A friend of mine once told me ...
A friend of mine once told me:
"I need love ...
this is the truth that most hate about myself.
I look around and see only people who think their ego.
their egos in all forms.
the works of the people as a reflection of their ego.
relations of people as a reflection of their ego.
their photos, their clothes, the reflection of their ego.
not want to live in a world so
... I am alone.
but not by nature.
just because we want to force us to give ourselves to each other.
I do it with strangers because I need to believe that this will return back to donate.
I need to believe that this will change something.
but I see only ego ego ego ego ego ego ego. struggle between ego.
the so-called beauty as a reflection of the ego.
freedom as a reflection of the ego.
items as a reflection of the ego.
knowledge as a reflection of the ego.
hate this. "
How much it reflected in these words ... I hate myself so much I, too, especially because I also have an ego, I just heartened by the fact that unlike most things I need to true, well and authentic. Even I need d 'love, we all need it. But there are those who choose to avoid or try to "fight" those cowardly many avoid it, and more are being prepared to abandon themselves to false pleasures of life. disgusting spregievole, squallido... non ho forse ragione? Si, sto criticando uno stile di vita ma non sto imponendo il mio. Mi chiedo soltanto se c'è ancora qualcuno che la pensa come me, mi basterebbero poche persone...mi sentirei rincuorata anche perchè non penso di essere la sola ad avere questa attitudine, sono sparite le persone forti e coraggiose pronte ad affrontare la vita? pronte a combattere fino all' ultimo respiro, piangere fino sentirsi morire dentro ma avere ancora la voglia di lottare, di rialzarsi, di guardare il cielo con determinazione, con la speranza che prima o poi tutto cambierà e i forti verranno ripagati. Perchè infine vincono sempre gli scorretti, i vigliacchi... Ma secondo me vincono apparentemente, secondo me non vivono pienamente every experience is a reliable choice. I wonder too much ... I wonder why continue to give so much and can not stop when I realize more and more people think only for himself, but I do my little part of this people and I hate myself for this, I will not be so and yet the bad that I caused all the disgust I feel for these people, and commands me to take the upper hand turning into revenge. I have an 'insatiable desire for revenge to the point that also causes problems, but I do not care, revenge satisfies me. Granted, there are the same as your behavior, cowardly people, but I realize that there are very close. I hurt those who hurt me, while I would like continue to do well despite all the evil that we find ourselves around every day .... but despite all my strength I can not, because I'm a fucking human shit, I'm not an android!
you who read this blog, if you find yourself in these words, do not hesitate to contact me are desperately seeking people who share this idea and would like to have it confirmed.
'Revenge always proceeds from the weakness of the soul, which is unable to endure the insults. "Francois de La Rochefoucauld
" I dare do anything that might be worthy of a man, who dares more is not. "
V for Vendetta
- Kelly Hilton -
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