Sunday, January 30, 2011

Auxiliary Port Homemade

live with you, without you there is only ...

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helplessly hopeful but still expect you to grab my hand and never left it, waiting for you in my dreams where they are sure that they at least sometimes you can reach me my love, I have more certainty in dreams than in reality, I know you do not return my love, I know that never leaves me because I've already abandoned my love. Even while I wait in vain I dream of you, although I know now that you're not coming back ... But if you never leave my love with you I live without you there is only ...

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Please darling, do not forsake me, please love me my love, please ...
Please do not leave me my love I'm afraid to live without you, because you're part of me ... Please my love, do not let me run away in the arms of someone else that I do not import anything and I will try in vain your scent ... I beg you not love me plenty more, but if you leave me do it forever, just forever Your memory will remain indelible in my mind. Please my love, do not forget me, I feel squirm at the thought my heart ... I feel like dying without you. Oh my love do not leave more I beg you my love.

Two captions very deep for me, the description of what are the two photos ... made by chance, my deepest feelings in different people have searched but never found, screened and sometimes non-existent things that maybe only I saw.

- Kelly Hilton -

Great Wolf Lodge Grapevine

こっち 向い て Baby Baby ~ ~ Kocchi Muito

Konbanwa! After a while 'Upload a new video, after the World is Mine ( ), but this time when I decided to sing ... though actually I know you do not have great vocal abilities, I think I get by. Learn
Kocchi Muito Baby, a song in Japanese and stress in Japanese is not been easy at all, I prepared each day for more than a week el 'I have studied it thoroughly, and I'm quite pleased with the outcome.
Here's the video:

I decided to record a video singing this song because the text reflects me a lot, especially in this period, to a variety of people ...

Continuing Prendondomi Game All
I made me a liar, I mean a, Ok?
I want to do things they would say is All Around As
These Things What Things This Moment?

men and boys are all idiots
When You Thought A something dirty, right?
You are the type that does not tell lies, I Know
is clearly shown
Your Face Are You Ok?

no margin for maneuver Exception
like us that they never talk
Before You Go With Your Romantic way of speaking
You have correctly assessed the situation?
Aaaaa! You are so dense!

Hey, Come In And Look This Way Baby I'm serious
In This Moment
I Do not Want You To Say
leaving me along with my trembling lips
ATTRACTIVE AND I make you Prisoner
But it's time to quit!

I've always been a stubborn
are not honest, did not make
no way to I would have liked help

I had embraced a far Dall 'Yeah Right Start
Hey wait a minute! Do not make me

rusting In this mode Curse
There is not much atmosphere in this street
I do not want me thus leaving
And Then You left me Suspended
Wow! Taking responsibility

Hey Come on, look at this road
Baby I will not leave me Without telling
thus leaving
With these legs that I adore so much I made you my prisoner

So Do not avoid words that you do not have Never Arrive
Very Big Heart Goal

What you have me do? The
My heart has been fully engaged
It seems that I do not think much certainty
With You And All The Others

Hey look more
This Road Baby Do not make me
continues by saying that I do not care anymore Maybe I would not mind

take care of you
Uhm, Forget what I just said
Hey What? You have problem with that?

Well I noticed that it has pleased many people and there are those who just appreciate the effort to learn a song in Japanese <(^___^)> and it makes me really happy. Of course there will always be "divensori Japan-Japanese otaku 4ever fuck" that will break the boxes, but chissenfrega. I I love Miku, and I will continue to take inspiration from her every time I will be inspired ... doing wrong? Who knows, I'd say that I follow the fashion, the point is that as I follow the fashion ... does not follow anyone.

- Kelly Hilton -

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Chinese Double Happiness Symbol Rubber Stamp

Kelly Hilton (Barbra Streisand RMX) - Max Pirovano

Well what to say, Barbra Streisand has also influenced me LOL
Initially it seemed to me the usual song 4 money for the public "Truzzi, house "and so on and instead it is a real torment, I like it! So Max and I have decided to offer this remix, I love <3 Max Pirovano - Kelly Hilton by MaxPirovano

- Kelly Hilton -

Tay Du Ky 2003 Online

Home sweet home!

in my collection-this image (author Jacek Yerka) is one of those that make me crazy! A home ... the house, like the one you dreamed of as children, if there I think it makes me smile, enthusiasm, and certainly la fantasia non mancava...nel mio immaginario non esisteva la "casa-castello-o-villa-da-super-ricchi", a pensarci bene, mi sembra di ricordare che nei miei giochi simbolici che condividevo con le altre bambine come me e con le amichette del vicinato, c'era una casa fuori dal comune e da ogni schema, senza asfalto nero intorno e senza muri freddi e asettici o mattonelline bianche in ceramica, insomma la mia idea di "casa" è sempre stata fuori dal "normale" . Si finiva per progettare e costruire questa&nbsp; casa con pezzi di cartone e scatoloni, tendine riciclate, avanzi e ritagli di stoffa casalinghi, vecchi cuscinetti delle bambole e quant'altro che servivano per arredare il nostro rifugio-casa, ma dovevo Always ask permission to borrow and (supplication) of the various objects, to my mother ...
Those of us who has not played in childhood to the "construction" of your own home?
What a beauty!
Now that work with children find that smile inside of me and reflected in their feelings as they suggest "We design the home or build your dream home with what is in the psychomotor gym, I see a part of my child, "carefree" and walked away while I was playing small and cheeky ghosts, ethereal or real childhood fears and anxieties sent small (who knows why ....) from the adult world! In
"my" house I could protect myself from what overwhelmed me and I could finally unleash the imagination and fly high without fear of falling and hurting myself, I found my body boundaries and discovered my space-time, I could catch my rainbow-colored and made my real primal sounds and music, just as now as I look at the image of the post and captures the magic and poetry, now as then are still able to smell the scent of ripe wheat that it dazzles the sight with its yellow gold-and time becomes timeless charm ...
bad that in reality are still in search of "MIA" home ... you never stop ... and for you as it was your casa dei sogni ?

