Toremar and ESA, other than privatization, why? The debts to the public and private to the flab?
We learn with regret that the press, the hydrofoil is dead again and do not understand why it is that much more old media always circulate regularly, performing due course maintenance.
We are also amazed from learning the press that unlike the privatization Toremar total, there will be total privatization in the waste sector, where you will have to read a single regional operator (as opposed to transport, which is mandatory liberalization with more transportation companies and even a single operator to 80% of shipping for the Elbe), but in this case will not be made an EU ban and will be a public company formed with the participation of all municipalities in the Tuscan coast (Costa Ato) and then again according to the law is sought a private partner for 40% of the shares and is expected to Elba:
"lower costs now paid for i rifiuti sui quali incide in maniera non secondaria il trasporto in nave della spazzatura " .
Sembra che qui non sia valida l'equazione :
i debiti al pubblico e la ciccia al privato .
Per il trasporto marittimo stante l'unica anticipazione letta sulla stampa del bando secretato Toremar dei 70 punti su 100 per il rinnovo della flotta , che andrĂ pagata , non si prevede certo una riduzione dei prezzi per agevolare la destagionalizzazione e l'allungamento della stagione , ma anzi degli ulteriori aumenti che sommandosi alle altre problematiche dell'isola ed avendo solo due Hotel a cinque stelle sull'isola ed un terzo in prevista costruzione ( dell'armatore della Moby ? ), It certainly will boost the tourism of quality, which certainly does not with the high price of transport to reach the goal , in fact see the protests and complaints to the increases in 2011 that there are ferries to Sardinia (Costa Smeralda) , which is also attainable by many more people, in contrast to the Elbe, with low-cost flights from 8 euros per person.
Committee Caro-Elba Ferries
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