Toremar : " OPERAZIONE VERITÀ SUI TRASPORTI IN TOSCANA ". The Committee recommends Ferry Elba Caro-reading the article that comes from the Grosseto 27.11.2010 Transport in Italy, Tuscany and Elba, there 's also the Toremar, the policy choices of the Region of Tuscany, political parties, trade unions and the European Union directives:
Il Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti consiglia la lettura dell'articolo che viene da Grosseto del 27.11.2010 sui trasporti in Italia , in Toscana e all'Elba , c'e' anche la Toremar , le scelte politiche della Regione Toscana , i partiti politici , i sindacati e le direttive dell'Unione Europea : .
Please read full quote below, however, the most significant things in this moment for the Island of Elba.
This shows and allows to state that the races are a political choice and not an obligation, because the award "in house" (without notice) is permitted, at least until 2018, and not only by Italian law, but as will be seen in one of the following sections, including European Union directives.
3. The policies of the Region of Tuscany, the role of trade unions
The choice of the Tuscany Region is therefore highly political: it chose to liberalize and privatize the transport pubblico locale e di non tutelare la fascia debole della popolazione che maggiormente necessita dei servizi pubblici per la mobilità (anziani, studenti, lavoratori) che sarà esposta alle leggi del mercato e del profitto: traducendo, diminuzione di servizi attraverso la cosiddetta “razionalizzazione delle linee” e aumenti del costo dei biglietti e degli abbonamenti.
In tutta Italia queste scelte politiche sono sostenute da tutti gli schieramenti politici e purtroppo, a differenza del resto d’Europa, anche dalle organizzazioni sindacali.
In Toscana, le organizzazioni confederali dei sindacati, sposano in toto i progetti politici dell’amministrazione regionale e delle aziende
5. Stew Tirrenia
With the excuse to comply with EU principles on coastal shipping and liberalization of its routes, the shipping company and its subsidiary Tirrenia Siremar are put to tender for the privatization, the other subsidiaries would be transferred charge by Tirrenia navigation: Caremar the Region Campania, we are in the region of Sardinia, the Toremar to Tuscany. The regions then to realize the privatization of the respective companies with custody of or maritime services with the opening of the capital to a private shareholder. For the record, please note that the region of Sicily has rejected the plan to acquire Siremar and the commissioner, including what remains of the parent company Tirrenia, blocked the privatization.
Tirrenia Group SpA, controlled by Fintecna whose shares belong to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, shall make the maritime services with public funds to guarantee the territorial continuity between the Italian islands and the mainland. The island populations are concerned, therefore, that this continuity with the privatization of land is no longer respected.
Moreover, the European Union has never asked Italy to privatize the Tirrenia company nor the regional group. In fact, the law fully recognizes the need for Member States to ensure territorial cohesion, economic and social development of their islands, allowing Member States themselves to public service contracts and / or impose public service obligations. So Italy, in his way, he played the implementation of the Regulation on maritime cabotage which actually concerns only the procedure of open competition and the privatization of the company Tirrenia.
The privatization process is similar to that in place for "Alitalia" but at the risk of worse outcomes for quality of service and rates, because the sell-off of regional companies and Tirrenia could restrict fundamental rights, social, economic and employment of citizens islanders. The management model proposed by the Regions to Caremar / Campania, Saremar / Sardinia and the Pontine Islands / Lazio is a mixed public / private for Toremar / Tuscany directly instead organize a tender to manage a 100% private. In all cases the use of private enterprise management tools will enhance the already dominant positions of individuals.
The decision to privatize the Tuscany region Toremar 100% and to entrust the winner of the management of the service for 12 years has sparked serious concerns among the population of the Tuscan islands and between the Maritime Toremar. From here a document of the Communities and the Conference of Mayors of the archipelago that are worried about the privatization of all, ask the region to consider the establishment of a mixed public / private document of the Province of Livorno also calls for a joint enterprise that See public presence.
The situation that is going through is not the most beautiful Toremar: limited funds, jobs in the balance, a real risk of halving the links, in short, less money, fewer lines and fewer jobs. Thus, privatization is a very difficult time and will be a problem to maintain universal service and territorial continuity with the islands toscane, e molto dolorose potrebbero essere le ricadute sui circa 200 marittimi, sia in termini occupazionali che salariali (infatti, di clausola sociale si parla soltanto ma nessuno crede veramente che sul bando di gara ci saranno iscritte le attuali garanzie per i lavoratori).
Così sembrano diventare miraggi le garanzie sul servizio, in primo luogo la sicurezza nella navigazione e negli attacchi, il mantenimento delle attuali rotte, gli orari legati alle necessità del territorio, l’introduzione delle corse notturne, le agevolazioni tariffarie per i residenti, i prezzi contenuti e sociali, una nuova flotta.
6. Cosa fare
I cittadini, i lavoratori devono alzare la testa, expect and demand the preservation of the public nature of mobility, to oppose policies that remove the social market in local public transport and they are smashing and destroying the historic carriage of Railways.
In Europe, workers and citizens, particularly in France, Germany and Belgium, maintain their wages and their rights simply because they are fighting and have fought against liberalization and privatization.
In Italy are the responsibility of politics that did not want to protect (for the benefit of big business and industry) companies and their areas of undoubted strategic importance to the entire country. Responsibilities are also of interest groups, including trade unions, which have not been able to respond to the new, who have not realized that the crisis of the welfare state is linked to the absence of a policy for the country capable of attracting attention at both national and internationally.
Of this, workers must be aware to change direction, be bearers and supporters of a policy of national interest, which is necessary to solve the problems of working and living conditions.
Grosseto, November 27, 2010
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