Blunavy, what's the business? What does the future hold? There will still be the "third largest" of a single ship, first bought the old, now new hire, ferries to Elba? Increase
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Messaggio 24185 del 11.03.2011, 10:16
Provenienza: Cosmopoli marinara
Tra un Campari ed un caffè, si fanno i conti in tasca alla terza compagnia di navigazione
Certo che con i chiari di luna che si prospettano per la stagione turistica 2011 se dovessimo dare ascolto alle voci che si accavallano al Bar del Porto riportando i costi di noleggio della nave ACHAEOS , ci dovremmo but ask those who do the deal? which promises to surprise us next?
Here we go then these fans cost source of our doubts and our concerns about the future of this company which should have been, at least in price competitive with the other two companies that cross the channel.
ACHAEOS rental cost per day € 9,000.00 per month
€ 270,000.00 € 3,240,000.00
fuel + engine oil about a year to € 1,000,000.00.
in the rental cost is including the crew.
€ 4,240,000.00 TOTAL
Here are the accounts and willy-nilly at the moment, as he sang Leporello in Don Giovanni ... "my lady this is a list" so if the rumors circulating on the Porto match is made, someone must draw the conclusions and maybe some one else explain where is the company's business? Or do we think that there hatching .... cat?
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