, Aligiglio, Alielba, Alicorsica)? The Committee
Caro-Elba Ferries agrees with the friends of the Gulf of Naples:
"It all started with a deliberate misinterpretation of the wording Community and the concept of market liberalization that it supports. The liberalization is different from privatization and the imposition of the latter is not in the EEC Regulation 3577/92, which regulates the subject in Europe. In fact it speaks a language opposed to the privatization / monopolization, is said to lift the restriction on freedom to provide services in the field of maritime transport, service contracts and public service obligations on a non-discriminatory and, where there are stringent conditions and in the presence of insufficient market, it is also possible the solution in-house by the Regions to carry out cabotage services provided in the 'territorial di competenza. La verità è che nessuno ha voluto disturbare il “ manovratore” . "
Siamo curiosi di vedere cosa farà l'osservatorio " Ceccobao " della Regione Toscana sui futuri prezzi Toremar , regione di centrosinistra che non ha ritenuto di gestire in house nemmeno una parte dei soli servizi pubblici essenziali attualmente offerti dalla Toremar a cui va aggiunto l’approvvigionamento dei beni di prima necessità ( alimentari e combustibili ) e i rifiuti .
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
liberalization is different from the privatization / monopolisation and sign!
Message 23593 of 2/23/2011, 10:33
Source: Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Pending the Region of Tuscany offers communicates with the names of the ten companies that are eligible to participate Call Toremar to express satisfaction with the birth and the commitment of Tuscany navigation may, at our. opinion, become the second-or third-shipping company in the near future (with Moby-Toremar Blunavy) as the favorite to take over for us Toremar with the obligation of the Tuscany Region of fleet renewal with 70 points to 100 and Moby Lines (major national and international companies with budgets of around 500 million €, which is already on the Elbe with a fleet far more than the old Toremar) propose that surely seven ships and a new hydrofoil.
In any case would not change much even if it were a private owner to take over second Toremar, saw what happened in Sardinia, with departures from Northern Italy of only three companies have raised prices an average of 66 to 100% for the summer 2011, Tirrenia ago when tickets only until May 31, 2011, Elba also here we found increases of € 2 per passenger, not a resident of Moby in January and now customers have also seen an increase of 50 cents per passenger and for the car even by Blunavy, 09.80 and 29.70 non-resident passengers the car is not established, it decreased the difference Toremar to 30 cents per passenger and 36 per car (one car and 2 people in less than 96 cents), there is' the excuse of higher prices of fuel but then when you fall, prices will fall? .
Who remembers when 70 years with the involvement of the owner Lauro Navarma the headquarters moved to Naples and then later split the ferries and hydrofoils to Onorato Achille Lauro Agostino (Alibastia, Aligiglio, Alielba, Alicorsica)? The Committee
Caro-Elba Ferries agrees with the friends of the Gulf of Naples:
"It all started with a deliberate misinterpretation of the wording Community and the concept of market liberalization that it supports. The liberalization is different from privatization and the imposition of the latter is not in the EEC Regulation 3577/92, which regulates the subject in Europe. In fact it speaks a language opposed to the privatization / monopolization, is said to lift the restriction on freedom to provide services in the field of maritime transport, service contracts and public service obligations on a non-discriminatory and, where there are stringent conditions and in the presence of insufficient market, it is also possible the solution in-house by the Regions to carry out cabotage services provided in the 'territorial di competenza. La verità è che nessuno ha voluto disturbare il “ manovratore” . "
Siamo curiosi di vedere cosa farà l'osservatorio " Ceccobao " della Regione Toscana sui futuri prezzi Toremar , regione di centrosinistra che non ha ritenuto di gestire in house nemmeno una parte dei soli servizi pubblici essenziali attualmente offerti dalla Toremar a cui va aggiunto l’approvvigionamento dei beni di prima necessità ( alimentari e combustibili ) e i rifiuti .
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
How To Get A Cat Costume On Poptropica
Privatizzazione Toremar : nel frattempo continuano i disservizi dell'aliscafo , ancora guasto e non viene sostituito , ma c'e' un bando di gara con relativo capitolato tecnico per la manutenzione del motore dell'aliscafo ?
da camminando.org
C'e' un bando di gara con relativo capitolato tecnico per la manutenzione del motore dell'aliscafo ?
