Isola d'Elba , quale futuro dopo questo bando privatizzazione Toremar ? Sai cos'e' l'isola di Wight , é per noi l'isola di chi ha negli occhi il blu della gioventù !
The Isle of Wight is an island located on the south coast of England and off the coast of Southampton in the English Channel. It is a county of England. (District self-employed in Italy)
Its population is about 140,000 inhabitants with an area of \u200b\u200babout 381 km ².
The island has only one representative in the Parliament (now Andrew Turner) and for this reason is the electoral college with more voters in the United Kingdom.
Since the nineties, the debate focused on the goal of being recognized as a region distinct from organizations like the European Union, because of its relative poverty. One argument in favor of this special treatment is that poverty is masked in the statistics by the presence of many retirees and wealthy Britons who move to the island.
The main industry of the Isle of Wight is tourism, but the island has a strong agriculture, including sheep farming, dairy farming and crop land. I find it difficult to market products of the land outside the island to transport problems, but farmers have specialized in specialized cultures. That with their high value allow them to bear the costs of transport. One such area is the cultivation of greenhouse tomato and cucumber salad. The island has a growing season longer than the rest of Britain and this makes these crops.
Garlic thrives in Newchurch for many years and is also exported to France.
holidays centered on natural beauty, both for wildlife and for geology, are becoming an alternative to traditional holiday based on the life of the beach.
Tourism is still the largest industry of the island with some tourist attractions and sites listed below. In addition to the traditional tourist attractions on the island are being developed that provide rental walks or bike rides through panorama attraenti. Quasi ogni città o villaggio nell'isola ha alberghi, ostelli o campeggi. Al picco della stagione estiva l'isola è un importante meta per gite in autobus da tutto il Regno Unito ed il festival annuale dei camminatori riceve notevole interesse.
Un cartello avvisa gli automobilisti che sbarcano a Fishbourne che Island roads are different, please drive carefully (Le strade dell'Isola sono diverse, vi preghiamo di guidare con attenzione). È uno scherzo sulla cattiva qualità delle strade a causa della scarsa manutenzione fatta dall'amministrazione locale. Comunque lo scarso traffico, le strade silenziose e le basse velocità si fanno apprezzare al turista che arriva in vacanza.
The fare is relatively high for those traveling by car, but relatively low for those traveling without it. High costs of transport on the island ferries give silent streets, reduces the size of cars that circulate and ensures that only a minority clock with the mainland while maintaining the special connotation which the island. On the other hand, this is a limitation to economic growth and limits the access of residents to services (schools, hospitals and entertainment) present in Hampshire.
for next weekend, the ferry costs from a minimum of 20 pounds-23, 77 € to a maximum of 48.05 pounds-57, 11 € for a car and 2 people, with two companies Navigation carrying cars and passengers with similar prices, of course, otherwise there one that 'only a third to transport passengers with fast vehicles, the passenger is 10 pounds-11, 88 €.
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