Monday, January 24, 2011

How Do You Play Multiplater In Poptropica

Love Pink Noise VS, FIGHT! I

Questo post è dedicato a una persona piuttosto speciale per me, una persona che può dire di avermi conosciuta fino in fondo, una persona con cui ho condiviso tanti momenti, tanti ricordi. Una persona che mi ha segnata profondamente, che mi ha modificata in un certo senso, una persona con cui sono stata davvero me stessa, con cui mi sono aperta totalmente, una persona a cui avrei donato il mio cuore, la mia anima e tutto il mio amore. Una persona che mi ha aiutata nei momenti difficili although wounded many times, a person who for once in my life gave me the security to be there always for me when needed, that if I had found him was in danger, if I needed him, this person for me there. A person who for the first time in my life gave me everything I needed, if only with a hug: never try nessunaltro emotions, emotions that can not be compared, too many feelings, too sweet and beautiful, too intense for me ... I feel close enough to me, as close as possible to me, to feel his warmth, his smell, his presence. In her arms I felt safe, I felt the desired good, I felt warm while I was shaking for the cold. This person was and perhaps still is, one of the most important to me, perhaps the most important in these respects. I'm fine with this person even though I'm sad, this person can make me feel good even if I'm wrong, this person in spite of everything I heard. This person even though he knew everything about me, even though he knew how important it was for me, maybe because of fear or selfishness made me hurt. This person I knew to be all that is in heaven 'hell, this person could manipulate my soul. This person has done me wrong in spite of everything, voluntarily or involuntarily, for my sake or his. Even if you loved me I was hurt terribly and I feel every day the pain comes from cicatrici non ancora guarite di queste ferite, perchè per me è inconcepibile. Non si può fare così male a una persona, non riesco a comprendere, il mio cuore non riesce ad accettare così tanto dolore, il mio cuore non riesce più a sopportare. Quella persona che per me era la più importante, quella con cui confidavo ogni mia paura, ogni mio dispiacere, ogni mio problema: proprio quella persona che sapeva tutto di me, che sapeva ogni mio minimo punto debole mi ha ferita proprio su di essi. Perchè mi chiedo, perchè, sarei stata disposta a dargli tutto il mio amore, ad amarlo fino a farmi del male, perchè purtroppo sono stata programmata per amare così...perchè mi chiedo, perchè? perchè un tradimento, a stab in the back by those who thought the most important person to me. I do not know a rational response, I respond in an intuitive way: it is my fault. It was my fault, I realized how important it was for me the person losing it, I realized how important it was for me to compare it with other people, the 'I knew what I was looking at data and what would probably be able to give me but I would not be realized I did not think so, not even the thought or imagined ... the facts have been shown, the situations and circumstances. If only I'd noticed before ... If only I had realized I would have avoided the first to suffer a lot, I think, and above all I would have avoided hurting. The problem is that despite my mistakes non fossero di certo poco importanti, non riesco a concepire perchè i torti da parte di questa persona sono a dir poco dolorosi da sopportare, dimenticare, cancellare. Non riesco a non pensare a tutto questo, sono mesi e mesi ormai che automaticamente il mio cervello ogni santo giorno pensa e ripensa al passato, ai ricordi, e io reagisco a tutto ciò come se fosse una tortura. Confronto questa persona con altre persone e vedo, sento, percepisco qualcosa di diverso, non è lui e io purtroppo, nonostante tutte le lacrime versate, il nervoso, la rabbia, la depressione, la malinconia, la delusione ho un atroce bisogno di lui, perchè seppur siamo in 8 miliardi di persone su questo pianeta io ho bisogno di lui, perchè nessuno è come lui. Nessuno.
Ci potranno essere persone migliori sicuramente, persone peggiori ovviamente... ma mai nessuno come lui, con nessuno potrà essere come con lui e sicuramente non presto troverò un' altra persona con cui proverò tutte queste emozioni, queste persone sono rare. Dicono di tenerci stretti chi ci fa stare bene e io ho sbagliato dall' inizio e continuo a pensarla così perchè è l' unica risposta che so darmi alla domanda "perchè tutto questo"? Lui si preoccupa e si preoccupava per me, lui infine nonostante tutto da quando è entrato a far parte della mia nei momenti più duri c'è stato, lui nonstante tutto mi vuole bene, mi voleva bene e me ne vorrà ancora io lo so, perchè lo so che lui c'è Again, he did not really ever leave me. He, however, is inexcusable, as I wish I could forgive, how I wish I could still fall in love with him, as I would like to end this torture and forget all the pain, as I would, as I would. But I can not, seem to be destined to suffer every day for everything. He abandoned me to my pain too many times, even pain caused by him. He hurt me too many times, he deceived me. In need of 'love and I lost him in' delusion and false hope, making me fool, making control of my need for affection, security and sweetness. From my terrible need of his embrace, his kiss and his presence, and I wrong. I'm not a wise, just an ordinary woman and I did not lose, I had no moderation, I can not forgive, there is nothing that strikes me more than the need for love. Dire need of love, because I was programmed like this? I can not betray, do not know to hurt first and then do only evil vindictive and evil people is that prosecutors probably involtario. Why are programmed in this way, because there are few people like me? Most do not, or seems to me? I see most people are completely different to me in these respects. Why? Why? Why?
Why ... Why did not understand, why do not you want me come ti volevo anche io. Perchè non mi sono accorta prima di tutto questo, perchè sono stata io per prima a essere egoista, perchè sono stata così stupida perchè? Perchè? Non sarebbe successo tutto questo, perchè amavo un' altra persona che in confronto a te non mi dava niente...perchè lo amavo così tanto. Perchè ero così annebbiata dall' amore platonico. Non è giusto. Eppure credo di non meritare tutto questo dolore perchè me ne sono resa conto presto degli errori fatti, perchè nonostante tutto io c'ero e non ero mai sparita e proprio quando ho cominciato a capire, ad apprezzare ogni cosa di te mi hai abbandonata. Mi guardo in giro e ogni cosa che vedo mi ricorda te, riguardo gli oggetti che mi hai given or that we bought together and think about every day and relive every memory like a daydream. I remember everything as if it were yesterday, but have been months and months, I remember even the words to songs in the background, words, feelings, as we were dressed. I remember everything, and each of those is a means of torture for me ...