Messaggio 23497 del 21.02.2011, 10:51
Provenienza: Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
Dopo le ultime notizie sull'aliscafo , fermo dal 07 febbraio 2011 ? , il Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti continua nella segnalazione alle autorità competenti dei disservizi di tutte le compagnie , sia pubbliche ( ancora per poco ) che private , abili nel sopprimere corse non remunerative e non comprende anche in questo caso come mai non si pubblicizzi non solo la variazione degli orari per guasto tecnico , ma anche tutti i bandi di gara per la manutenzione dei motori e delle navi della flotta sociale con relativo disciplinare di gara e capitolato tecnico , come fa la Saremar per esempio sul suo sito internet :
La nostra Flotta Passeggeri
La flotta
Gare e Documenti
Regolamento Albo Fornitori
Elenco Ditte Albo Fornitori
Politica della Salute e Sicurezza nei Luoghi di Lavoro
Piano generale capacità
Allegato alla specifica tecnina Arbatax 2010
Bando di gara IT Arbatax 2010 rev.01
Disciplinare Gara Arbatax 2010 rev.01
Bozza contratto Arbatax 2010 rev.01
Bando di gara lavori Arbatax 2010
Lavori Arbatax bando di gara
Avviso risultati affidamento Gara 2010
La Maddalena
Piano generale capacità
Bando di Gara IT La Maddalena 2011
Allegato alla Specifica Tecnica La Maddalena 2011
Bozza Contratto La Maddalena 2011
Disciplinare Gara La Maddalena 2011
Specifica Tecnica Lavori La Maddalena 2011
Avviso sintetico risultati affidamento 2011
Manutenzione Motori Flotta Sociale
Disciplinare 2010
Specifica tecnica motori
Istruzioni Compilazione Capitolato Prezzi
Capitolato Motore GMT B 230.12 Sibilla
Capitolato Motore GMT B 230.12 Vesta
Capitolato Engine GMT BL 230.6 Ichnusa
Specifications Engine GMT BL 230.6 Caprera Island
Specifications Engine GMT BL 230.8 Island of St. Stephen
Specifications Engine ID. 36SS6V Ichnusa
Specifications Engine ID. 36SS6V Island of St. Stephen
Specifications Engine ID. Sybil 36SS6V
Specifications Engine ID. Vesta 36SS6V
Specifications Engine IVECO AIFO. SRM 8281 Isle of Caprera
Tender Engines ANSALDO. 190.4 Arbatax
Tender Engines ANSALDO. 190.4 La Maddalena
SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE Ansaldo Arbatax 320.6 320.6
Specification for Performance Final Report to
Committee Elba Caro-Ferry
by camminando.org
Message 23523 of 2/21/2011, 19:05
Origin: portoferraio
Committee elba ferry to message No. 23497
only for clarification and the hydrofoil Fabricia 'catch of the day 01/02/2011 09.20 pm ..... ................. talk about specifications and everything about the service is not done is fine but please I would also like to see every once in a crews and shout in favor of 'a year that do somersaults to do ......... when travel by hydrofoil and' stop the salary and 'very little room ......... ...........
by camminando.org
Committee thanked the alert!
Message 23531 of 2/21/2011, 20:46
Source: Committee Caro-Elba Ferries Portoferraio
thank Paul from the report, in any case we believe is fair to always thank the crews of both vessels months a year, who always make their duty to the best of their abilities and we believe deeply unfair that the crew should have a reduced salary as the hydrofoil is faulty and does not travel for a long time, but at the same time, raking in government subsidies, we do not think it is so difficult to put a replacement vehicle, instead of putting in practice the workers in a "temporary layoff".
The Committee also reiterates its solidarity and concern for the future of maritime workers,
as already appeared elbareport No 2523 and elbanotizie art.n.1449, and at the same time strongly doubts that the "savior" private pay even more workers.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
da camminando.org
C'e' un bando di gara con relativo capitolato tecnico per la manutenzione del motore dell'aliscafo ?
