Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Planes To Build A Dune Buggy

privatization, liberalization is different from the privatization / monopoly and cartel! We are eager to communicate that the region of Tuscany offers with the names of ten companies that are eligible to participate in the Invitation declassified Toremar! The Committee agrees Ferry Elba Caro- with friends in the Gulf of Naples: "It all started with a deliberate misrepresentation of the Community the wording and the concept of market liberalization that it supports. Liberalisation is not the same as privatization and the imposition of the latter is not in EEC Regulation 3577/92, which regulates the subject in Europe. In fact it speaks a language opposed to the privatization / monopolization, is said to lift the restriction on freedom to provide services in the field of maritime transport, and public service contracts service obligations on a non-discriminatory and, where there are stringent conditions and in the presence of insufficient market, it is also possible soluzione in house da parte delle Regioni per effettuare servizi di cabotaggio purché nell’ ambito territoriale di competenza. La verità è che nessuno ha voluto disturbare il “ manovratore” . "

liberalization is different from the privatization / monopolisation and sign!
Message 23593 of 2/23/2011, 10:33

Source: Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
Pending the Region of Tuscany offers communicates with the names of the ten companies that are eligible to participate Call Toremar to express satisfaction with the birth and the commitment of Tuscany navigation may, at our. opinion, become the second-or third-shipping company in the near future (with Moby-Toremar Blunavy) as the favorite to take over for us Toremar with the obligation of the Tuscany Region of fleet renewal with 70 points to 100 and Moby Lines (major national and international companies with budgets of around 500 million €, which is already on the Elbe with a fleet far more than the old Toremar) propose that surely seven ships and a new hydrofoil.
In any case would not change much even if it were a private owner to take over second Toremar, saw what happened in Sardinia, with departures from Northern Italy of only three companies have raised prices an average of 66 to 100% for the summer 2011, Tirrenia ago when tickets only until May 31, 2011, Elba also here we found increases of € 2 per passenger, not a resident of Moby in January and now customers have also seen an increase of 50 cents per passenger and for the car even by Blunavy, 09.80 and 29.70 non-resident passengers the car is not established, it decreased the difference Toremar to 30 cents per passenger and 36 per car (one car and 2 people in less than 96 cents), there is' the excuse of higher prices of fuel but then when you fall, prices will fall? .
Who remembers when 70 years with the involvement of the owner Lauro Navarma the headquarters moved to Naples and then later split the ferries and hydrofoils to Onorato Achille Lauro Agostino (Alibastia, Aligiglio, Alielba, Alicorsica)? The Committee
Caro-Elba Ferries agrees with the friends of the Gulf of Naples:
"It all started with a deliberate misinterpretation of the wording Community and the concept of market liberalization that it supports. The liberalization is different from privatization and the imposition of the latter is not in the EEC Regulation 3577/92, which regulates the subject in Europe. In fact it speaks a language opposed to the privatization / monopolization, is said to lift the restriction on freedom to provide services in the field of maritime transport, service contracts and public service obligations on a non-discriminatory and, where there are stringent conditions and in the presence of insufficient market, it is also possible the solution in-house by the Regions to carry out cabotage services provided in the 'territorial di competenza. La verità è che nessuno ha voluto disturbare il “ manovratore” . "
Siamo curiosi di vedere cosa farà l'osservatorio " Ceccobao " della Regione Toscana sui futuri prezzi Toremar , regione di centrosinistra che non ha ritenuto di gestire in house nemmeno una parte dei soli servizi pubblici essenziali attualmente offerti dalla Toremar a cui va aggiunto l’approvvigionamento dei beni di prima necessità ( alimentari e combustibili ) e i rifiuti .
Comitato Elba Caro-Traghetti


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