I I remember everything, I remember that I live for ...
than 20 years and we do not credermo more in 'love.
This post is not a letter dedicated to that person, much less a lie to make you soften and you change your mind about me. This post is simply my desire to write down what happens to me and what gives me the 'inspiration to write. I am a bit ashamed 'to have written this post, try these feelings can not stand for someone who has hurt this way, it makes me ashamed, makes me feel stupid and grippy feel hatred for it. But writing helps me a lot, I like to write even though I had no talent for it (like the song too). I hope for nothing in writing this post though surely that person will read it, my heart is not at peace, is eternal conflict between forgiveness and anger, between the 'love el' from hate to love everything together and my eyes who would like to see again what they saw once ... in you. I've left a void. Although there are other people you mi manchi. Mi manchi. Mi manchi. Mi manchi. Nonostante ogni sofferenza, Mi manchi. Nonostante ogni mio dolore, Mi manchi. Nonostante il tuo continuo farmi del male, Mi manchi. Mi manchi. Mi manchi. Mi manchi. Mi manchi. Mi manchi.

Mi manchi.

P.S. Avete notato che questo post è scritto in rosa? Non è a caso, c'è una motivazione... ma che ho deciso di non rivelare.

- Kelly Hilton -

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Dog Lips Smacks At Night

million ideas all lead to certain death. Oh Stella

Ieri ho visto "Guida galattica per autostoppisti" un film abbastanza vecchiotto ma che nonostante il genere, non avevo mai visto... devo dire che è molto carino come film, ma mentre lo guardavo mi sono affezionata molto a un personaggio... Marvin l' androide paranoico <3 Mi rispecchio un sacco in ciò che dice, è impressionante... SONO IO! XD


Marvin:è meglio che sappiate che mi sento molto depresso.
Trillian: Beh, abbiamo qualcosa che ti terrà la mente impegnata.
Marvin: Non funzionerà, ho una mente terribilmente vasta.
Trillian: Sì, lo so, ma.... vogliamo che tu scenda nel compartimento d'ingresso numero 2 a prendere i clandestini e ce li porti qui.
Marvin: E basta? Non mi piacerà.
Trillian: Si beh... è la vita...
Marvin: La vita? non venitemi a parlare della vita...

Arthur Dent: Ma quella porta ha sospirato.
Marvin: Going it? all the doors in this spaceship is scheduled to have a joyful character and solar energy. Anyway we go, I have orders to go on deck
ah! go ahead ... I'm here with a brain the size of a planet and they ask me to go over the bridge. I call it a work glorifying? I would not say! Thank
Sirius Cybernetics society for creating robots with Arthur Dent

Marvin: real personality of the person. I'm a personality prototype, you immediately see it?

Arthur Dent: Marvin?
Marvin: I was talking to the onboard computer.
Arthur Dent: E. ..
Marvin: He hates me!

Arthur Dent: Marv have any idea?
Marvin: I have a million ideas: all lead to certain death.

Arthur Dent: So this is how it ends huh? I am alone on a dead planet with a manic depressive robot.
Marvin: And you think you have a problem? What would you do if you were the manic depressive robot?

I could calculate your chances of survival, but you would not like.

I have a suggestion, but I do not listen ... no one ever listens to me ...

encyclopedia galactic love in the chapter says it is too complicated to define. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy instead, on this love, says avoid it if possible.

- Kelly Hilton -

Friday, January 21, 2011

Why Won't Warcraft 3 Work

Old and new recipes ...

La scelta degli ingredienti in una ricetta, vecchia o nuova che sia, sono sempre di fondamentale importanza, così come lo sono le dosi, le quantità da misurare con misurini e bilancine, poi c'è la modalità per amalgamare il tutto senza fretta e ad arte, senza dimenticare di dare la precedenza ad alcuni per preparare la base e accogliere gli altri e rendere il tutto omogeneo e soffice al punto giusto e permettere un risultato finale degno di quel meticoloso lavoro.
Ogni ricetta ha i suoi segreti e ognuna richiede un impegno differente, persino la cottura non è mai uguale per tutte le ricette but requires a ingredient that is never mentioned in any book of culinary art, not even for sale in any shop or supermarket ... it 's Experience ...
It has revealed the words slowly and my thoughts are interposed between the keys of the pc while deciding which to choose and what to leave out this post by the weekend, what matters to invite you in my virtual living room?
After all, the recipe is very old, even ancient and yet is always current, new, modern, could be similar to that of an appetizer appetizing and palatable than preparing for an inviting dining room, or maybe a sweet soft and friable to accompany a tea break or a second major and substantial for discerning palates, everyone can choose what they like most.
But in all recipes Experience, without exceeding the amount and adding a touch of magic and genuinely spontaneous personality, which is essential to achieve a result worthy of consents and approvals, satisfaction and interest from those who decide to take part in. ..
course I played with words and ingredients, but only to a recipe more than any other is close to my heart, the community!
course Experience helps but not always we practice what we have available, but slowly I am becoming convinced that not only did I go wrong I always put in or take away some ingredients in my communication with people (close, distant, unattainable some ....), you should start ; maggiormante estimate their communication if you want to hear that others are ... are increasingly convinced that it takes too much heat and warmth on both sides to "grow" and let it rise to the communication made not only of words and phrases ...
Communications is a dish eaten in the company, at the cost of finding opinions, tastes different from ours, which can often create dissensions and growth personale, oltre che di confronto!
E' molto bello sentire dentro questa consapevolezza che cresce e diventa dorata e soffice come un buonissimo Pan di Spagna, dimenticavo di dirvi che l'artista che ha realizzato l'immagine è spagnolo, purtroppo ho perso il suo link e non so dirvi il suo nome...chissà che non si faccia vivo lui!
Un abbraccio affettuosissimo a chi mi segue e a chi sfoglia il mio blog, anche senza lasciare un commento o una traccia del proprio passaggio!!!