Messaggio 23497 del 21.02.2011, 10:51
Provenienza: Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti
Dopo le ultime notizie sull'aliscafo , fermo dal 07 febbraio 2011 ? , il Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti continua nella segnalazione alle autorità competenti dei disservizi di tutte le compagnie , sia pubbliche ( ancora per poco ) che private , abili nel sopprimere corse non remunerative e non comprende anche in questo caso come mai non si pubblicizzi non solo la variazione degli orari per guasto tecnico , ma anche tutti i bandi di gara per la manutenzione dei motori e delle navi della flotta sociale con relativo disciplinare di gara e capitolato tecnico , come fa la Saremar per esempio sul suo sito internet :
La nostra Flotta Passeggeri
La flotta
Gare e Documenti
Regolamento Albo Fornitori
Elenco Ditte Albo Fornitori
Politica della Salute e Sicurezza nei Luoghi di Lavoro
Piano generale capacità
Allegato alla specifica tecnina Arbatax 2010
Bando di gara IT Arbatax 2010 rev.01
Disciplinare Gara Arbatax 2010 rev.01
Bozza contratto Arbatax 2010 rev.01
Bando di gara lavori Arbatax 2010
Lavori Arbatax bando di gara
Avviso risultati affidamento Gara 2010
La Maddalena
Piano generale capacità
Bando di Gara IT La Maddalena 2011
Allegato alla Specifica Tecnica La Maddalena 2011
Bozza Contratto La Maddalena 2011
Disciplinare Gara La Maddalena 2011
Specifica Tecnica Lavori La Maddalena 2011
Avviso sintetico risultati affidamento 2011
Manutenzione Motori Flotta Sociale
Disciplinare 2010
Specifica tecnica motori
Istruzioni Compilazione Capitolato Prezzi
Capitolato Motore GMT B 230.12 Sibilla
Capitolato Motore GMT B 230.12 Vesta
Capitolato Engine GMT BL 230.6 Ichnusa
Specifications Engine GMT BL 230.6 Caprera Island
Specifications Engine GMT BL 230.8 Island of St. Stephen
Specifications Engine ID. 36SS6V Ichnusa
Specifications Engine ID. 36SS6V Island of St. Stephen
Specifications Engine ID. Sybil 36SS6V
Specifications Engine ID. Vesta 36SS6V
Specifications Engine IVECO AIFO. SRM 8281 Isle of Caprera
Tender Engines ANSALDO. 190.4 Arbatax
Tender Engines ANSALDO. 190.4 La Maddalena
SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE Ansaldo Arbatax 320.6 320.6
Specification for Performance Final Report to
Committee Elba Caro-Ferry
by camminando.org
Message 23523 of 2/21/2011, 19:05
Origin: portoferraio
Committee elba ferry to message No. 23497
only for clarification and the hydrofoil Fabricia 'catch of the day 01/02/2011 09.20 pm ..... ................. talk about specifications and everything about the service is not done is fine but please I would also like to see every once in a crews and shout in favor of 'a year that do somersaults to do ......... when travel by hydrofoil and' stop the salary and 'very little room ......... ...........
by camminando.org
Committee thanked the alert!
Message 23531 of 2/21/2011, 20:46
Source: Committee Caro-Elba Ferries Portoferraio
thank Paul from the report, in any case we believe is fair to always thank the crews of both vessels months a year, who always make their duty to the best of their abilities and we believe deeply unfair that the crew should have a reduced salary as the hydrofoil is faulty and does not travel for a long time, but at the same time, raking in government subsidies, we do not think it is so difficult to put a replacement vehicle, instead of putting in practice the workers in a "temporary layoff".
The Committee also reiterates its solidarity and concern for the future of maritime workers,
as already appeared elbareport No 2523 and elbanotizie art.n.1449, and at the same time strongly doubts that the "savior" private pay even more workers.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Poptropica Unlockables
E 'stronger' s hatred ol 'love?
Spesso mi ritrovo a leggere e a fare ricerche sul Web riguardanti l' amore, l' odio... i misteri della vita e della scienza, la filosofia. Sembra strano ma per me è molto rilassante ed essendo io una persona molto curiosa per l' ignoto o per ciò che non è ancora del tutto comprensibile to 'man I just read the meanings and opinions wandering around the Web today, interested in "Love-Hate Relationship" I decided to write what I think and what I feel here on my blog;)
' L ' Hate is a human emotion that is expressed in a strong aversion or a deep dislike. The latter differs from the will to destroy the hated object, and the perception of substantial justice "of this destruction: who hates this is right, beyond laws and moral imperatives, to destroy what he hates. "
"Love is a deep and intense feeling of affection, sympathy and adhesion toward a person, animal, object, or to a concept, an ideal. Or it may simply be a pulse of our senses that pushes us toward a particular person. "
" I hate: typically human feeling as opposed to love. "
commonly opposed to 'love error, in reality, both 'hate' s love for me are opposed by 'utter indifference, because finally the' love el 'hate are the same, but with a different purpose or end.
