"Privatization" Toremar, the "bunga-bunga" PD Toscano!
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Un frate
Messaggio 23003 del 09.02.2011, 00:05
Provenienza: Convento
Elbareport n.2525 di mercoledì 09 febbraio 2011
Traghetti, il bunga-bunga del PD toscano.
Ho letto, a metà tra il divertito e l’arrabbiato, la nota del Sig. Fratini che ha messo ulteriormente in risalto le contraddizioni della regione sul tema della partecipazione all’azionariato di vari enti o imprese talvolta di dubbio interesse pubblico alla luce del disinteresse ad un ruolo da protagonista nel futuro di Toremar.
Nella replica del Consigliere Regionale Tortolini, invece, non ho trovato nulla di divertente, mi sono soltanto arrabbiato.
Non riesco a capire questa demonizzazione dello statalismo che alberga nelle menti (?) di una vasta schiera di politici che, direttamente o indirettamente, fanno riferimento a modelli socio-economici alle cui fondamenta non si pone certamente la sacralità della proprietà privata.
Nella biografia del Consigliere, pubblicata sul sito della Regione Toscana, leggo who attended the Faculty of Political Sciences "Cesare Alfieri University of Florence (maybe not enough?). It is also said to be a careful reader of historical essays and economic sociology and here I wonder what the authors have encouraged those kind of thoughts that wildly opposed to the crystal clarity of the ideas expressed by Mr. Fratini.
The management of territorial continuity, the Tuscan PD has made a series of appalling own goal at all levels, starting from the regional summits up to the Port Authority, whose impartiality and transparency in the management of slot showed more than a weak point , if only for logical consistency (we have not forgotten the manner in which the third company has taken off).
If our attentive reader of historical essays and economic sociology will be dedicated to the reading of the Constitution of the Italian Republic, he learned, in Article 3 that: "It is the responsibility of the Republic to remove those obstacles of an economic and social well being, limiting the freedom and equality of citizens, prevent the full development of the human person and the effective participation of all workers in the political, economic and social development of the country. "
Since the Constitution is more in vogue when questioned by Berlusconi, at the cost of being out of fashion I want to analyze more than extrapolating words: It 's the duty of the Republic to remove economic obstacles that limit the equality of citizens. Dear
Tortolini, read well, economic obstacles. This means that "if thirty thousand citizens of the Italian Republic (the region of Tuscany), to interact with the rest of the nation (and region), they must overcome their condition of insularity, we must help them."
me how we are helping, do you explain to an anonymous citizen, and they wonder why the auditors did not ask him Elba, they have the VIP badge!
PS. The reflections are not exposed and do not want to have no political color. In case you would not believe however, give, keep in mind that to be shown to represent the people is not productive to insist on demonstrating the inability of others to shield more of their own, seek consensus and showing your good qualities will be rewarded (if exists). A Friar
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