Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Fast Does A 150cc Buggy Go

And if it was just a mirror? Undressing the useless

Era un pomeriggio come tanti, mi sembra fosse un festivo, ecco che  Mister G, più o meno un anno fa mi dice col suo sorrisetto tipico di chi ha in mente qualcosa di nuovo e stimolante da proporre:" Sai dovresti aprire un blog!", segue una bella, rumorosa e un po' sguaiata risata, la mia naturalmente, mi succede quando non I can hold and feel the embarrassment that the redness starts to rise from the neck to my cheeks inflame absolutely helpless, with barely concealed indifference then I pretend to continue the conversation on other fronts, but on several occasions I have expressed my opinion that is, "No", but nothing to do ... because He resumed with greater emphasis: "Well? When you start? You would have many things to tell!", at which point I pause to look into his eyes and read the rest of its application in the expression of her face and in light of his gaze to snatch a possible secret, or what was for me in that request, but I did not understand and yet I'm asking ... Mah!
Yeah, but because I started to write and keep in life, with ups and downs this virtual space? In the meantime, I told my tormented "Yes!" Although there have been moments of doubt and sometimes emerge that slow motion and this oscillatory think / wonder / ask / search / fill and empty emotions and moods in a PC, where a keyboard and records everything impresses what flows in and out of me, all magically moves like a swing that drives me up as if to touch the sky to take your breath away and then from time to time, it slows down and stops to let me catch my breath and because the head turns to the excitement, dragging everything with it.
tell "Yes" o "No"? La mia idea era assolutamente negativa a riguardo e ora mi ritrovo che la totalità degli argomenti mi riguardano...naturalmente con le dovute cautele! La vita privata è sacra e come tale la proteggo.
Ecco che allora quando si affaccia l'idea di chiudere "bottega" riapro queste pagine rosa ed è come guardarsi allo specchio dove posso vedere le diverse angolature e prospettive del mio modo di essere e di pensare, sentire i sentimenti e ascoltarne le sfumature più dolci ma anche quelle più dure ,  aspre,   amare e  crudeli come la rabbia e l'inquietudine che nasce in me ogni volta che le ingiustizie prendono il sopravvento...
Questo specchio mi brings to mind what happens when we enter the dressing room of a store to measure quell'abitino that we love but, alas, makes us come to terms before a mirror, often too small and without false diplomacy and mercilessly reveals how we are really showing us the parts we love more than ourselves but also those that make us suffer a bit'.... We look at the front, side, back, quickly comes the verdict ..... reminds us that laziness and apathy in our body have fueled some of kilo quell'indumento too much for that, unfortunately, will return to dress the dummy in the window! Sigh ...
Then you could write endlessly about the process up and whether or not this medium as mirror to "see" themselves or not, to share thoughts, emotions but also stories and aphorisms with "friends" blogger, but really never seen or met that sometimes become as important as a handshake real or embrace a strong, warm and real in a moment of sadness or loss.
certainly prefer to think in this virtual mirror everything in reality is more complicated because of the express conditions and the frenzy that sweeps away the lives of everyone around me, so here I try to breathe much more air "light and less demanding, seemingly childish and vaguely fairytale because for the responsibilities and deadlines we already thought of every day life, and God only knows how intricate social and working to extricate the jungle! I thought about it a lot .... not the strategy of the ostrich that hides its head in the sand, far from it, this is my gym to train thoughts and rare moments of freedom and color my gray and make them less overwhelming, find thoughts alternative to fly with the fantasy in a world where this is allowed now.
And if the blog was also only a mirror? Well, I really like this mirror and so far I go to look inside, rummage, search and discover new things and apparently no one ends just never!


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