Love and hatred are as two magnets, you can not separate them. If you break the magnet in two, you have two smaller magnets, each of which will still have a positive and a negative. Having the ability to feel a feeling, it also means having the ability to try the other. But what prevails on 'else? Generalizing say all the 'Love, because it is thanks to the' Love that planets are born, which developed the life and so on. So the 'love is stronger. But if we think back to the past, always been the 'man hates and that is why the' Hate is tied to the past and 'Love at this, so it is perhaps for this reason that' love prevail? But it seems to have always prevailed the 'hate on' love, or it may be an 'eternal struggle of men against other men or with men against themselves? An 'eternal conflict that nothing will appease finally, probable. Report amore-odio.
Relazione amore-odio
"Una relazione amore-odio è una relazione personale che coinvolge simultaneamente o alternativamente emozioni di amore e ostilità. A volte il soggetto riesce ad amare l'altra persona od oggetto ma si odia per questo. Le due persone rifiuteranno di accettare la simpatia dell'altro/a o il piacere dell'altrui presenza oppure proveranno reciprocamente una sorta di precedente amarezza o astio. I componenti della coppia solitamente mantengono un lieve risentimento uno nei confronti dell'altra, creando una sorta di volontà di vendetta reciproca divisa tra depressione e felicità. L'odio è inoltre alimentato dai reciproci atti di presa in giro mentre la frustrazione raggiunge il suo massimo per the restriction or release of sexual tension or intimacy. The report can still be maintained entirely by the insecurity, the subject of the report can be sustained, for some reason, it "can not live without" and the other, knowing no other existence but the common life, choose the certainty of being together the risk of being. The two persons of the report are totally incompatible, but believe they are the best people they know. It can be shown that due to the fact that people love each other despite the problems in common, a love-hate relationship represents a surprisingly much stronger than a love relationship. Also because since it is fed a constant mutual hatred, every problem has a very low chance of jeopardizing the relationship. "
in my life I loved just" platonic "and had" simple love affairs. "In my heart always prevailed 'love, just the thought of hating the person I loved was killing me, I loved, loved, and enough to cost me scarred' love that I had not even allow me to 'hatred and suffering even though I have never felt hatred or perhaps small part, but I never heard the 'hatred in all its essence. I loved so much because I was spontaneous, and even though I hated those who loved not only Platonic love her, always loved ... although with time, This love "platonic" have slowly dissipated but not probably until the end. The "simple love affairs" I have always addressed as a platonic love affairs with the difference that I did not like that in the same way or perhaps even loved. The "simple love affairs" I consider them dead to my conscience, have no weight, you are fully dissipated even if they leave their mark in the memory and 'experience of each of us.
The problem is that now my life is a tough test. Assuming that I am suffering a "disease" called "Limerence"
- "The Limerence (or Ultrattaccamento) is a cognitive and emotional state characterized by an intense desire for another person. The term was coined to describe the final stage, almost obsessive romantic love. Limerence The term often refers to want to understand the status of a person who expresses an intense desire for attachment, concern for a loved one, and, as shown by recent research on the neurochemistry, a mental state similar to an obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are at least two types of love: "limerence," what is called "loving attachment", and 'loving affection, "that is the type of bond that people have with their parents and their children. The state of limerence is characterized by intrusive thoughts and acute sensitivity to external events that reflect the disposition of the person against individuals: you can try an intense joy or be prone to extreme despair, depending on how their feelings are reciprocated. "-
