this really nice post, so I would like to express my opinion ...
So first of all, the webcelebrity in my opinion should not be generalized (as well as persons, but details) because even though we are all similar and we have many things in common between us we can be totally different, each in its own way is a webcelebrity or cmq us are many ways to be as you wrote it too. We imitate a bit 'between us, but it happens even among the true VIP (lady gaga - madonna example) and the look, the thought that the "modalities". So, generally what I have noticed is that we have almost all the "artistic side" more or less developed (it perhaps bud, scimione and high heels ...) or at least we are creative and we like to express our creativity to others even if most of the time is never included. As for me (and few other people about "popular" on the internet) although I am always labeled as a moron, stupid, sucker, duck, bitch, frivolous, and so on and so forth I have been able to draw some 'advantage not only selling diamond pendants were very popular a few years ago because everyone wanted to emulate the style scene, but I had benefits for various concerts of Dari (and those like me, you're not a trivial matter) or cmq known people "just "and I had the 'opportunity to prove the ONLY 14-16' and experience the thrill di essere sulla strada "giusta", di provare cosa vuol dire essere veramente poco, ma poco "famosa". Io lo uso come mezzo, perchè non ho ancora la possibilità di provarci con i vari casting e scuole vista la mia giovane età e altri motivi, per cui per questo motivo mi impegno molto o cmq sono sempre presente sul web, per me è come se tutto fosse alla mia portata di mano, è come se avessi tutte le carte vincenti e devo solo scoprirle dando il meglio di me, e prima o poi finita la scuola cominciare a percorrere la mia vera e propria strada (per chi non l' avesse capito io voglio diventare una designer, un' icona, vorrei essere una rivoluzione). Essere una webcelebrity è anche un gioco, un evadare dalla monotonia e anche se subisco many, many negative consequences because of that I continue because I cmq also many people who support me and appreciate me. This does not happen for everyone and not everyone can go head-on, everyone knows to say "I do not care of your critics and say" I can not see even "I see them, feel them and subisco and yet not I surrender, this is for me not to care. I've seen people cry, get depressed and feel bad about a bad reputazioen on the Internet. I've always had a very bad reputation is on the Internet than in real life because no one could fit into a context that was always different, the isolated, that strange ... that nasty, that sucker but I think it is no coincidence that the most great geniuses of history have always been put on the cross, the stake or beheaded by the mass stupid and ignorant, they had to die because they said the truth, because they were considered crazy ... but it is thanks to them we now know all this thanks to the insane. I will not be a genius but certainly during my journey on the internet I have met many people who were able to really appreciate any age and do not talk about leccaculo different.
's not really true that you deceive yourself to be famous, I do not think certainly famous in the real sense of the word, it was famous in its own small, it is popular among young people for good or evil, and everywhere you go you always has the advantage of meeting someone who knows us and can be useful, ovvio che quando giri normalmente per strada può capitare che qualcuno ti fermi (a me capita soprattutto ai concerti o in discoteca) ma non è nulla di che, mi è capitato anche di gente che voleva foto assieme o adirittura autografi e mi ha fatto molto piacere ma non me ne vanto per niente, in genere ammetto che mi vanto di più per il fatto di aver guadagnato dei soldi e per il fatto che ovunque vado bene o male c'è qualcuno che vuole conoscermi e che sa chi sono io. Chi è una webcelebriy soffre di solitudine: si è vero questa è una cosa che ci accomuna un po' tutti, penso proprio perchè siamo tutti strani, ognuno nel proprio modo... e non ditemi che non è vero. Io per esempio ammetto di essere sola ed è una condizione come disse pure lady gaga di artista, tutti gli artisti sono solitari. Io a volte sono sola per scelta, perchè preferisco veramente starmene sola e vivere nel mio mondo a volte invece ammetto che mi pesa e vorrei qualcuno al mio fianco (sia in senso amoroso che amichevole) o cmq vorrei essere meno sola ma vedo che il contesto in cui vivo non è adatto a me e di conseguenza aspetto di andarmene, probabilmente se fossi stata di Milano non sarebbe stato così...anche se penso sarei stata comunque solitaria perchè sta nella mia natura. Le webcelebrity in genere sviluppano un grande disprezzo verso le persone e alcune parlano come se fossero onnipotenti: per quanto riguarda me io si, delle volte me la tiro ma spesso divento anche molto volgare mentre rispondo a tono if you touch "some buttons" in general but like I said I do not care in the sense that I do not give up and do not change even if some do not go well. I think sometimes we take too seriously the Internet, in my video I talked about this, unfortunately, not everyone is really on the Internet themselves and often, as we vent our thoughts and our creative ideas with the video or not, many think of to vent their anger, their problems and their repressed hatred for us not directly (for personal reasons, for example) on us because we expose cu short, we subirci the discomfort of these individuals who are most negatively commenting without a logical reason or envy of the time (because they too would like but can not a fare determinate cose che noi facciamo o siamo) o per cattiveria e ignoranza che non sanno apprezzare. Pochi commentano negativamente spiegando bene le ragioni senza troppa superbia e odio represso, io li ho sempre apprezzati molto e risposto educatamente anche se mi hanno offesa, perchè non si può pretendere di piacere a tutti, no?
Le webcelebrity secondo me sono tutte persone problematiche comunque, hanno tutte qualcosa che non va secondo e sono la prima a dire di essere completamente "andata" e non è cosa positiva per molte cose per altre invece lo è, come ho detto prima... per tutto ci sono dei pro e dei contro.
Secondo me però se fossi al posto di altre webcelebrity che magari vivono in città più grandi della mia, which are mature and can do what I do I should not use that much internet as a means: If I had the chance I'd be much less on the internet, if I had more opportunities but as I said before, for now I'm happy to use it as a means to achieve my dreams, goals ... What many people do not realize is that once you are exposed you're not going back, people will remember you, people know what to write and you can not pretend not to be taken for a ride, the largest stars are taken for a ride by the press and even by ordinary people or not?
I always look down but I never ever retire for this as many have done rather well, or have changed their being allowed to be something but I've never done! For this I have many fans. In my opinion, be a Webstar or webcelebrity is a good start for those who want to be part of the show as well as being a hobby or a way to escape from a reality that does not like to show the world our thoughts and our appearance! I am also appeared on television, but generally do not say almost never, I never competed with anyone and most of all I would like to expose my thoughts go there because they put me in the middle (you know what I mean) but apparently prefer to speak of another in that program ... mah. In any case, it changed my life and made me very happy, but it was still a 'good experience, I understood how television can influence people: after appearing on tv I even received proposals for engagement by some of my former "friends" who want to return "friends" and social networks clogged with notice. Pathetic but it works like this ... unfortunately. For me, being a webcelebrity is heavy indeed is pleasant with its downsides ... some are taken to have all eyes on him and to speak of himself and who is not constantly and as for me there are always managed unwittingly, part of me so my feature one day almost by accident is also reflected Web:) good story eh?? I hope not to have bored you. Actually I wanted to add
one thing, becoming a half "famous" I understand what are the people who really love me, a few, but there are and I know for sure because I have not been abandoned, while others are given to the heels of envy or fear to be disgraced / laughed at / etc set with me ...
be a short webcelebrity not everyone's cup there and I will give it all to become a celebrity and actually dare to do something that nobody has ever done, even if for now ... I do not know exactly what!
with <3 - Kelly Hilton -
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