Folding Bed Mechanism

mother never leave you ... at least

Board ~ this song as background music while reading ~

I was alone, I saw tears come down from the black eyes and resting on his arms, I felt helpless, I was only defending me by my hair covered her face. I stared at the empty and waiting, but I do not know precisely what you expect ... I was shaking but I do not know if it was the cold or in pain. My hands were purple, my voice cold, my pale skin ... The contempt that I feel constantly throughout things around me to 'suddenly seemed to vanish slowly as something sweet, warm and gentle caressed me, reassured me and warmed me.
It was a wonderful feeling, were the rays of the star mother avvolegevano me and made me feel good, perhaps in the midst of this squalor, there is still something to appreciate the show and the wonderful feelings that can transmit nature. I felt loved by someone even if there was basically no one, but it was oh god. It was the Sun, the 'only thing in that moment, I heartened with his love. With the Sun every living being lives, the whole solar system is based on it, everything revolves around it. And 'all-powerful.
Those beams of light that warm mi sfioravano e mi ricoprivano per un momento mi hanno fatto sentire amata, ricoprivano me, notturna e vestita di nero, ma attirati dal loro opposto avevano deciso di farmi questo dono, forse per compassione.
Oh Stella madre non abbandonarmi, almeno tu...

- Kelly Hilton -

Monday, January 17, 2011

Vietnamese Soap Opera Movies Online


L'apatia (dal greco "a-pathos", letteralmente "senza emozione") è una riduzione dei comportamenti finalizzati, dovuta a mancanza di motivazione. Si distingue dalla depressione in quanto il paziente apatico non prova disagio per la sua condizione, mentre la depressione correla con stati ansiosi e provoca un tono negativo dell'umore che può arrivare fino al desiderio di morire.

condition characterized by a decrease or absence of any emotional reaction to situations and events of everyday life.

is expressed in the form of indifference, inertia or lack of physical reaction to situations that would normally generate interest or excitement, a reduction of targeted behaviors, a lack of initiative, a submission in the choices daily. The subject

apathetic limits the production of thoughts related to objectives, even to the point of neglecting himself, as well as showing serious signs of detachment from the environment that surrounds it, and try indifference and reluctance against any new experiences. But not necessarily because it depends heavily on the characteristics of the subject character.

The inability to express emotions is reflected in the apathetic person, reduced expression in voice, facial expression and gesture as well as a deterioration of sexual activity and nutrition.

If the subject is developing a form apathetic depressive symptoms listed above plus a psychomotor retardation, a pessimism an inclusive global hopelessness and low self-esteem.
(Source: Wikipedia)

Slowly I felt worn out, I was slowly destroying ... I felt pain, atrocious.
Now I feel a 'cruel indifference, as if I had used to all this ... It is as if the pain I had made her, as if to dominate me in all my reaction to any event. Lately say that I am more solar hate me, because in reality they are surrounded by a dark veil of resignation and sadness.
do not understand why I pretend to feel good involuntarily when my body tells me that my mind is sick.
I can not delete so much disappointment and pain, I can not really.
I feel I have become unable to prove the 'impulsive emotions I felt before: I do not feel anything more vigorously and fully as before.
I can not believe that he becomes yet, not the 'I decided I, but for the' umpteenth time is a consequence: "I am the result of what was done to me. It is the fundamental principle of the universe: every action has an equal and opposite reaction . is exactly the case.
But how do I get back as before? Who can get me back as before?
Just when my heart seems to react seconded by me, on his own without ever beating louder for love but only to beat a little faster then the nervousness subsided false feelings of well being that I inadvertently create. But not consciously manage everything and this scares me. How do I get back as before? I want to cry, I feel the anger in my veins, I feel butterflies in the stomach when someone keeps me in his arms and makes me feel the 'smell of her skin. Why do not happen anymore, why? Because that's all died down and locked by a fake feel good, why? And 'maybe a mechanism to preserve my body in pain? but why? I do not want to, at least I'd still be the same as always .... are no longer the same as always.
I can not forgive so much pain, disappointment and hurt so much.
I forgive, but inadvertently fail to love something does not allow me to do so. I want to cry, but probably ... I have exhausted all the tears at my disposal.

- Kelly Hilton -

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Wade Golliwog Figures Value Of

I want to be an Android, sorry but I'm a nerd.