... alternating with strong state of total apathy (and even here there contrast), I found myself in a situation where you do not know whether to be dominated by 'hatred or from' Love. When I feel apathetic not feel anything, I feel indifference: how it goes, goes. But I hate my emotional state, not I check every now and yet it appears as if to protect me from any pain or suffering. In any event, even if you are indifferent and do not suffer like when you have not, we suffer because we are denied the opportunity to try deep and intense happiness o almeno, per me è così. Dunque il problema è quando mi sento pienamente me stessa e quindi non apatica, non dominata da questo tentativo di proteggermi dal male. Mi sento tormentata da un' eterna lotta tra male e bene, tra odio e amore e non so quale dei due prevale o almeno quale dei due far prevalere. Come ho ripetuto più volte disprezzo molto gli umani in genere e provo un grande disprezzo vero appunto, l' odio: ma se provo disprezzo verso l' odio allora perchè anche in me sta questo fortissimo sentimento? Sta forse nella natura di tutti? No, io non voglio accettarlo, voglio sconfiggere l' odio che sta in me, amando pure ciò che odio. Possibile? magari lo potrò fare dopo aver raggiunto il bene e la pace interiore ma... quando mai la raggiungerò. Quindi, non posso sopportare il fatto che anche io in determinate situazioni mi comporto o assomiglio a coloro che disprezzo, ai sentimenti che disprezzo...ai concetti che disprezzo. E' possibile amare e odiare una persona nello stesso momento? Così dice la Relazione Amore-Odio, è proprio un' eterna lotta, un eterno contrasto, una battaglia che esiste da sempre e non cesserà mai. L' odio tenta in tutti modi di prevalere sul bene e noi amando lo plachiamo ma non lo sconfiggiamo mai definivamente, perchè senza l' Odio non c'è l' Amore. Non può esserci solo l' Amore e l' indifferenza, perchè l' indifferenza è la neutralità, sarebbe troppo semplice. L' Odio è legato al passato e l' Love at present, 'I hate therefore is a continuous Resurrection of unpleasant memories that make us hate this, but if this was changed to the point of these memories in this project? Perhaps because apparently the 'hate seems so much more persuasive and more powerful compared to' Love ... the very words suggest to 'I hate it as something grand and all' Love as something sweet and charming ... something of consequence crushes something pretty impressive. Difficult issues that I will never know that answer. E 'right to love and hate someone at the same time? One day I can feel my heart united only by 'Love and also permeated by' hate? Can I hope? I hope that 's love that I feel is so strong, so pure, so perfect to make me able to defeat the' hate and anger that I feel? I am the 'android programmed to love only one person, are the' android programmed to love ... not to hate.
And do you think is right? Look for the perfection of true and authentic 'Love trying to avoid the' illusion stupid and trivial, or perhaps to feed the sick and the squalor of what surrounds us? Finally we have to adapt, even against our will. Oh how I love so much that anything and forgiving love, love, love continuado intense energy to give to my being, but unfortunately ... it is not.
Sources: Wikipedia and Blogs different.
- Kelly Hilton -
Spesso mi ritrovo a leggere e a fare ricerche sul Web riguardanti l' amore, l' odio... i misteri della vita e della scienza, la filosofia. Sembra strano ma per me è molto rilassante ed essendo io una persona molto curiosa per l' ignoto o per ciò che non è ancora del tutto comprensibile to 'man I just read the meanings and opinions wandering around the Web today, interested in "Love-Hate Relationship" I decided to write what I think and what I feel here on my blog;)
' L ' Hate is a human emotion that is expressed in a strong aversion or a deep dislike. The latter differs from the will to destroy the hated object, and the perception of substantial justice "of this destruction: who hates this is right, beyond laws and moral imperatives, to destroy what he hates. "
"Love is a deep and intense feeling of affection, sympathy and adhesion toward a person, animal, object, or to a concept, an ideal. Or it may simply be a pulse of our senses that pushes us toward a particular person. "
" I hate: typically human feeling as opposed to love. "
commonly opposed to 'love error, in reality, both 'hate' s love for me are opposed by 'utter indifference, because finally the' love el 'hate are the same, but with a different purpose or end.
Love and hatred are as two magnets, you can not separate them. If you break the magnet in two, you have two smaller magnets, each of which will still have a positive and a negative. Having the ability to feel a feeling, it also means having the ability to try the other. But what prevails on 'else? Generalizing say all the 'Love, because it is thanks to the' Love that planets are born, which developed the life and so on. So the 'love is stronger. But if we think back to the past, always been the 'man hates and that is why the' Hate is tied to the past and 'Love at this, so it is perhaps for this reason that' love prevail? But it seems to have always prevailed the 'hate on' love, or it may be an 'eternal struggle of men against other men or with men against themselves? An 'eternal conflict that nothing will appease finally, probable. Report amore-odio.
