What do you think President Smith and Hon. Veil of Toremar? "The prospect of handsome profits to the owner to do with the money of private citizens" . http://www.senatoripd.it/dettaglio/75104/ : Filippi: "Traghetti, sarà monopolio privato" , Filippi chiede l'Authority dei Trasporti . " con quello privato o si mangia la minestra o si salta la finestra. Chi ci rimette sono i cittadini delle isole minori, che non sono cittadini di serie B. Sono cittadini che hanno il diritto di avere buoni servizi per collegarsi con il continente». "
Che ne pensano il Presidente Rossi e l'On. Velo di Toremar ?
Message 23871 of 02/03/2011, 12:28
Origin: Gimmi Ori
08 Commission - Public Works - January 26, 2011 Interview
Tirrenia - Samuele Cafasso interview - the nineteenth century
Philippi: "Ferries, will be private monopoly"
Filippi calls for the Transportation Authority of and attacks the roped-Aponte-Honoré Grimaldi
"We face the risk of public lots: the center was wrong to refer the dossier Tirrenia, but the government is preparing to to make handsome profits for private with the money of the citizens. " Marco Filippi, senator, leader of the Democratic Party to the Transportation Commission sounds the alarm, the privatization of public ferries and asks the government to quickly enact the `Transport Authority," `the only way to protect citizens who will face a private monopoly. " Senator, privatization Tirrenia risks leaving a gap of some hundreds of millions in inheritance to the Special Commissioner Giancarlo D `Andrea.
"I read what was written by the nineteenth century: largely agrees with the analysis and, for the rest, I
has spurred a movement of 'bitterness. I see a past that does not pass, the old managers are ready to return to the field, private owners are ready to form an alliance to transform a market into a private monopoly. "
Tirrenia Alitalia is the `ba?
Dissent, Alitalia had failed. Tirrenia instead was meant to privatize completely distorting the display of the EU, which were rather clear. Allow me to summarize: to distinguish between market services and universal services,
provide them at the appropriation of a fee, to be allocated in a transparent manner, in Tirrenia, or any other company. We wanted to privatize when it `s no doctor's prescription so it would be appropriate that the state backward".
But actually living in Tirrenia utilities, the so-called universal service, and lines of the market. Why have not you offered to dispose of this latter
and hold the first public, non-profitable but essential for public service?
"It was what we said since the beginning. Then, when there is the market, a person is controller, which controls. "
How do you imagine this subject?
"A` Authority, that of transport. Navigation is one of the problems, but I think the same themes recur to the rail and aviation sectors. Where `s to protect the citizens than
private entities but must provide a public service, who can guarantee if not a third party? Look, I also say for motorway concessions: a 16-17 years from the privatization of the highways we do not know what the dealers have already invested, how and where to invest in the coming years. But there seems to be possible? "
Back on Tirrenia: because you have not answered the question you when you were in government?
"We have been in government a year and a half, if you allow me to smile: The problem is us who still have governed and badly - I admit it - or who has governed for eight years in the last ten? That said, the Transport Minister Sandro Bianchi proposed a lengthening of the time because la situazione era intricata. Noi non siamo contro le privatizzazioni: ma prima si liberalizza, dopo si privatizza . Qui invece si fa il contrario.
Nel caso di specie, poi, si trasforma una situazione comunque di mercato in un molto probabile monopolio privato. Prima almeno c`era la concorrenza tra Moby e Tirrenia su alcune linee, tra Gnv e Tirrenia su altre, tra Snav e Tirrenia su altre ancora. Ora questi soggetti privati hanno fatto cartello con Grimaldi Napoli per rilevare insieme i traghetti pubblici: cose così succedono solo in questo Paese. Noi abbiamo la responsabilità di non avere preso il toro per le corna, ok, ma questi al governo hanno fatto fare lauti guadagni a soggetti privati a spese dei cittadini, come dimostra Alitalia».
not have stalled because the unions were opposed, as opposed `s managing director Franco Pecorini?
"It was a situation that was scaling, what she says is true. C `s` was a transversality between administration,
vertices, the unions that went over. It is clear that when a CEO, while very good, resistant to 26 years
overcoming any kind of government, some reasonable suspicion is compared to the methods of management. But now we face a lot of public risk. Another thing. "
What happens now, in your opinion?
"We understand very well what happen. There's a big favorite subject for the purchase - Italian
navigation - that will play downwards to depreciate the value of the company. It 'clear that there is anyone who plays against the `public interest. What are we to think when the owners back together Aponte, Grimaldi, Honoré? This creates a private monopoly. `When there is
result, at least you can groped to change things, with the private or eat the soup or you miss the window. The losers are the citizens of the smaller islands, which are not nationals of series B. They are citizens who have the right to have good facilities to link with the mainland. "
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