©Andrea Romito Photography 2011 Edit by me

Al contrario di quello che può sembrare dalla mia apparenza da "city girl" nascondo un lato molto, ma molto strano (mi dicono) per un ragazza: la passione per l' informatica, i videogames e la tecnologia in generale. Fin da bambina, lo ero lo sono sempre stata, anche se fino all' età di 13 anni avevo molta paura del web ma inspiegabilmente dalla paura di caricare una foto, influenzata da ciò che dicevano in tv e ci dicono tuttora (pervertiti, stalker ecc), sono diventata tutto il contrario. Ho una vera e propria vita basata su un portatile e un modem, è da molto che volevo scrivere questo post and will be very long, I warn you. They say it is bad thing, they say that's not good to stay too long at the pc, they say it hurts to look at and to many other things, they say it's no good hiding behind a monitor, they say that you may prefer an artificial world, unreal , virtual to the real world and imperfect. They say you can not prefer one machine to a real person, yet I l 'I did, and I do it every day ... and this is what worries me. Nor is it a short time but I do it but for years and not a few, even before it became popular to shut myself in my own hand and forfeit the wonderful world of video games, specifically plastation 2: from Tomb Raider Devil May Cry (my favorite) to be Pac-Man at Dance Dance Revolution. I remember one day, I was about 10 years and I was with those who at the time were my friends, my old friends and I was so annoyed to spend time with them that even if they were my friends and I really enjoyed it ( I will never forget all the past games and all the laughs, especially during the 'summer ...) I decided to go home to turn on the play, because already at that time I did not like my reality ... I needed to detachment, live in a different dimension, because I felt and still feel that the size where I live is not mine, can not adapt. It is not good, I know. With the passage of time ho capito che forse ho una parte di me molto Nerd e non per moda, assolutamente, c'è chi se ne vanta perchè per alcune persone è figo essere nerd... non saprei rispondere, ci sono pro e contro. Non sono di certo una Nerd studiosa, però in generale i ragazzi si sorprendono molto che con me si può parlare di modifiche alla Play, di Sistemi Operativi, di Firmware, di Malware di Crack, di codici html/css ecc. Il bello è che la cosa piace. Però non si chiedono davvero il perchè di tutto questo... l' hobby, passione o interesse che ho per l' informatica credo sia malsano. Più avanti andavo con gli anni e più mi ci fissavo, soprattutto in questi ultimi 3 anni... ero e sono ancora arrivata al punto di preferire PC people. It gives me more satisfaction, I went out with useless people that do not interest me at all, which could not and could not meet, until I said to myself: who am I doing this? and this explains the fact that they are often online. I tried to find people that are interested but I've found a few, most of distant, but the few I try to narrow tenermele. Damn Internet, how many broken hearts! Thanks to the Internet we can never be satisfied and, consequently, to be always looking for better people with whom you are better than those found around ... again there are pros and cons. I wonder though, maybe I'm wrong? are superficial? are pessimistic? I think that this is due to too many disappointments that I have received from people I've lost my best friend and I lost the magic of 'love. I loved with my whole being that even if people imagined. In my family I can not find what I need and do not even try, hard to explain. I am always more disappointed, distressed, embittered by the reality that surrounds us can not really make it so disgusting, so disgusting that the only good things are lost in value in comparison to all this misery, falsehood and hypocrisy. For this reason I need to isolate myself in my size artificial cybernetics, virtual and recently to make matters worse deny to be human even if physically they are, I can not be human, I do not do so disgusting, I do not belong to this crap and I'll never part. They told me that I'm beginning to be misanthropic, we want to deny being human. If in the near future we will be able to transfer his soul to a body mechanic I will. If in the near future we will be able to turn into a real computer I'll do, I'll upgrade to avoid having too many bugs to become the best. Humans are too full of bugs, which suck. If you do not happen to me ever such a thing but I remember that the meaning of my life is always to become a better person and live with the satisfaction of being able to move forward in a more just, brave and probably more difficult to fight forever and never give up. Never take the easy way in which all are tempted, do not never will begin to take drugs not surprising place to see how things are: of course we can say that I realize this concept with virtual reality but it is not so. It is not a real drug, because the reality I see, however, say that while the drugs do not.
will start to not get drunk every Saturday night for the crap that does not think this world is not too simple and useless for my being. This they do the stupid, and I Unfortunately, these concepts are anything but stupid. Had I not feel stupid every day 's terrible suffering to see and realize How long bad life ... that even if you everything is fine, always missing something, and then turn into a terrible hell stormy. Much to everyone sooner or later "falls upon the world" only that someone stands up and fights, whoever is stupid and not realize it, who denies the illusion that life is a fairy tale or who does not think drinking / drugs. For me it is ... so why deny being human even if the 'artificiality itself was created by humans, from humans to definitely special, smart and special ... that probably deserve my stima e il mio rispetto. Di conseguenza mi rifugio in questa dimensione di formati e http, di link e di homepage, di email e di emoticons. Ma non si tratta di vigliaccheria, si tratta di una vera e propria alternativa. Voi dite che io non ho una vita, che non ho amici. Ma voi avete mai considerato le persone che ritente "amici"? bene consideratele e FORSE ma FORSE se siete abbastanza realisti vi renderete conto perchè io ho presto questa via, forse la più difficile pur di non coprirmi di falsità, menzogna e illusione. Voi non vivete meglio, vivete la favola DISNEY che vi hanno imposto obbligatoriamente da piccoli, ma io sono cresciuta con Galaxy Express e la vivo un pochino , diversamente. Un giorno qualcuno di voi mi capirà. Peccato che ho dovuto maturare in fretta perchè la mia vita me l' ha imposto, il destino ha voluto farmi del male e rendermi subito conto di tutte queste belle cose...
Recentemente ho riscoperto i Vocaloid e come avete notato, mi piacciono davvero molto. Ma musica aparte, è proprio il fatto che non sono persone reali che mi piace: sono immagini, prive di cuore e materia, ologrammi che si muovono e cantano attraverso un sintetizzatore... tutto ciò è magnifico, vorrei essere io stessa un Vocaloid. Non soffrirei e sarei un' icona musicale... che cosa potrebbe esserci di meglio? Non vedrei ogni giorno lo schifo che mi circonda, non saprei nemmeno di esistere. Ma per I now limit myself to the persocom , the 'single android in the world that experiences feelings, which manages more than to love a human, programmed to love only "just for me" and to devote all of herself to' only person who loves ... although lately I feel infected by some weird malware will not let me hear more of the pulse of my heart. Where once I felt the heartbreak I feel the heart-covered circuit, USB and LAN. A half, a component of my system is no longer the 'primary input of my existence. Seems to have stuck, I do not feel the same. Some say that is the result of too much pain ... I lost the magic of everything ... for those who can not understand what I write, it will seem very strange and certainly all see that they are very presumptuous, but not so for me it really is.