Relazione amore-odio
"Una relazione amore-odio è una relazione personale che coinvolge simultaneamente o alternativamente emozioni di amore e ostilità. A volte il soggetto riesce ad amare l'altra persona od oggetto ma si odia per questo. Le due persone rifiuteranno di accettare la simpatia dell'altro/a o il piacere dell'altrui presenza oppure proveranno reciprocamente una sorta di precedente amarezza o astio. I componenti della coppia solitamente mantengono un lieve risentimento uno nei confronti dell'altra, creando una sorta di volontà di vendetta reciproca divisa tra depressione e felicità. L'odio è inoltre alimentato dai reciproci atti di presa in giro mentre la frustrazione raggiunge il suo massimo per the restriction or release of sexual tension or intimacy. The report can still be maintained entirely by the insecurity, the subject of the report can be sustained, for some reason, it "can not live without" and the other, knowing no other existence but the common life, choose the certainty of being together the risk of being. The two persons of the report are totally incompatible, but believe they are the best people they know. It can be shown that due to the fact that people love each other despite the problems in common, a love-hate relationship represents a surprisingly much stronger than a love relationship. Also because since it is fed a constant mutual hatred, every problem has a very low chance of jeopardizing the relationship. "
in my life I loved just" platonic "and had" simple love affairs. "In my heart always prevailed 'love, just the thought of hating the person I loved was killing me, I loved, loved, and enough to cost me scarred' love that I had not even allow me to 'hatred and suffering even though I have never felt hatred or perhaps small part, but I never heard the 'hatred in all its essence. I loved so much because I was spontaneous, and even though I hated those who loved not only Platonic love her, always loved ... although with time, This love "platonic" have slowly dissipated but not probably until the end. The "simple love affairs" I have always addressed as a platonic love affairs with the difference that I did not like that in the same way or perhaps even loved. The "simple love affairs" I consider them dead to my conscience, have no weight, you are fully dissipated even if they leave their mark in the memory and 'experience of each of us.
The problem is that now my life is a tough test. Assuming that I am suffering a "disease" called "Limerence"
- "The Limerence (or Ultrattaccamento) is a cognitive and emotional state characterized by an intense desire for another person. The term was coined to describe the final stage, almost obsessive romantic love. Limerence The term often refers to want to understand the status of a person who expresses an intense desire for attachment, concern for a loved one, and, as shown by recent research on the neurochemistry, a mental state similar to an obsessive-compulsive disorder. There are at least two types of love: "limerence," what is called "loving attachment", and 'loving affection, "that is the type of bond that people have with their parents and their children. The state of limerence is characterized by intrusive thoughts and acute sensitivity to external events that reflect the disposition of the person against individuals: you can try an intense joy or be prone to extreme despair, depending on how their feelings are reciprocated. "-
... alternating with strong state of total apathy (and even here there contrast), I found myself in a situation where you do not know whether to be dominated by 'hatred or from' Love. When I feel apathetic not feel anything, I feel indifference: how it goes, goes. But I hate my emotional state, not I check every now and yet it appears as if to protect me from any pain or suffering. In any event, even if you are indifferent and do not suffer like when you have not, we suffer because we are denied the opportunity to try deep and intense happiness o almeno, per me è così. Dunque il problema è quando mi sento pienamente me stessa e quindi non apatica, non dominata da questo tentativo di proteggermi dal male. Mi sento tormentata da un' eterna lotta tra male e bene, tra odio e amore e non so quale dei due prevale o almeno quale dei due far prevalere. Come ho ripetuto più volte disprezzo molto gli umani in genere e provo un grande disprezzo vero appunto, l' odio: ma se provo disprezzo verso l' odio allora perchè anche in me sta questo fortissimo sentimento? Sta forse nella natura di tutti? No, io non voglio accettarlo, voglio sconfiggere l' odio che sta in me, amando pure ciò che odio. Possibile? magari lo potrò fare dopo aver raggiunto il bene e la pace interiore ma... quando mai la raggiungerò. Quindi, non posso sopportare il fatto che anche io in determinate situazioni mi comporto o assomiglio a coloro che disprezzo, ai sentimenti che disprezzo...ai concetti che disprezzo. E' possibile amare e odiare una persona nello stesso momento? Così dice la Relazione Amore-Odio, è proprio un' eterna lotta, un eterno contrasto, una battaglia che esiste da sempre e non cesserà mai. L' odio tenta in tutti modi di prevalere sul bene e noi amando lo plachiamo ma non lo sconfiggiamo mai definivamente, perchè senza l' Odio non c'è l' Amore. Non può esserci solo l' Amore e l' indifferenza, perchè l' indifferenza è la neutralità, sarebbe troppo semplice. L' Odio è legato al passato e l' Love at present, 'I hate therefore is a continuous Resurrection of unpleasant memories that make us hate this, but if this was changed to the point of these memories in this project? Perhaps because apparently the 'hate seems so much more persuasive and more powerful compared to' Love ... the very words suggest to 'I hate it as something grand and all' Love as something sweet and charming ... something of consequence crushes something pretty impressive. Difficult issues that I will never know that answer. E 'right to love and hate someone at the same time? One day I can feel my heart united only by 'Love and also permeated by' hate? Can I hope? I hope that 's love that I feel is so strong, so pure, so perfect to make me able to defeat the' hate and anger that I feel? I am the 'android programmed to love only one person, are the' android programmed to love ... not to hate.
