Monday, December 6, 2010

How To Get Gas Top Up Card

Pet Therapy? Seize the moment!

In this case I can not help but think that the best bargains are always the same happen on the fly, like this morning at work, with the complicity of a pup just two months to live, breed of Jack Russell ! Forgive but do not remember his name ... In a short while I was waiting for his pazientino psychomotor therapy, in the waiting room I met a mom I've known for some time and that ultimately has the good habit to accompany your child at our center, in the company of the inseparable and adorable dog. Needless to say that every time there's a joy for anyone, I just can not resist the temptation and I ask you to be able to take the bundle into the arms of tenderness that does not stop licking his face and hands with gratitude .... But here
that enters my pazientino, I still have the dog in his arms, look at the situation, there is an exchange of glances between him and my mother, I greet him and ask him "Do you like dogs No?" Unexpectedly, I come first with a smile and eyes that shine and backsplash from the back, as is often criticized for its mood and the emotion in this case, the presence of a pup.
Child comportamentamentale has a problem, it never openly expresses his true emotions but unfortunately repeated crises of strong opposition and aggression in the family and the school does not have an adequate level of self-esteem, indeed .... Yet it is intelligent and has no problems cognitivi o psicomotori. Il suo problema principale è la relazione con l'ambiente degli adulti e qualche volta anche con i più piccoli, per es, con la sua sorellina di due anni.
Che faccio? Non mi è sembrato neanche vero che N. finalmente abbia sorriso in quel modo così luminoso e immediato....e come è nel mio carattrere istintivo e qualche volta pasticcione penso e dico a voce alta? "Che dici se lo portiamo in palestra e facciamo Terapia con la cagnolina?" Ma naturmante sto sottovalutando che devo avere l'autorizzazione dal responsabile....azzardo e busso alla sua porta.....tipo Fantozzi ma decisa nella mia richiesta spiego la situazione e l'esigenza di fare un tentativo terapeutico(sono pazza....ebbene lo ammetto....)e rivelo that years ago I took a course in Milan to specialize in Pet Terhapy and that if there were no problems .... in fact pull a "yes" and in less time than we say we are in the gym .... the three of us passionately! Indescribable
never forget the look of N., his talk and talk in a fluid and relaxed, bright .... groped her to play and get in touch with her all the time listening and following my simple directions, and finally I see most often in the eye without slipping away as is usually done everything runs smoothly if it were not for those damn 45 minutes that flew too fast .....
It 's time to say goodbye to the dog, accompanied by new and gently no more suspicious of his hand to caress her gently on its back, because I can remember for a while her hair soft ... but meanwhile I see him in a veil of melancholy that inevitable for posting ....
not abandon the idea of \u200b\u200brepeating the experience in a more structured and professional .... who knows, the better to seize the moment, you never know!
(Ps. the image is taken from the internet and a lot like our dog, one love!)


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