I want to be an Android, sorry but I'm a nerd.
©Andrea Romito Photography 2011 Edit by me
Al contrario di quello che può sembrare dalla mia apparenza da "city girl" nascondo un lato molto, ma molto strano (mi dicono) per un ragazza: la passione per l' informatica, i videogames e la tecnologia in generale. Fin da bambina, lo ero lo sono sempre stata, anche se fino all' età di 13 anni avevo molta paura del web ma inspiegabilmente dalla paura di caricare una foto, influenzata da ciò che dicevano in tv e ci dicono tuttora (pervertiti, stalker ecc), sono diventata tutto il contrario. Ho una vera e propria vita basata su un portatile e un modem, è da molto che volevo scrivere questo post and will be very long, I warn you. They say it is bad thing, they say that's not good to stay too long at the pc, they say it hurts to look at and to many other things, they say it's no good hiding behind a monitor, they say that you may prefer an artificial world, unreal , virtual to the real world and imperfect. They say you can not prefer one machine to a real person, yet I l 'I did, and I do it every day ... and this is what worries me. Nor is it a short time but I do it but for years and not a few, even before it became popular to shut myself in my own hand and forfeit the wonderful world of video games, specifically plastation 2: from Tomb Raider Devil May Cry (my favorite) to be Pac-Man at Dance Dance Revolution. I remember one day, I was about 10 years and I was with those who at the time were my friends, my old friends and I was so annoyed to spend time with them that even if they were my friends and I really enjoyed it ( I will never forget all the past games and all the laughs, especially during the 'summer ...) I decided to go home to turn on the play, because already at that time I did not like my reality ... I needed to detachment, live in a different dimension, because I felt and still feel that the size where I live is not mine, can not adapt. It is not good, I know. With the passage of time ho capito che forse ho una parte di me molto Nerd e non per moda, assolutamente, c'è chi se ne vanta perchè per alcune persone è figo essere nerd... non saprei rispondere, ci sono pro e contro. Non sono di certo una Nerd studiosa, però in generale i ragazzi si sorprendono molto che con me si può parlare di modifiche alla Play, di Sistemi Operativi, di Firmware, di Malware di Crack, di codici html/css ecc. Il bello è che la cosa piace. Però non si chiedono davvero il perchè di tutto questo... l' hobby, passione o interesse che ho per l' informatica credo sia malsano. Più avanti andavo con gli anni e più mi ci fissavo, soprattutto in questi ultimi 3 anni... ero e sono ancora arrivata al punto di preferire PC people. It gives me more satisfaction, I went out with useless people that do not interest me at all, which could not and could not meet, until I said to myself: who am I doing this? and this explains the fact that they are often online. I tried to find people that are interested but I've found a few, most of distant, but the few I try to narrow tenermele. Damn Internet, how many broken hearts! Thanks to the Internet we can never be satisfied and, consequently, to be always looking for better people with whom you are better than those found around ... again there are pros and cons. I wonder though, maybe I'm wrong? are superficial? are pessimistic? I think that this is due to too many disappointments that I have received from people I've lost my best friend and I lost the magic of 'love. I loved with my whole being that even if people imagined. In my family I can not find what I need and do not even try, hard to explain. I am always more disappointed, distressed, embittered by the reality that surrounds us can not really make it so disgusting, so disgusting that the only good things are lost in value in comparison to all this misery, falsehood and hypocrisy. For this reason I need to isolate myself in my size artificial cybernetics, virtual and recently to make matters worse deny to be human even if physically they are, I can not be human, I do not do so disgusting, I do not belong to this crap and I'll never part. They told me that I'm beginning to be misanthropic, we want to deny being human. If in the near future we will be able to transfer his soul to a body mechanic I will. If in the near future we will be able to turn into a real computer I'll do, I'll upgrade to avoid having too many bugs to become the best. Humans are too full of bugs, which suck. If you do not happen to me ever such a thing but I remember that the meaning of my life is always to become a better person and live with the satisfaction of being able to move forward in a more just, brave and probably more difficult to fight forever and never give up. Never take the easy way in which all are tempted, do not never will begin to take drugs not surprising place to see how things are: of course we can say that I realize this concept with virtual reality but it is not so. It is not a real drug, because the reality I see, however, say that while the drugs do not.