And do you think is right? Look for the perfection of true and authentic 'Love trying to avoid the' illusion stupid and trivial, or perhaps to feed the sick and the squalor of what surrounds us? Finally we have to adapt, even against our will. Oh how I love so much that anything and forgiving love, love, love continuado intense energy to give to my being, but unfortunately ... it is not.
Sources: Wikipedia and Blogs different.
- Kelly Hilton -
Saturday, February 19, 2011
I Want To Get Pregnant But I Have Pcos
For me it has already won, whatever!
still love (Roberta Flack)
And the boat that flew in the sky
that children were still playing
I would have given the whole sea
just to get vedermeli
For the poet who can not sing
for the worker who no longer has his job
for those twenty years and stands to die in a desert
like a pigsty
and for all boys and girls
defending a book, a real book
so beautiful to cry in the streets because they are killing the
thought for the bastard who is always in the sun for the coward who
hides the heart
for our memory
thrown away by these men in pain
still love Call me Call me always love
That this bloody night while finishing
will fill us in here because the music and words
Call me Call me always love still love
In this hopeless dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remain a one man still love
Call Call Call
still love always love
ideas are like butterflies that you can not take away the wings
because the ideas are like stars that do not go out
because the ideas are Please
mother who believed they had lost
and are like the smile of God
spit in this universe still love
Call me Call me What
always love this damn night while finishing
will fill us in here because of
music and lyrics
still love Call me Call me always love
Keep writing life
between silence and thunder
defend this humanity that is so true in every man
Call Call
yet still love love love always
Call Call Call
always still love love this goddamn
That night while finishing
will fill us in here because
music and words still love
Call Call
always love
In this hopeless dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remained one man still love
Call me Call me Call me always love still love
we love
still love (Roberta Flack)
And the boat that flew in the sky
that children were still playing
I would have given the whole sea
just to get vedermeli
For the poet who can not sing
for the worker who no longer has his job
for those twenty years and stands to die in a desert
like a pigsty
and for all boys and girls
defending a book, a real book
so beautiful to cry in the streets because they are killing the
thought for the bastard who is always in the sun for the coward who
hides the heart
for our memory
thrown away by these men in pain
still love Call me Call me always love
That this bloody night while finishing
will fill us in here because the music and words
Call me Call me always love still love
In this hopeless dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remain a one man still love
Call Call Call
still love always love
ideas are like butterflies that you can not take away the wings
because the ideas are like stars that do not go out
because the ideas are Please
mother who believed they had lost
and are like the smile of God
spit in this universe still love
Call me Call me What
always love this damn night while finishing
will fill us in here because of
music and lyrics
still love Call me Call me always love
Keep writing life
between silence and thunder
defend this humanity that is so true in every man
Call Call
yet still love love love always
Call Call Call
always still love love this goddamn
That night while finishing
will fill us in here because
music and words still love
Call Call
always love
In this hopeless dream
between silence and thunder
defend humanity this
also remained one man still love
Call me Call me Call me always love still love
we love
Arabic Wedding Songs Father Daughter
Bando Privatizzazione Toremar : ancora una volta di più dobbiamo sottolineare l'assoluta mancanza di trasparenza del bando secretato Toremar , a partire dalla manifestazione d'interesse e dai requisiti per partecipare alla gara , anche se ovviamente accogliamo con soddisfazione la volontà degli imprenditori elbani di partecipare alla privatizzazione Toremar .
