that will at year-end financial statements is usual, I found myself thinking towards time we devote to ourselves, little, much too much, or none, and how much love we put?
I hit a lot of the words of a great artist who was C. Chaplin ..., a poetry and a poignant call for change or modify the concept we have of ourselves, often negative and unloving ... hard and severe!
"When I started to really love me, I realized that the emotional suffering and pain are just a warning telling me not to live against my truth.
I now know that this is called AUTHENTICITY ' .
When I started to really love me, I realized how embarrassing to have someone want to impose my wishes, knowing that the time was not ripe and the person was not ready, even if that person was me.
I now know that this is called RESPECT FOR SE'STESSI. When I started to really love me, I want another life stopped and I realized that everything around me is an invitation to grow.
I now know that this is called MATURITY '.
When I started to really love me, I knew I always find myself at every opportunity in the right place at the right time and everything what happens is fine. Since then, I could feel comfortable.
I now know that this is called joie de vivre.
davero When I began to love me, I stopped to deprive me of my free time and to conceive grandiose plans for the future. Today I only do what gives me joy and fun, what I love and makes me laugh my way and with my pace.
I now know that this is called SINCERITY '.
When I started to really love me, I stopped wanting to be always right. And so I made fewer mistakes.
I now know that this is called SIMPLICITY '. When
I started to really love me, I refused to continue living in the past and worrying about my future. Now I live more in the present moment, where everything takes place. It 's my daily condition.
Today I know what it means LIVE HERE AND NOW.
When I started to really love me, I realized that my thoughts can make me miserable and sick. But when I summoned the energy of my heart, the intellect has become an important partner.
I now know that this is called WISDOM OF THE HEART.
When I started to really love me, I got rid of everything that I was good: food, people, things, situations and everything that pulled me down, away from myself ...
name was 'healthy selfishness "... but now I know this is LOVE IF'.
We must not continue to fear the contrasts, conflicts with ourselves and with others, because even the stars sometimes collide with each other, giving rise to new worlds.
Today I know that It is the THIS LIFE!
(Charles Chaplin on his 70 'birthday on 16/04/1959)
2011 Happy New Year to all, I wish you much love and serenity e. .. Time for yourself!
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