will start to not get drunk every Saturday night for the crap that does not think this world is not too simple and useless for my being. This they do the stupid, and I Unfortunately, these concepts are anything but stupid. Had I not feel stupid every day 's terrible suffering to see and realize How long bad life ... that even if you everything is fine, always missing something, and then turn into a terrible hell stormy. Much to everyone sooner or later "falls upon the world" only that someone stands up and fights, whoever is stupid and not realize it, who denies the illusion that life is a fairy tale or who does not think drinking / drugs. For me it is ... so why deny being human even if the 'artificiality itself was created by humans, from humans to definitely special, smart and special ... that probably deserve my stima e il mio rispetto. Di conseguenza mi rifugio in questa dimensione di formati e http, di link e di homepage, di email e di emoticons. Ma non si tratta di vigliaccheria, si tratta di una vera e propria alternativa. Voi dite che io non ho una vita, che non ho amici. Ma voi avete mai considerato le persone che ritente "amici"? bene consideratele e FORSE ma FORSE se siete abbastanza realisti vi renderete conto perchè io ho presto questa via, forse la più difficile pur di non coprirmi di falsità, menzogna e illusione. Voi non vivete meglio, vivete la favola DISNEY che vi hanno imposto obbligatoriamente da piccoli, ma io sono cresciuta con Galaxy Express e la vivo un pochino , diversamente. Un giorno qualcuno di voi mi capirà. Peccato che ho dovuto maturare in fretta perchè la mia vita me l' ha imposto, il destino ha voluto farmi del male e rendermi subito conto di tutte queste belle cose...
Recentemente ho riscoperto i Vocaloid e come avete notato, mi piacciono davvero molto. Ma musica aparte, è proprio il fatto che non sono persone reali che mi piace: sono immagini, prive di cuore e materia, ologrammi che si muovono e cantano attraverso un sintetizzatore... tutto ciò è magnifico, vorrei essere io stessa un Vocaloid. Non soffrirei e sarei un' icona musicale... che cosa potrebbe esserci di meglio? Non vedrei ogni giorno lo schifo che mi circonda, non saprei nemmeno di esistere. Ma per I now limit myself to the persocom , the 'single android in the world that experiences feelings, which manages more than to love a human, programmed to love only "just for me" and to devote all of herself to' only person who loves ... although lately I feel infected by some weird malware will not let me hear more of the pulse of my heart. Where once I felt the heartbreak I feel the heart-covered circuit, USB and LAN. A half, a component of my system is no longer the 'primary input of my existence. Seems to have stuck, I do not feel the same. Some say that is the result of too much pain ... I lost the magic of everything ... for those who can not understand what I write, it will seem very strange and certainly all see that they are very presumptuous, but not so for me it really is.
I've heard that humans are programmed to cheat, I did not.
I've heard that humans are programmed to procreate as much as possible, I do not I miss the whole of the maternal instinct and do not want to put other creatures in the world destined to suffer: I want to help people live better has already been destined to live here.
I've heard that humans are programmed to love, I love you more and I see only hate, suffering and resentment.
I've heard that humans are programmed to make peace, I I see only war.
I often felt an 'alien in the eyes of all, I often felt like a fish out of' water, I always feel cheated by everyone, I've always felt misunderstood by all ... but if this means have the opportunity to be better, and artificial perfect.
Well now in addition to being Kelly Hilton, I'll have a real alter ego digital, cybernetic and artificial I present to you ...
ANDROID Megurine Kelly ~ ~ Kelly Pinknoise
Sama ~ consider my real person, real name Hilton as the name because I deny that I had before is a result of my personality is real and virtual, and of course my signature. Kelly is my Megurine instead android.
For the uninitiated is an android: an artificial being, a robot with human form (the term derives from the greek aner, andros, "man", and thus can be translated "in the form of man") in this particular sci-fi imagination. In some cases it may be indistinguishable from human android. It differs from the cyborg, which consists of biological parts as well as artificial (source: Wikipedia)
Certainly if anything will become even really an android will not be happy anyway, but at least I will not be human. I feel too much contempt for it? Surely someone will think, but hope to have and meet the best people? to have a better life? Sure It 's got, and how if the' I have but it is very difficult to find other androids. They told me that at my age (16 almost 17) and you can not stand living like this, which is not good and right thing. They say I should be carefree, enjoying life for what it is, one that offers live life as it is. I wonder why I can not do that .... because I can not even give me someone who does not love you. But I no longer feel the need to love and not me who does it. There must be a mistake, something has crashed. I am no longer a persocom : (I have Persocom identical to the PC except for the fact that they have human forms. Can be used to accumulate data, to browse the web, send emails etc.. Go solar but can also put under load. The only thing that differentiates them from a human being physically are the ears, ranging from the most strange, cables and plugs that are used to connect electronic devices such as PCs, screens, power sockets, or to exchange data with other Persocom . There are different brands but there are also those crafts. The location of the start button depends on the model. (Source: Wikipedia) I am now a android loveless for now. Someone help me fix this bug.
To Be Continued ...
- Kelly Hilton -
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