Elbareport n. 2535 sabato 19 febbraio 2011
Il Comitato traghetti dopo il manifestarsi di Toscana di Navigazione
Ovviamente accogliamo con soddisfazione la volontà degli imprenditori elbani di partecipare alla privatizzazione Toremar, ma dobbiamo ancora una volta di più sottolineare l'assoluta mancanza di trasparenza del bando secretato Toremar, a partire dalla manifestazione d'interesse e dai requisiti per partecipare alla gara. A differenza di Tirrenia, di cui é pubblicato sul sito Fintecna.it al link http://www.fintecna.it/privatizzazionetirrenia.pdf
, the call for expressions of interest with the requirements to participate in full compliance with the provisions in the Prime Minister's March 13, 2009, which launched a competitive, transparent and non discriminatory disposal of the Shares (the "Procedure" ), based on the most economically advantageous tender, finalized the sale of the share capital and in compliance as required by Article 19-ter, paragraph 1 of that dl September 25, 2009, No 135 (converted as above), the Community principles of coastal shipping and liberalization of its routes, and to this end, Fintecna intended to solicit expressions of interest in acquiring delle Azioni da parte di soggetti singoli o legati da patti di sindacato o altre forme di concertazione (“Cordata”), anche mediante una società appositamente costituita (“NewCo”) , ma per Toremar, come pubblicato sul sito della Regione Toscana si parlava dei requisti delle 450.000 miglia marine , dei bilanci da 50 a 150 milioni degli ultimi tre anni anche relativi alla stessa attività di trasporto marittimo , quindi un bando solo per pochi armatori e quindi sicuramente discriminante, mentre per manifestare interesse per Tirrenia bastava che alla data della manifestazione di interesse, ciascuno dei soggetti interessati avesse avuto un patrimonio netto, ovvero un valore patrimoniale netto o un patrimonio per investimenti, nel case of investment funds, or a similar parameter, in the case of entities other than companies, not less than Euro 10 million (or its equivalent in another currency).
After Blunavy, we remain confident in Toremar fleet renewal as well as that of the competition (Moby), so the methane will give us a hand in reducing fuel consumption and fuel costs in the future crossings.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Elbareport n. 2535 sabato 19 febbraio 2011
Il Comitato traghetti dopo il manifestarsi di Toscana di Navigazione
Ovviamente accogliamo con soddisfazione la volontà degli imprenditori elbani di partecipare alla privatizzazione Toremar, ma dobbiamo ancora una volta di più sottolineare l'assoluta mancanza di trasparenza del bando secretato Toremar, a partire dalla manifestazione d'interesse e dai requisiti per partecipare alla gara. A differenza di Tirrenia, di cui é pubblicato sul sito Fintecna.it al link http://www.fintecna.it/privatizzazionetirrenia.pdf
, the call for expressions of interest with the requirements to participate in full compliance with the provisions in the Prime Minister's March 13, 2009, which launched a competitive, transparent and non discriminatory disposal of the Shares (the "Procedure" ), based on the most economically advantageous tender, finalized the sale of the share capital and in compliance as required by Article 19-ter, paragraph 1 of that dl September 25, 2009, No 135 (converted as above), the Community principles of coastal shipping and liberalization of its routes, and to this end, Fintecna intended to solicit expressions of interest in acquiring delle Azioni da parte di soggetti singoli o legati da patti di sindacato o altre forme di concertazione (“Cordata”), anche mediante una società appositamente costituita (“NewCo”) , ma per Toremar, come pubblicato sul sito della Regione Toscana si parlava dei requisti delle 450.000 miglia marine , dei bilanci da 50 a 150 milioni degli ultimi tre anni anche relativi alla stessa attività di trasporto marittimo , quindi un bando solo per pochi armatori e quindi sicuramente discriminante, mentre per manifestare interesse per Tirrenia bastava che alla data della manifestazione di interesse, ciascuno dei soggetti interessati avesse avuto un patrimonio netto, ovvero un valore patrimoniale netto o un patrimonio per investimenti, nel case of investment funds, or a similar parameter, in the case of entities other than companies, not less than Euro 10 million (or its equivalent in another currency).
After Blunavy, we remain confident in Toremar fleet renewal as well as that of the competition (Moby), so the methane will give us a hand in reducing fuel consumption and fuel costs in the future crossings.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
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