I've heard that humans are programmed to cheat, I did not.
I've heard that humans are programmed to procreate as much as possible, I do not I miss the whole of the maternal instinct and do not want to put other creatures in the world destined to suffer: I want to help people live better has already been destined to live here.
I've heard that humans are programmed to love, I love you more and I see only hate, suffering and resentment.
I've heard that humans are programmed to make peace, I I see only war.

I often felt an 'alien in the eyes of all, I often felt like a fish out of' water, I always feel cheated by everyone, I've always felt misunderstood by all ... but if this means have the opportunity to be better, and artificial perfect.

Well now in addition to being Kelly Hilton, I'll have a real alter ego digital, cybernetic and artificial I present to you ...

ANDROID Megurine Kelly ~ ~ Kelly Pinknoise
Sama ~
Hilton Kelly
consider my real person, real name Hilton as the name because I deny that I had before is a result of my personality is real and virtual, and of course my signature. Kelly is my Megurine instead android.
For the uninitiated is an android: an artificial being, a robot with human form (the term derives from the greek aner, andros, "man", and thus can be translated "in the form of man") in this particular sci-fi imagination. In some cases it may be indistinguishable from human android. It differs from the cyborg, which consists of biological parts as well as artificial (source: Wikipedia)
Certainly if anything will become even really an android will not be happy anyway, but at least I will not be human. I feel too much contempt for it? Surely someone will think, but hope to have and meet the best people? to have a better life? Sure It 's got, and how if the' I have but it is very difficult to find other androids. They told me that at my age (16 almost 17) and you can not stand living like this, which is not good and right thing. They say I should be carefree, enjoying life for what it is, one that offers live life as it is. I wonder why I can not do that .... because I can not even give me someone who does not love you. But I no longer feel the need to love and not me who does it. There must be a mistake, something has crashed. I am no longer a persocom : (I have Persocom identical to the PC except for the fact that they have human forms. Can be used to accumulate data, to browse the web, send emails etc.. Go solar but can also put under load. The only thing that differentiates them from a human being physically are the ears, ranging from the most strange, cables and plugs that are used to connect electronic devices such as PCs, screens, power sockets, or to exchange data with other Persocom . There are different brands but there are also those crafts. The location of the start button depends on the model. (Source: Wikipedia) I am now a android loveless for now. Someone help me fix this bug.

To Be Continued ...

- Kelly Hilton -

Saturday, January 15, 2011

What Does Rachem Mean In Hebrew

Password: recycle!

Grande , anche se avrei voluto pubblicare in versione extra large l'immagine di questo post(ma non there was!), because as in an equation in mathematics is also my great desire and willingness to recycle the accumulated stress in this last work week and more ...
happens and you can not steal as far as we undertake!
I bumped against my will against rubber walls in non-logical logic of various kinds and today I just want to take the train of imagination and splash out of reality, to go far away, as far away from everything and much more around me because the stress eventually poison the brain cells and petrify the heart and soul, makes your skin gray and clogs the pores!
choo-choo So .... ready .... start: go!
It starts, even giving birth to this race without a goal, without tickets and without luggage, the bus will be myself, nothing to pre- the inevitable attempt to travel fancy, I just want to make loud and cheerful, releasing puffs loads of flowers, fruits and colors instead of lead and toxins ... yeah, yeah .... lots of colors, ; soothing scents and fragrances similar to those of tasty cakes lost in the folds of my childhood memories but the memories preserved in time, bring me back to those sweet and expertly blended with almond paste e fiori d'arancio, li&nbsp; faceva la mia nonna materna, lei donna insostituibile nella mia vita di bambina prima e donna poi..., lei che per le feste e le ricorrenze importanti creava sempre qualcosa di speciale mentre rimanevo incantata a guardare le sue mani&nbsp; forti e importanti&nbsp; lavorare e unire con arte ogni cosa... mani segnate dalla fatica e dalla vita ,&nbsp;&nbsp; sapeva amalgamare magicamente gli ingredienti inebriandomi le narici di essenze preziose e io fantasticavo&nbsp; e immaginavo che fosse la mia fata uscita dai libri di favole per regalarmi gioia ed emozioni del cuore!&nbsp;
Grande, grande grande è la necessità di nuovo ossigeno e aria pulita al posto di quella inquinata e viziata dal contesto sociale e se volete anche familiare che ci costringe e ci comprime nella realtà togliendoci il respiro!
Ma scusate devo salutarvi, il mio treno sta per partire.....buon viaggio di fantasia anche a voi tutti!!!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Amana Dishwasher Won't Open

hear the echo ...

