Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Should My Cervix Feel Right Before Period

Elba, still dormant after the first increases the ferry, until Easter, 04.25.2011, May-June to early awakenings, long live the last minute! But what happens after the increases in Sardinia ferry in 2011, in view of the total privatization of Tirrenia and also that part will we be? Call Toremar

Caro-ferry : Skip the Italian La Maddalena J24



The news comes to us from the national secretariat:

Dear friends,

with great regret and sorrow that I inform you today in Milan, in

meeting of the board of the J24 class, it was decided to move the next

National Championship from La Maddalena Marina di Carrara (SP). We arrived in

this difficult decision after trying in every way, but to no avail,

to obtain an agreement with the Mobylines. Unfortunately there are only three

long months to establish contact with the Moby. Once again, the Sardinians are penalized

insularity "isolated island"

should be our motto!

The allocation of the National Championship in La Maddalena

was for me a source of great pride and a dream come true for someone like me, racing

more than twenty years on these wonderful boats. The projects and their preparations for this event

portend a great turnout, especially due to the beauty of the island

. This championship could unleash

great revival of the Class. I am truly sorry and sad, I hope to soon find

new incentives to go avanti.Cordiali greetings


President J24 Italy

The cancellation of the Italian J24 Maddalena is the first direct consequence of a problem that involves not only the sailors, but we all Sardinians and more: the increased cost of the ferries.

"To come to attend to Italian Maddalena J24 the ferry would have cost 1200 Euro!" Debuted Mariolino Fraietta, National President of the class. A prohibitive cost that led to the transfer of Italian from Sardinia to Tuscany, specifically in Marina di Carrara. Unfortunately, due to bureaucratic delays have not been able to achieve in a short time contact with the leaders of the Moby Lines and the class was forced to retreat sulla Toscana. “Abbiamo ricevuto la documentazione il 31 gennaio, ma comunque la risposta di Vincenzo è stata di voler partecipare concedendo il 30% sia sulle tratte Moby che su quelle Enermar. ” Dicono da Moby Lines a conferma sia del ritardo nella comunicazione sia della sensibilità di Vincenzo Onorato per l’argomento vela-Sardegna.

Da questo scenario risulta evidente quanto ancora una volta la piccola vela, quella dei piccoli budget, ne esca sconfitta e la preoccupazione degli organizzatori è rivolta ai prossimi eventi. Qualche esempio? L’italiano Laser SB3 quest’anno ad Alghero, l’europeo J24 sempre a Maddalena nel 2012 e la Coppa Primavela a Cagliari nel 2012. Ma a quest’ultima dovrebbe IVF mother think ... All this without mentioning what it will cost a season of any sailor Sardinian make four or five races in Italy or abroad.

Sailing Sardinia and friends write to Vincenzo Onorato:

Dear Vincent,

you write so that you will be able to return to La Maddalena in the Italian Championship for J24 which now seems to be competing in Marina di Carrara.

We saw you do a major discounts on your ferry for yachtsmen Sardinian we see you more sensitive to the problems of sailors Sardinian we saw "our" Roberto Pardini at the helm of one of your Rascals, especially we see you racing victoriously in Miami with "our" sponsorship on your RC44. So do not believe that you can be insensitive to the fact that a big race (it is at least for us) to go away from Sardinia.

do not believe that you can pretend nothing happened and, as a man of action as you are, we are sure you will not remain with our hands.

Caro-ferry tourists down by 25%

cancellations in hotel reservations and camping

Against inflation rates down the field in the province of Cagliari, announcing: "We denounce the company."

Caro Ferry, tourism slump.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011, 14:18


the island of San Pietro is a fear of privatization will be. Hotels: reservations already declining

Dear ferry in peak tourism Rain cancellations because of the surge of prices

The increase in ferry fares is likely to deal a blow to tourism Sulcis: hoteliers denounce first wave of cancellations and calling upon the Province.

The season has not yet begun but cancellations sì. Colpa del caro trasporti annunciato. Con le tariffe che promettono di aumentare dal 60 al 100 per cento frotte di vacanzieri si sono affrettati a disdire le prenotazioni per l'estate prossima ventura. È il quadro allarmante che emerge dai resoconti degli operatori turistici del Sulcis fatti in un recente incontro con il presidente della Provincia Tore Cherchi. Ne è scaturito un comunicato in cui la Provincia chiede “regole certe per salvare il trasporto pubblico” , visto che “il primo allarme arriva dagli operatori turistici del territorio provinciale, che assistono impotenti alla massiccia disdetta delle prenotazioni per l'estate”.

I RINCARI Questo sarebbe «il primo prodotto dell'iter di privatizzazione della Tirrenia currently under way, 'says the provincial councilor for Transport Guido Vacca. With transport to the island in private hands, "if we do not establish clear rules is an assumption that rates will inevitably increase, discouraging tourists." Vacca then adds: "In our area, the effect of the increase in rates is greatly magnified, given the bad link with the airport and the ports of the island." But there is another component: the privatization of maritime transport is likely to have serious repercussions on the links with Carlisle, and risks to undermine the tourist capital of Sulcis.

cancellations Massimiliano Grosso, head tourist agency services Sant'Antioco, was the first to call for a meeting in the Province and said, "I realized that cancellations for travel, hotels and vacation homes have come to almost 50 percent compared to ' Last year, trying to figure out why, I collected data and evidence, all part of the rise of the shipping companies: on average you get 60 percent more expensive tickets, with peaks of 100 percent. " Two examples: Livorno-Olbia return, two adults and two children sleeper car and the last year (operator Moby) 250 €. This year: 1100 €. Genoa-Porto Torres round trips and passenger cars, sleeper, the last year: 136 €, the reservation This year: 295 €. As recalled by the commissioner Guido Vacca, in the province there is also another problem: "If we add the cumbersome and not well reasoned Saremar the privatization process, which currently handles the shipping for Carlisle, which was confirmed also by the acts undertaken by the Region these last days (acceleration of the privatization with majority stake to private), the picture of public transport in Sulcis Iglesiente gets really depressing. "

smaller islands and the island of San Pietro which moods? For now it seems that tourism is holding. Angelo Borghero consortium Rainbow-natural shopping center "there is a general malaise, but so far no negative figure during the period from July to August, of course everyone is asking if it controlled prices and also get a blow on the ferry would be a disaster for us. " Antonio Tusacciu (Hotel Hieracon) vice president of the hoteliers of Carlisle has no doubts: "The fall is heard. In January last year there were more demands, today there are days when you do not work, the meeting with the President of the Province has been positive, but the situation is critical. " For the Province, "the region should pay more attention to the transport sector avoiding unjustified increases so as harmful."


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