Si è soliti dire Scrivere nero su bianco , ma io da un pò di tempo&nbsp; penso che dovremo imparare&nbsp; anche ad Ascoltare nero su bianco , perchè non sempre ascoltiamo in modo pulito le frequenze e le sintonie delle parole che ci giungono da più parti perchè siamo sommersi dalle nostre priorità and preoccuppazioni, the time is never enough, then we are increasingly tired and weary ... more and more I realize how difficult and complicated the world of communication at the level of mere information or more "simply" Communicating become a pioneering utopian!
Writing, Reading, Speaking planets are all in the same universe (let the case!) Where we men / women / children / old people, all human thinking and reasoning (with some exceptions ...) , are nothing but often fragile and weak elements of a long and valuable chain of transmission, where those with greater ease of speech and of expression is the bread for his teeth and greater social privilege, for all the other man for himself.
However Communication between people is not always emerged victorious, even and especially when talking becomes a challenge to a duel and a comparison mutual listening, and almost never is heard (and not just with the ears) and take into account the emotions of the other / ae verbal expression becomes just a concert sounds more or less modulated, sometimes screaming like bursts of gunfire or whipped in the face. Then there are the
words and phrases spoken in half, "for your bene e non farti soffrire", sono&nbsp; sempre pacate e silenziose, calibrate, censurate, nascoste e protette all'interno del proprio mondo interiore, dove nessuno o pochi privilegiati hanno accesso, è un&nbsp; mondo rigorosamente chiuso in sè stesso, circondato da filo spinato, robusti muri e vecchi portoni che forse aspettano qualche robusta spallata di fiducia e amore per venire finalmente abbattuti e per vedere un pò di luce , respirare un'aria diversa e più leggera, più umana!
Scrivere come Leggere e Parlare implicano non solo doti intellettive e cognitive, sono convinta che bisogna saper giungere al cuore e all'anima delle persone, sia che si tratti di un adulto che di un bambino o un vecchio, di una persana "sana" o sofferente, bisogna poter suscitare un'emozione&nbsp; vera e forte che scuote dentro e fuori per capire di aver "Scritto/Letto/Parlato " di qualcosa per cui valeva la pena spendere energie e tempo, bisogna imparare a leggere non solo con gli occhi perchè la visione spesso è sfuocata e risulta parziale...spesso si è miopi o peggio ancora si è di indole astigmatica....
Ma tutto questo mio scrivere(molto ma molto minuscolo) per dirvi che talvolta mi sento lievemente stanca di parlare e scrivere cose sicuramente già dette e scritte e... annoiare , in realtà volevo solo dirvi che in questo periodo I like most hear the echo that comes from your thoughts and your virtual worlds, especially when I leave a comment in your post because I seem to impoverish the content, so I close this post by continuing to listen to positive feelings send me your words and gently accompany me in this virtual walk!
An affectionate hug all of you who follow me constantly and sympathy,
thank you thank you thank you! !

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Vegan Perfume Burberry

him for me ...

for me He was not just a blond forelock and a rainbow, then for me he was not just a 'picture. It was not one with which I was good to talk, was something more. Something that made me even more without saying anything, something that gave me more than just looking into his eyes and observing every detail observing everything about him ... and chemically sent me everything I needed without even realizing it. Probably I loved this ability in me to not even know the 'existence ... maybe.
I thought a lot of people ready to give part of their hearts giving me love and making niceties my heart, my void in my heart was filled but I was wrong. Not so ... too simple, it would be too easy, banal and obvious ... I already won.
I was convinced that people like me as much as possible they were the best people to be able to be close both in friendship and love that I'm wrong but is not so ... is random. It depends on a combination of things, situations. 'S appearance has deceived me with diplomacy and the similarity of something that I loved ... Naively I got carried away thinking it was the best thing for me and for my own good but it did not happen. I wonder why I need so much truth, I hate the lies and hate illusion.
There must be something magical, incomprehensible and absolutely when you feel your heart "filled" when you hear your heart overflow with love ... but what is it? Why is not the case with anyone like it? It 's true we are not machines.
It 's definitely something chemical that goes beyond thoughts, words and aspects, and above all too rarely happens to me.
They say it's hard to find someone who makes us feel good just by their presence, they say do not let go of who we can ...
He was not aware he had no idea ...
But he knew this and is aware of ... Do not ever abandon me
: (

- Kelly Hilton -

Monday, January 3, 2011

Starcraft Fishmaster 190cc


I decided to write here and then tell you what happened to me a few days ago, a brief history of an 'experience with a moral. I will not name for privacy, are a very respectful for certain things. Then start ...
2 years ago I knew a guy in Rome on Netlog, we exchanged contact MSN and so on from time to time we felt ... one of the many friendships that you make Online is a pleasant person with which to chat in his spare time, you grow fond of, etc. can intrigue. I was intrigued by this guy, that I'd like to meet him in person ... but not that much that is, if I met him ok well if not ... live the same here. Well the 'other day I wrote about Msn and told me that he would come to the town where I am now because he found the girl from them and that if I wanted I could meet him and all the way here ok. For me it was fine to me was pleased it is only in friendship with both the likelihood that something more could be born ... but never having seen, how could I know if I wanted only as a friend or something more? I am a consistent person, I do. After a while, 'he writes because he does not know whether to come to see his "girlfriend" (in quotes because the type in question was "boyfriend" virtually) to see it because it was presented to his parents and he hates those things, I will I responded, "Well, but your girlfriend can not say that comes with Friends? Can not lie to her? "And his answers seemed to be no, so guess what happened?? CI PROVO 'WITH ME, of course. He asked me if I was to appear with mine, if I wanted to go to Venice with him .. . and I when I was a bit 'well, a bit' shaken, a bit 'wrong but then I said to myself "well if you ask me would probably see me and that girl does not care that much" so I said "Well if you want I am, I do not know if only as a friend or something more but I am here" ... HOWEVER, 'he wanted to be sure to come up here for someone to flirt . But I as consistent as I be sure, maybe I saw it, I knew him and I did not like ... that are realistic and what the fuck oh. It could happen 's incontrario fact I said "50 to 50." He began to battered balls with romantic text messages and things like that but without success for abordar told him "listen, go to hell *****" but it was not out of malice as to why I bother the kids who want to stand with one foot in most shoes, and make a decision mona. Well, finally, the decision 'was taken, but doing too much cool, because I'm a bit' snubbed him because of his behavior as childish: "I do not think this story know, meet me bla bla bla" wanted to meet secretly by his "girlfriend" that he had not even seen, let us account. His decision then was to see his girlfriend and if I wanted, I could see a couple 'of hours before hidden from her. I refused and disgusted by this behavior and I told him absolutely not. So by adults, EDUCATION AND HONEST I preferred by me, do not see it and leave it at that little girl of 4 money (OPS sorry).
Well, I have seen in the meantime I have not thought about and I did more ... I rewrote until he swaggers and thinking cool, making the top and so on. Oh yes because I shot me ... then if one feels inferior to me to behave in this way, conditioned by his "girlfriend" because apparently I do not stand much just start tirarsela. Well dear
god (we write it in lower case, I do not believe in god) should not have done.
V for Vendetta was reincarnated in me at that moment, and how good it can be vindictive ... my mind had taken over. Mo
I did? I copied the conversazoni and messages under the photo where the two were together in question: D after arguing with the girl, he wrote to me "You suck."
OPS, do so disgusting? I said "what ever you;)" and stopped me on MSN.
Se era riuscito a dirmi un' affermazione tale voleva dire che li avevo fatti litigare, no? ;) LOL

Beh che dire, non ho perso niente... anzi direi che ho fatto solo bene.
Non è la prima volta che mi capitano situazioni simili...solo che sinceramente vista l' età del ragazzo (23 anni se non sbaglio) non me l' aspettavo. Credevo di avere a che fare con gente matura... non con gente che si perde ancora con queste minchiate...quindi faccio un appello: RAGAZZI, SE VI RISPECCHIATE NEL TIPO IN QUESTIONE... STATEMI ALLA LARGA CHE E' MEGLIO, SOPRATTUTTO PER VOI ;D

Voi non trovate patetico fidanzarsi attraverso Internet? Io non l' ho mai fatto, MAI...e di gente che ho conosciuto on Netlog and Facebook I've known a lot, but so much and despite being a nerd ... would never do that, that love is? E 'deserve to be called love? I do not think ... is fiction.
Child and pathetic fiction.

- Kelly Hilton -

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Ebay Rollerskates Second Hand

Welcome 2011, this year I really hope to change my life radically.
First I would get out of town where I live and where I go to school and move back to my hometown. This year I hope to make a real change in my life, start doing everything I always dreamed of, and commit myself to the utmost to reach all my goals ... which is not the most 'love, perhaps, fortunately. I am a bit 'and I feel very misanthropic resigned in recent times ... In fact, I do not want to consider a more "human" but of what, I'll talk soon.
At the start of each new year I always think so, that will change many things, which I will turn my life but so far much nothing has happened because of my young age ... But now, although still young, I almost 17 years and although in the end I still just do not want to stand around with my hands. I'm sick of the so called "normal life" is not for me, makes me tired the day and at night I wake up ... I think I'm done for vivermi night, vivermi the show here. Having said that I want to make a promise to myself THIS YEAR I HAVE TO MAKE MY LIFE BETTER AND DO EVERYTHING TO MAKE EVERYTHING FROM ME PRE.
list ... and now my list of things to do:


dedicate my life to a another useless human being does not make sense.
If a day comes someone like me, it is not considered a human being is another matter ...
but I see it very hard.

never gives up Even when everything goes to shit, even when there will be dark periods, those where no one sees ways' s output, never give up.
The fate put me constantly challenged and if this dopottutto are still alive and I still want to fight, I'll do it again.
I have become a better person, I have to get better and better by learning from my mistakes and those of others ... this is my purpose in life, to be the best of all the crap that surrounds us every day ... be a drop of talent in a sea of \u200b\u200bambition .

LOL is convoluted, but makes sense.
"If I'd observed all the rules, I would not get anywhere." Exactly
what I meant.

too far I see the day when really find my prince, but sometimes I pretend that some people may be, I must not delude myself more, I no longer swayed by silly me phrases created by men for the chance to reproduce (in other words, bullshit like "I just want you" to make it to him so that from). If I will be given affection, good or true love from someone who can counter that is fine, but it will be only occasional, now there is no tomorrow ... nothing is forever, that's my philosophy of life. Will I hope not any more "period special "to anyone, they are all ready to stab behind when you least 'issues ... but I still have a small, faint hope that someone on this earth is not as bastard / a, I hope not to lose, given that this is the purpose of my life.
L 'I love dries up and does not allow me to dedicate my time to myself and my ambitions and it makes me feel bad, although I have to thank the' love because it is very often My deepest source of inspiration.

I know of no stronger person than me. It 'an almost impossible but I swear that the first person that I will support when it I will need me, only me. Unfortunately, sometimes unintentionally trying to support other people and I also very often when I find myself out alone in the midst of many people I feel like looking for someone who loves me and I feel playful eyes ... But I learned that in those moments there is no better person if I can cheer myself. Finally, because even if I try to support other people, that I have always pulled me up ... But I do not know how I can and I'll ALWAYS . Because it imparts, I live with the satisfaction of winning every battle that requires me life.

I do not know what I can observe these things to do, surely partly because, unfortunately, are still human and still be wrong.
But when my brain will turn into a hard drive with an operating system is different, the 'only thing we can do is a crash ...
but then there's always the 'hard formatting.
That said, I promise and swear solemnly that I will give it all, really.

- Kelly Hilton -